2. The physical System: components in the physical system Flashcards
Mec- Hydr - Elec-fluid sensors–HMI’s
Examples of control hardware
Control hardware
- Embedded controllers
- industrial PC (iPC)
- ‘Smart’ drives
̶ Contains controllers in software
̶ Althought software is ‘virtual’, the control is
part of the Cyber-Physical System (CPS)
What do we mean with process and what with process end result?
Conclucions Physical Systems
What are the virtual sensors, and what is virtual sensing.
Virtual sensing = Combine **physical sensor with a model **to determine non-sensed values
̶ Virtual sensing can be considered an example of a Digital Twin, since it consists of a model fed with live data. Provides additional insight of otherwise unknown parameter (= Use case)
“Virtual Sensors are an example of a DT or DS”
What is Kalman Filter en when to use it
Kalman Filter
What is the state observer - Why do we want to decrease the error
The state observer is the estimation of the input or output of the system–because then the stimation will be more real to the variables you are measuring thats why we use the FEEDBACK CONTROLLER
Karman Filter
What is the optimal state measurement
When you combine the real output and the predicted. The product of this two outputs
What are the components of the eq of the karman filter equation.
3 components of the equation: A Posteriori Estimate = Predict (a priori)+ Updat. Two step proces, Prediction - Update, the update use the a priori states used in the prediction in order to get the a postreori state
So how does the Karman filter works, why is the kalman filter recursive
Because it only needs the estimated state and error covariance matrix from the precious time step and the current measurement
When you have a non linear system. This is the case when the resulting state distribution may not be Gaussian. And therefore, the Kalman filter algorithm may not converge.
Then you implement the EKF which linearizes the nonlinear function around the mean of the current state estimate. At each time step, the linearization is performed locally and the resulting Jacobian matrices are then used in the prediction and update states of the Kalman filter algorithm
Why do you need a Amplificator
Because the signal of your sensor has to be amplified or also depending on the signal you get out the sensor, other times you has to integrate
What is the DIGITAL DATA ACQUISITION proces, 5 steps
What are the analog filters
Digital and analog filters both take out unwanted noise or signal components, but filters work differently in the analog and digital domains. Analog filters will remove everything above or below a chosen cutoff frequency, whereas digital filters can be more precisely programmed
Analog filters are circuits made of analog components such as resistors, capacitors, inductors, and op amps
The continuously varying signals (analog signals) can be operated using passive linear electronic analog filters which are composed of passive elements such as resistors, capacitors, and inductors. These analogue filters are frequently used for allowing particular frequency components by rejecting other from analog or continuous time signals.
What are the high pass and low pass filter
High pass: An analog filter that removes all signals below a certain frequency is a high pass filter, because it lets pass everything higher than the cutoff frequency.
Low pass: Analog filters that remove signals above a certain frequency are called low pass filters because they let low frequency signals pass through the filter while blocking everything above the cutoff frequency.
The order means, when you are adding more filters
What is the cutoff frequency
Cutoff frequency (also known as corner frequency, or break frequency) is defined as a boundary in a system’s frequency response at which energy flowing through the system begins to be attenuated (reflected or reduced) rather than passing through.
The cutoff frequency or corner frequency in electronics is the frequency either above or below which the power output of a circuit, such as a line, amplifier, or electronic filter (e.g. a high pass filter) has fallen to a given proportion of the power in the passband
Most frequently this proportion is one-half the passband power, also referred to as the 3 dB point since a fall of 3 dB corresponds approximately to half power.