2. The Environment of Alternative Investments Flashcards
practice questions
What is the term for private management advisory firm that serves a group of related and ultra-high net worth investors?
Family office.
In a large financial services organisation, what is the name used to denote the people and processes that play a supportive role in the maintenance of accounts and information systems as well as in the clearance and settlement of trades?
Back office operations.
Are dealer banks described as buy-side or sell-side market participants?
Sell-side market participants. Making their research available to their clients and are more focused on facilitating transactions than on managing money.
List several advantages of Separately Managed Accounts (SMAs) relative to funds.
- a fund investor owns shares of a company (the fund) that in turn owns other investments whereas an SMA investor actually owns the invested assets as the owner on record.
- 2 A fund invests for the common purposes of multiple investors, while an SMA may have
objectives tailored to suit the specific needs of the investor, such as tax efficiency. - A fund is often opaque to its investors to promote confidentiality; an SMA offers
transparency to its investor. - Fund investors may suffer adverse consequences from redemptions (withdrawals)
and subscriptions (deposits) by other investors, but an SMA provides protection
from these liquidity issues for its only investor.
- fund structure may allow investors to have limited liability, the SMA format may allow losses to be greater than the capital contribution when leverage or derivates are used.
Which of the following participants is LEAST LIKELY to be classified as an outside service
provider to a fund: Arbitrageurs, accountants, auditors or attorneys?
List four major legal documents necessary for establishing and managing a hedge fund.
- Private-placement memoranda - formal descriptions of an investment opportunity that comply with federal securities regulations.
- partnership agreement - contract creating a partnership.
- subscription agreement - application submitted by an investor who desires to join a limited partnership.
- management company operating agreement - agreement between members related to a limited liability company and the conduct of its business as it pertains to the law.
What is systemic risk?
Systemic risk is the potential for economy-wide losses attributable to failures or concerns
over potential failures in financial markets, financial institutions, or major participants
What is the acronym for fund vehicles that are regulated and allow retail access of hedgefund-
like investment pools in the European Union?
UCITS (are investment funds regulated by the European Union). Allow retail access and marketing of hedge-fund-like investment pools.
In terms of financial regulation, what is the FCA?
Financial Conduct Authority – the primary regulator of financial services in the UK.
What is progressive taxation of income?
Progressive taxation places higher percentage taxation on individuals and corporations
with higher incomes.
Where does a plan sponsor fit in a business?
designated party, such as a company or an employer, that establishes a health care or retirement plan (pension) that has special legal or taxation status, such as a 401K retirement plan in the United States for employees.
is a fund bestowed on an individual or institution (e.g. a museum, university, hospital, or foundation) to be used by that entity for specific purposes and with principal preservation in mind.
Sovereign wealth funds:
state-owned investment funds held by that stat’s central bank for the purpose of future generations and/or to stabilise the state currency.
Private limited partnership:
business organisation that potentially offers the benefit of limited liability to the organisation’s limited partners (similar to that enjoyed by shareholders of corporations) but not to its general partners.
five private investment pools?
- Hedge funds
- Funds to funds
- Private equity funds
- Managed future funds
- Commodity Trading Advisors (CTAs)
Separately Managed Accounts (SMAs)
individual investment accounts offered by a brokerage firm and managed by independent investment management firms.
What is a mutual fund of 40 act?
registered investment pools offering their shareholders pro rata claims on the fund’s portfolio of assets. Mutual funds that offer their shares for sale to the public are known as “40 act” funds (1940).
Master Limited Partnerships: are publicly traded investment pools that are structured as limited partnerships and that offer their owners pro rata claims. MLPs are traded on major stock exchanges, but they have legal and tax structures similar to those of private limited partnerships.
3 Examples of large dealer banks:
- Goldman Sachs
- Deutsche Bank
- Barclays group
all these banks deal in securities and derivatives (OTC derivatives - Over The Counter).
Large dealer banks are often engaged in proprietary trading and brokering hedge funds.
Who takes part in proprietary trading?
Large dealer banks.
It occurs when a firm trades securities with its own money in order to make profit.
What side are brokers on between sell or buy sides?
On the sell side, retail brokers that receive commissions for executing transactions and that have research departments that make investment recommendations. Brokers are the middlemen, and can offer advantages in expertise in the trading process, their access to other traders and exchanges, with an ability to facilitate clearance and settlement.
Mergers and Acquisitions
Difference between front and middle office operations?
Front office operations involve investment decision-making and, in the case of brokerage firms, contact with clients. Then the middle office operations form the interface between the front and the back office, with focus on risk management.
Name four outside service providers:
- Prime broker - clears and finances trades for clients, provides research, arranging financing and producing trades for its client.
- Accountants - helps prepare partnership returns and the necessary forms for the investors in the fund to report their shares of partnership income, deductions, gains, and losses. Also audits and tax returns.
- Attorneys - helps determine the best legal structure for a fund’s unique investment strategies, objectives, and desired investors.
- Fund administrators - responsible for bookkeeping, third-party information gathering, and securities (onshore and offshore).
Hedge Fund Infrastructure is build of what?
- Financial platforms - systems that provide access to financial markets, portfolio management systems, accounting and reporting systems, and risk management systems.
- Financial software - prepackaged software programs and computer language tailored to the needs of financial organisations.
- Financial data providers -
supply raw financial market data, including security prices, trading information, and indices.
What are depositories and custodians? Also, name a holding body of one of these?
responsible for holding their clients’ cash and securities and settling clients’ trades, both of which maintain the integrity of clients assets while ensuring trades are settled quickly.
Depository Trust Company (DTC) is the principal holding body of securities for traders all over the world and is part of the Depository Trust Company Corporation (DTCC.
What are the difference between commercial banks, investment banks, and universal banking?
Commercial bank focusses on the business of accepting deposits and making loans, with modest interest related services.
Investment bank focuses on providing sophisticated investment services, including underwriting and raising capital, as well as other activities such as brokerage services, mergers, and acquisitions.
Universal banking - used mainly in Germany, where banks can engage in both commercial and investment banking.
What is the difference between primary and secondary markets?
Primary markets refer to the methods, institutions, and mechanisms involved in the placement of new securities to investors. Whereas, secondary markets facilitate trading among investors of previously existing securities.
bundling assets, especially unlisted assets, and issuing on the bundled assets. Can allow firms to divest illiquid assets such as accounts receivable to lay off risk and obtain cash.
How would you explain the bid-ask spread?
The price difference between the highest bid price (the best bid price) and lowest offer (the best ask price).
What is market making?
a practice whereby an investment bank or another market participant deals securities by regularly offering to buy securities and sell securities.
Who are the participants that place market order?
Market orders: transactions executed without delay may place these, which cause immediate execution at the best available price.
The participants are market takers: which buy at ask prices and sell at bid prices, generally paying the bid-ask spreaking for taking liquidity.
How are third and fourth markets different from the secondary and primary?
Third markets are regional exchanges where stocks listed in primary secondary markets can also be traded. It is a segment of the OTC market where nonmember investment firms can make markets in and trade securities without going through the exchange.
Fourth markets are electronic exchanges that allow traders to quickly buy and sell exchange-listed stocks via the electronic communications systems offered by these markets.
What are the five primary forms of hedge fund regulation?
- Requirements regarding establishing a hedge fund, including registration, licensing, minimum capital, and waiting periods.
- Registrations or restrictions on investment advisers and hedge fund managers.
- Restrictions on distributions and marketing of hedge funds including which marketing channels may be used (e.g. banks), whether advertising is permitted, and to whom funds may be sold.
- Restrictions on operation of a hedge fund, including leverage, liquidity, risk reporting, and location of outside service providers.
- Requirements regarding ongoing reporting.
Soft dollar arrangements, must be disclosed to clients in trading practices. What are soft dollar arrangements?
refers to an agreement or an understanding by which an investment adviser receives research services from broker-dealer in exchange for a fee (such as a commission) paid out of the fund or client account.
Federal Reserve Board leverage rules include the Regulation T margin rule, what is this rule?
currently requires a deposit of at least 50% of the purchase cost or short sale proceeds of a trade (margin).
Markets in Financial Instruments Directive: is an EU law that establishes uniform regulation for investment managers in the European Economic Area (+ Iceland, Norway, and Liechtenstein).
The MiFID II is a revision directed toward extending the reach of MiFID to cover gaps in the 2007 document as well as address emerging issues, such as lack of transparency in trading occurring in dark pools. A dark pool is?
non-exchange trading by large market participants that is hidden from the view of most market participants.
What are liquid alternative investments?
vehicles that offer alternative strategies in a form that provides investors with liquidity through opportunities to sell their positions in a market. For example, Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs - hold real estate on the underlying assets, and are generally owned through publicly traded shares).
What are the five distinct types of liquid alternative funds?
- Unconstrained clones: liquid funds that follow virtually the same strategy as private placement products with underlying liquid assets, such as some hedge funds or managed futures funds.
- Constrained clones: these liquid funds implement a similar strategy as private placement products but are limited in risk exposure by leverage, concentration, or liquidity constraints.
- Liquidity-based replication products: these liquid funds are designed to mimic illiquid private placement investment, using liquid securities as proxies.
- Skill-based replication products: these liquid funds are designed to mimic a highly skilled private placement strategy using a simplified and more mechanical strategy.
- Absolute return or diversified products: these liquid funds are designed to offer absolute returns and/or diversifying returns not directly related to opportunities historically available in private placements and potentially inconsistent with alternative strategies as typically deployed.
What are the differences between a Hedge Fund Replication and Close-End Mutual Fund?
Hedge fund replication: attempt to mimic the returns of an illiquid or highly sophisticated hedge fund strategy using liquid assets and simplified trading rules.
Closed-end mutual fund: provide investors with relatively liquid access to the returns of underlying assets even when the underlying assets are illiquid.
Four factors determining performance of liquid alternative compared to private placements:
- The permissible investment strategies differ. Private placements often enjoy important flexibility with regard to leverage (including the magnitude of short position) and concentration (lack of diversification).
- Similarly, private placements may be able to generate higher returns due to their investment flexibility to hold more illiquid assets, thereby potentially receiving higher liquidity premiums.
- Fees differ between liquid alternatives and private placements. Liquid alternatives tend to have lower fees because most do not have incentive fees, especially asymmetric incentive fees wherein managers benefit from sharing upside profits but are limited in their exposure to downside losses.
- Managerial skill may differ. The higher potential fees from the asymmetric incentive fees of private placements may attract managers with greater skill. Some liquid alternative funds implement simplified trading rules rather than hiring sophisticated management teams.