2. Turning Water into Wine Flashcards
- What Happened?
• Wedding took place at Cana, in the presence of Jesus, his mother and disciples
- Weddings in 1st century Palestine would last several days with the hose being expected to entertain guests. When wine runs out, guests are disappointed.
• Jesus’ mother (never called ‘Mary’ in John) asks JC to act
- Why did she do this? Some believe Mary was involved in organising…
- Bishop John Spong: proposes it was JC’s own wedding (mother’s responsibility to prepare food and drink). However, most teach that JC never married
• Jesus refers to her as ‘woman’: respectful but distant
- This fits John’s belief that he is the Word made Flesh and not an ordinary son
- Genesis
- Links to Genesis story of the Garden of Eden where Christ is the ‘new Adam’
- Sign takes place “on the third day” (which is when God created plants and fertility)
- Addressing Mary as “woman” links her to Eve.
- As mother of Christ, Mary is mother to a new perfect Creation just as Eve was mother to an old Fallen Creation .
- Wedding at Cana is a symbol of God’s new Creation or the joys of heaven.
- Crucifixion
- Scene links to crucifixion and resurrection
- The ‘hour’ that JC refers to is his hour of Glory on the cross where JC drinks bitter wine, declares “it is finished” and dies.
- This is the only other scene in John where Jesus’ mother is present and Jesus once again addresses her as “woman”
- On “the third day”, JC is raised from the dead
- This makes Wedding at Cana a symbol for JC’s passion and glorious resurrection (where disappointment turns into rejoicing)
- Symbolism of Water
- Jesus directs servants to serve water, which miraculously becomes wine
- Water was used for ceremonial washing by Jewish guests, so that they would be pure at the wedding.
- Water represents Jewish religion, which cleanses the body and does not touch the mind or soul.
- JC turn this into intoxicating wine (provides life-changing religious experience)
- “Fill the Jars”
- Tastes the wine and is amazed at its quality.
- He represents the spiritually blind Jews and Gentiles who are in darkness
- “the servants knew” because they represent the Christians who share the wine of Christian faith.
- Master of the Banquet
- Traditionally, good wine is served first and later on, inferior wine.
- However, JC says this quote to the groom.
- The wedding party symbolises the covenant between God and the Jewish People. Previous wine is the Law of Moses and earlier prophets
- The best wine that has been serves last is Jesus himself.
- “You have saved the best till now”
- Some would argue that the disciples had the wine hidden in the house and substitutes it for the water before it was served.
- Sign is a ‘spiritual theatre’ rather than a miracle.
- However, Jesus does not follow sign with a Discourse
- Jesus seems unwilling to perform the sign. (Messianic Secret)
- Implications
- Sign enacts the teaching “I am the True Vine”
- Jesus is the source of celebration and joy (Word of God is source of light)
- This is what Brown calls the Sapiental Theme.
- There is also a sacramental theme: there is no Last Supper in John so this scene establishes the concepts behind the Eucharist.
• This scene also shows Jesus enjoying himself at the wedding (God’s approval of marriage, sex and pleasure) (Important because Essenes were Celibate)
- Paul: Paul argues celibacy is preferable to married life.
- What Happened?
- Genesis
- Crucifixion
- Symbolism of Water
- “Fill the Jars”
- Masters of the Banquet
7 “You have saved the best till now” - Implications