2. Relativistic Wave Equations Flashcards
How to we get the free field SE?
Set the Hamiltonian just equal to the kinetic energy, and quantise the momentum
In the general SE, how is the time dependence of the system given?
By the Hamiltonian
Is the far field SE relativistically invariant?
No, it still has second order derivatives of space and first order of time
Why did Schrodinger reject the KE?
Because although it was relativistically invariant, it didn’t describe the energy levels in Hydrogen atoms
What type of particles can the KG equaiton be used to describe?
Spinless particles
How do we obtain the conserved current when using the KG equation?
Start with the KG
- Multiply left of eqn by a plane wave and the right by its conjugate
- Do the same in the opposite order for another equation
- Work through and use the product rule for the operators
What problem arises when looking at the solution of the 4 current of the KG equation
The 0 component which represents the probability density is proportional to the energy
- We already know that there can be negative energy solutions and negative probability makes no sense
Summarise the 5 problems with the KG equation
- Simplest solutions are scalars which don’t account for spin
- Fails to describe the hydrogen atom
- There are positive and negative energy solutions
- The prob. density is not positive-definite
- Equation is second order in time like derivatives, so we need BCs everywhere in space
How is electromagnetism introduced into the KG equation?
By minimal substitution using the 4 potential A^mu
When looking at the solutions for the KG equation, what do we know about our choice of solutions for alpha and beta?
They must be 4x4 matricies as they anti commute
- Obvious candidate are the Pauli matricies
What does U represent?
The unitary matrix
What is a unitary matrix?
One where its inverse is equal to its conjugate transpose
What are the gamma matricies?
γ^mu = (γ^0, γ^i)
- It is not a 4 vector as the components are matricies
State the expansion for when you calculate the commutation and anticommutation for two operators, A and B:
[A, B] = AB - BA
{A, B} = AB + BA
Are the Hamiltonian eigenvalues real or imaginary?
Real, so the conjugate transpose (H dagger) is equal to H
What is the trace of a matrix, and what is it equal to for the alpha, beta and gamma matricies equal to?
The trace of a matrix Tr(M) is summing the components on the diagonal
- For the matricies, they all are traceless
What is the cyclic property of taking the trace of a matrix, and what is Tr(A+B) equal to?
Tr(CAB) = Tr(ABC)
What is a consequence of the alpha, beta and gamma matricies all being traceless?
The Hamiltonian is traceless
- Implies the energy eigenvalues sum to 0
- Back to positive and negative energy solutions
How is a Clifford Algebra Basis generated?
By all independent products of generators of the algebra
How is the Clifford algebra defined for 2x2 matricies?
As linear combinations of the Pauli matricies
State the properties of the Weyl spinors, and which particles do they describe?
They have fixed handedness and violate parity
- They describe massless fermions
- Mass leads to mixing together of the massless solutions
- A Dirac Spinor can be formed from a pair of Weyl spinors
What is the defining characteristic of the gamma matrix?
Their anti commutation
{γ^mu, γ^ nu} = 2g^mu nu