2. The Activities Performed by Finance Professionals to Fulfil the Roles Flashcards
Draw the information to impact framework
See page 30
What is meant by “assembling information”?
Collating data to prepare information about the organisation
What is data?
Facts or figures in a raw, unprocessed form
What is information?
Information is data that has been processed in such a way that is has meaning
Which part of the information to impact framework is part of REPORTING?
Assembling information
What is meant by “analysing for insights”?
Using financial and non-financial information to draw out patterns or relevant insights
Which part of the information to impact framework is part of QUESTIONING?
Analysing for insights
What is meant by “advising to influence”?
Communicating insights to influence users
Which part of the information to impact framework is part of DEVELOPING SOLUTIONS?
Advising to influence
What is meant by “applying for impact / execute”?
Support the implementation of decisions to achieve the desired impact
Which part of the information to impact framework is part of DEPLOYING SOLUTIONS?
Applying for impact / execute
What is meant by “acumen”?
The ability to use practical skills and a depth of perception or discernment to make good judgements and accurate, quick and effective decisions
What are the potential limitations of external data sources?
May not be accurate
May be out of data
The provider may not be reputable
May not meet exact needs of the business
May be difficult to gather
List the qualities of good information
A ccurate
C omplete
C ost Benefit
U nderstandable
R elevant
A daptable
T imely
E easy to use
What is quantitative information?
Information that can normally be expressed in numerical terms