2 psychometrics and confirmatory factor analysis Flashcards
What is psychometric assessment?
Psychometric assessments include no manipulation or random assignment of participants and, crucially, in psychometric assessments there is no correct answer, participants are free, and encouraged, to respond exactly as they believe most appropriate.
What do psychometrics investigate?
(1) investigating and attempting to measure the ways in which humans are either similar to or different from each other,
(2) investigating the ways in which different measures relate to each other, and, perhaps of most importance to the aim of psychometrics is,
(3) investigating how can we capture the complexity of the world in observable data.
What questions can be answered using psychometrics?
study of individual differences
get away from generalisations of rules of behaviour
Why should individual differences be investigated?
- because they are of interest in their own right → intriguing issue in itself
- because psychological tests are useful in applied psychology → invariably leads to development of tests, measuring spectrums of variables
- because tests are a useful dependent variable in other branches of psychology → experimental research!
- other branches can predict behaviour better when they consider individual differences → sensitivity of statistical tests
What is diversity?
distribution of differences among individuals, attribution of difference from one individual to another
How can differences be identified and measured?
- clinical approaches - obsrvation of individuals, during therapy/treatment
→ difference between people, no generalisation possible to larger samples, dependent on subjective view - “armchair speculation” unbiased observations of behaviour, but no understanding of wider context, reliability of conclusions questionable
- scientific assessment (psychometric testing, experimental testing, questionnaires)
empirical methods
behavioural consistency?
What does the international test commission guidelines ITCG posit as psychological testing?
- includes a wide range of procedures for use in psychological, occupational, and educational assessment
- includes procedures for the measurement of both normal and abnormal or dysfunctional behaviours
- normally designed to be administered under carefully controlled or standardized conditions
- provide measures of performance and involve the drawing of inferences from samples of behaviour
- include procedures which may result in the qualitative classification or wondering of people
Give a possible taxonomy of psychological assessment?
correct - tests
not using correct reponses - questionnaires, inventories
interviews, observations, …
other checklists, Q, …
-> assessment
What are benefits of psychological measurement?
objectivity, minimises subjective judgement
subtle effects can be observed and statistical analysis used to make precise statements about patterns of attributes and relationships
better communication, integrity of scientific community
When is a variable latent, a construct, a factor, or directly observable?
factor, latent variable and construct can be considered synonyms in the context of CFA
they cannot be directly measured
What did Darwin have to do with testing?
17th century - post-rennaissance philosophers started looking at testing in a more scientific way
empiricism arose
all factual or true knowledge originated in experience
darwin - 1858-1977 → influenced early psychology
members of a species exhibit a variability of characteristics and resulting in some being better suited that others for a set of environmental conditions
”characteristic” = anything tht can be attributed to an individual
→ significance of individual differences apparent
What was Francis Galtons (1822-1911) contribution to testing?
obsessed with making all kinds of measurements
he created the first assessment of mental ability
he produced the normal distribution - meaningful summary by mean and SD
What was Alfred Binets (1857 - 1911) contribution to testing?
abnormal vs. normal
intelligence test, we know it
Stanford-Binet-Intelligence Test
What are other important historical steps in psychological testing?
karl peason (1857-1936) - discovered the chi-square test of significance and regression analysis, as well as correlation coefficient
louis thurstone (1887-1955) - developed test theory and designed techniques for measurement scales
Rasch models (1980) - development of a group of statistical models
raymond cattell (1905-1998) - theoretical development of personality
difference between personality attributes value in industrialised countries vs developemtal countries
Anne Anastasi (1908-2001)
Paul Kline (1937-1999) - argued for transformation from social science to pure science
Michel Foucault - book, 2001, madness and civilisation
mental illness was a cultural construct rather than a natural fact
history of madness - questions about freedom and control, knowledge and power
Jean Etienne Esquirol (1772 - 1840)
transformed diagnosis of mental disorders - define problems on the basis of their symptoms
jean-Martin Charcot (1825-93) extended that
Emil Kraepelin (1856-1926) - concepts of mental disease and classification
What is the technical nature of assessment?
- standardised administration
- scales, items
-> normative - information on accuracy or consistency of scores
- give evidence of validity, which provides basis for making valid inferences about the differences between scores
- scientific rationale
- an explanation of construction;
- standardized administration procedures in many cases;
- use of a large sample to establish a process for comparison with others;
- accuracy and error measures;
- evidence for validity;
- guidance on interpretation
If those technicalities are not adhered to, what dangers can occur?
- inappropriate for purpose
- poor quality
- how to use it properly?
- false administration
- misuse, false interpretation