2. Sodium and Water I Flashcards
how should we think of volume regulation and osmoregulation?
they are separate: linked by ADH, but separate processes
what is the difference between osmolarity and osmolality?
for the purposes of this course, they can be used interchangeably. they refer to concentration of solute per L or Kg of solvent
what formula describes the movement of water via osmotic pressure?
osmotic pressure = nCRT n = dissociable particles per molecule C = concentration of solute in solvent R = constant (0.082) T = temp in K
what are some common isotonic fluids?
normal saline, Ringer’s Lactate
what are some common hypotonic fluids?
1/2 normal saline, 5% dextrose in water (rapidly metabolized to 0 mosm/L)
what is a common hypertonic fluid?
3% NaCl
hypo/hypernatremia is a problem of what?
hypo/hypervolemia is a problem of what?
sodium determines volume where?
extracellular volume
usual concentration of sodium in extracellular space?
140 mmol/L
what is the primary extracellular osmole?
what is a quality of an effective osmole?
in order to exert osmotic pressure, a particle cannot cross membrane
how does water move between the 3 body compartments?
moves freely
how are changes in osmolar content balanced?
by redistribution of water
is urea an effective osmole?
is glucose an effective osmole?
yes unless insulin is present
body water is what % of males body wt? what % of females body wt?
60% males
50% females
what is normal plasma osmolarity?
280-290 mosm/L
how can we estimate plasma osmolarity (formula)?
formula: 2 x ([Na] + [glucose]/18 + [BUN/2.8])
if BUN is normal: 2 x ([Na] + [glucose]/20
if calculated osmolarity and measured osmolarity are different by more than 10 mosm/L (measured will be higher), what is probable?
presence of a foreign substance: alcohols, poisons
what is the primary determinant of plasma osmotic pressure? why?
albumin: confined to plasma
high serum Na will do what? low serum Na will do what?
high serum Na will draw water out of cells. low serum Na will send water into cells
overall, what will a change in serum Na accomplish?
a redistribution of total body water. not necessarily a change in absolute total body water.
low serum albumin can be associated with what?
edema, as fluid leaves intravascular space for the interstitium