2. Saliva Flashcards
Why is saliva important
• Saliva functions primarily to prevent ____ of the oral mucosa and to provide ____ for the mastication and swallowing of ingested food. The senses of taste and, to a lesser extent, smell depend on an adequate supply of saliva.
• Saliva plays a very important role in maintaining proper oral ____. It accomplishes this task by washing away food particles, killing bacteria (lysozyme and IgA activity), and contributing to overall dental integrity.
Salivary flow • Normally ~\_\_\_\_L secreted per day • Amount of saliva varies with eating Generally ~\_\_\_\_mL/min When stimulated can be \_\_\_\_ mL/min • Decreased saliva > \_\_\_\_ • Excess saliva > \_\_\_\_
1-1.5 0.3-0.5 4-8 xerostomia drooling
Salivary Glands
• Major ____
____ ____
• Minor
Exocrine glands
• The major salivary glands are ____ glands: specialized secretory organs that contain a ____ ductular system through which they release their secretory products.
compound exocrine
Exocrine glands
• The salivary glands are divided into ____, each of which are drained by a single ____.
• Within the lobules reside the secretory units of the gland. Each secretory unit is composed of an ____ and a ____.
• The acinus represents a cluster of 15 to 100 ____ cells that synthesize and secrete proteins into the lumen of the epithelial structure
lobules intralobular duct acinus small intercalated acinar
Exocrine glands
• Acinar cells from the salivary glands also secrete an ____, plasma-like fluid that accompanies the secretory proteins.
• In all, the final acinar secretion is a ____- rich product known as the ____ secretion.
Acinar cells
Different salivary acinar cells secrete different proteins.
• The acinar cells of the parotid secrete a ____ (watery) product that contains an abundance of ____.
• Many acinar cells of the sublingual glands secrete a mucinous product that is composed primarily of ____ glycoproteins.
• The submandibular gland contains both ____-type and ____-type acinar cells.
serous alpha-amylase mucin mucous serous
Exocrine Glands
• Each acinar lumen is connected to the ____
end of an intercalated duct.
• Distally, the intercalated ducts fuse with other small ducts that coalesce to form the ____ that drains the lobule.
• The ducts not only provide a conduit for the transport of secretory proteins, but the epithelial cells lining the ducts also ____ the fluid and electrolyte composition of the primary secretion.
• Thus, the final exocrine gland secretion represents the combined product of two distinct epithelial-cell populations, the ____ cell and the ____ cell.
intercalated duct intralobular duct modify acinar duct
Parotid gland
• The ____ of all the major salivary glands.
• ____ in shape, with up to 5 processes (or extensions).
• The gland’s capsule is from the ____.
• Approximately 75% of the parotid gland overlies the ____ muscle; the rest is ____.
deep cervical fascia
Parotid gland
• The facial nerve enters the parotid fossa by passing between the stylohyoid muscle and the posterior belly of the digastric muscle, then splits the gland into a ____ lobe and a ____ lobe that are connected by an ____.
• The deep lobe lies adjacent to the ____ space (note: pathology of the deep lobe will only be visible ____).
• Although it passes through the parotid gland, the facial nerve does not provide any ____ to it.
superficial deep isthmus pharyngeal intraorally innervation
Parotid duct
• Forms within the ____ lobe and passes from the anterior border of the gland across the masseter superficially, through the buccinator into the oral cavity opposite the ____.
• Also known as ____ duct
second maxillary molar
Arterial Supply of the Parotid Gland
• The external carotid artery: It ascends superiorly posterior to the ____ and deep to the posterior belly of the ____ muscle and the stylohyoid muscle to enter the ____ gland.
• Within the parotid gland, it gives branches to the gland: The ____ artery and the ____ artery.
mandible digastric parotid posterior auricular superficial temporal
Venous Drainage of the Parotid Gland
• The retromandibular vein: Arises from the joining of the ____ and ____ veins within the parotid gland.
superficial temporal
Sensory Nerves of the Parotid Gland
• Sensory innervation is supplied by the ____ nerve (deep gland) and the ____ nerve (superficial gland and fascia).
great auricular
Parasympathetic Innervation of the Parotid Gland
• The parasympathetic innervation to the parotid gland has a complex path. It begins with the ____ nerve (cranial nerve IX).
• This nerve synapses with the ____.
• The ____ nerve then carries parasympathetic fibers from the otic ganglion to the ____ gland.
• Parasympathetic stimulation causes an ____ in saliva production.
glossopharyngeal otic ganglion auriculotemporal parotid increase
Sympathetic Innervation of the Parotid Gland
• Sympathetic innervation originates from the ____, part of the paravertebral chain.
• Fibers from this ganglion travel along the ____ artery to reach the parotid gland.
• Increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system ____ saliva secretion, via ____.
superior cervical ganglion
external carotid
Submandibular gland
- the ____ largest salivary gland
• It is located superior to the ____ muscle and is divided into superficial and deep lobes, by the ____ muscle. The ____ lobe comprises most of the gland.
• The superficial lobe is located in the ____ triangle and is surrounded by the investing layer of deep cervical fascia.
Submandibular Gland
- Deep portion of the submandibular gland lies in the oral cavity between the ____ muscle and the mandible and ends at the posterior border of the ____ gland.
- The facial ____ crosses between the submandibular gland and the mandible, while the facial ____ normally lies superficial to the gland.
- The submandibular duct lies along the ____ gland and empties into the oral cavity at the ____.
hyoglossus sublingual artery vein sublingual sublingual papilla
Submandibular Duct
• Also know as ____ Duct.
• The submandibular duct lies along the ____ gland and empties into the oral cavity at the ____.
sublingual papilla
Sublingual gland
• ____ of the 3 major salivary glands.
• Located in the oral cavity between the mucosa of the oral cavity and the ____ muscle.
• Creates a ____ fold in the floor of the oral cavity.
• Lies between the ____ of the mandible and the ____ muscle of the tongue.
smallest mylohyoid sublingual sublingual fossa genioglossus