2 trimestre-6B Flashcards
Solid eastern boundary between Asia & Europe
Urath Mountains
Low, rugged mountains that one extension of the Alps
One uof the largest peninsulas in Europe, extends south into the Mediterranian sea
Balkan Peninsula
River that begins in Germany and flow easter and 9 countries
River that flows south through western Russia to the Caspian sea.
Huge forest of evergreen trees that covers about half of Russia
Who is the Rus?
Vikings from Scandinhavia
The __________ form the center of Russia’n river network.
The _________ is one of the largest of these landforms in Europe.
Balcan Peninsula
Vikings named the _______ came to eastern Europe from Scandinava
Most modern geographers use the __________ as the solid eastern boundary between Asia and Europe
Ural Mountains
How is the weather in the Nort of Europe?
Cold, and winters are long
how is the winter in the interior plains?
The winter is cold, but in the summer are pleasant
What si the most important farming area in the Mediterranean?
The grass land
Russia was invaded by _________and later freed by Prince Ivan III
Mongol armies
_________ an important part in Russian daily life
Trade played
Who greatly influenced Russian culture.
Orthodox Christianity
Early Russians designed churches with __________
Multiples domos
Inside the domes of the churches there were mosaics and paintings called?
How were the icons?
Made of wood and showing figures from the bible
Who was Ivan III?
prince of Moscuuy
What is the CZAR?
Title of emperors in Russia
Are the small sates in Russia
Are the religious image or symbols painted in wood?
Russia’s economy was based on?
On the trade
After Diocletian divided the Roman Empire into coast and west, Constantinopla became in___________
your center
Constantinopla was a major trade route among__________, ______________ and ______________
European, Assian and africans
What do historians call the society than developed in the eastern Roman Empire?
Byzantine Empire
Who was the emperor who was the reunite the Roman Empire?
Who advised Justinian to solve the problems than give up the throne?
What are the picture made with thie pieces of colored stone glass known as?
Who became a prophet and introduced a religion called Islam in Arabia.
Muhammad’s teachings had similarities to ______ and _______, but they also presented new
Judaism and Christianity, but they also presented new
Islam spread in _______ after being rejected at first.
Arabia is mostly _________land
a desert
Two ways of life ________and_________ developed in the desert
nomadic and sedentary
sand dunes
What is the oasis?
The litlle water in the desert or wet and fertile litlle places in the desert
Whats desert cover large parts of Arabia?
How called Arabia, which means “Empty quarter” with sand dunes rise up to 800 ft
Ruball Khaly
Who introduce the religion called Islam?
Who is Muhammad?
A merchant from Mecca
What is the holy book of Islam.
The Qur’an
Along with the Qur’an, the Sunnah guides___________
Muslims’ lives.
What is teh based of the Islamic law?
Is based on the Qur’an and the Sunnah.
What is the name for the follower of Islam?
is called Muslim
True or false
For the muslim is only one God, is the monotheistic,
True, for muslim ther are one God, Allah.
True or false:
Muhammed said the rich and poors shoud be DIFFERENTES?
False, he said that rich and poor should be equals.
What is the Islam?
is a monotheistic religion centered on the Quran and the teachings of Muhammad.
Name 3 of 5 pilliars of Islam:
1.- There is no god, but God, and Muhuammed is his prophet.
2.-Praying five times a day.
3.-Giving to the poor and needy.
Name 3 of 5 pilliars of Islam:
4.-Fasting during the holy month of Ramadan.
5.-Traveling to mecca al least once on a Hajj
are 5 acts of workship required of all muslims?
Are the 5 pilliars of Islam
What is the Pilgrimage?
Is the journey to a sacred place.
What si the mosque?
Is a Building for Muslim prayer.
Is a name for a person who follows Islam?
Is a book sacred of Islam?
Is a place where people worship a saint or God?
What si the mean Jihad?
to make an effort or “to struggle”
Is the collection of actions or saying by Muhammad?
Who conquered many lands into which Islam slowly spread.
Muslim armies.
What helped Islam spread into new areas.
the trade
What resulted a mix of cultures was one result of _______
Islam’s spread.
What achievmentes are Islamic influence?
Encouraged the growth of cities.
Who is Abu Bakar?
is the 1st Caliph and unifique Arabia as a Muslimstate.
Is the highest leader.
What is the mean Tolerance for the muslims?
be patients and practice others no muslims customs.
Muslim scholars made advances in various fields of _____ and ______.
science and philosophy, and influenced styles of literature and the arts.
Decorative writing that become a Muslim art form is known as_______
The famous Sufi poet who wrote “The Rubayait” was_________
Omar Khayyam
People who helped sponsors the design and cosntructions of mosques in the Msulim Empires where knows as_____________
A narrow tower in a mosque from which Muslims are called to pray is called a
A movements os Islma that is based on the belief that one must have a personal relationship with God is know as___________
The great explores who traveled to Africa, India, China and Spain in the 1320s was__________
Ibn Batututah