2. Propositional Logic Flashcards
Grammatical strings of symbols (i.e., ones that “make sense”) are called _______.
well-formed formulas, or “formulas” or “wffs” for short
Grammatical strings of symbols (i.e., ones that “make sense”) are called well-formed formulas, or “formulas” or “wffs” for short. We define these by ________.
first carefully defining exactly which symbols are allowed to occur in wffs (the “primitive vocabulary”), and second, carefully defining exactly which strings of these symbols count as wffs
Primitive vocabulary: …
· Connectives: →, ∼
· Sentence letters: P, Q, R …, with or without numerical subscripts
· Parentheses: ( , )
Definition of wff (well-formed formulas):
i) Every sentence letter is a PL-wff
ii) If φ and ψ are PL-wffs then (φ→ψ) and ∼φ are also PL-wffs
iii) Only strings that can be shown to be PL-wffs using i) and ii) are PL-wffs
Definition of wff (well-formed formulas):
i) Every sentence letter is a PL-wff
ii) If φ and ψ are PL-wffs then (φ→ψ) and ∼φ are also PL-wffs
iii) Only strings that can be shown to be PL-wffs using i) and ii) are PL-wffs
Here is how the denition works…
Its core is clauses i) and ii) (they’re sometimes called the formation rules). Clause i) says that if you write down a sentence letter on its own, that counts as a wff. So, for example, the sentence letter P, all by itself, is a wff. (So is Q, so is P_147_, and so on. Sentence letters are often called “atomic” wffs, because they’re not made up of smaller wffs.) Next, clause ii) tells us how to build complex wffs from smaller wffs. It tells us that we can do this in two ways. First, it says that if we already have a wff, then we can put a ∼ in front of it to get another wff. (The resulting wff is often called a “negation”.) For example, since P is a wff (we just used clause i) to establish this), then ∼P is also a wff. Second, clause ii) says that if we already have two wffs, then we can put an → between them, enclose the whole thing in parentheses, and we get another wff. (The resulting wff is often called a “conditional”, whose “antecedent” is the wff before the → and whose “consequent” is the wff after the →.) For example, since we know that Q is a wff (clause i)), and that ∼P is a wff (we just showed this a moment ago), we know that (Q→∼P) is also a wff. This process can continue. For example, we could put an → between the wff we just constructed and R (which we know to be a wff from clause i)) to construct another wff:
((Q→∼P)→R). By iterating this procedure, we can demonstrate the wffhood of arbitrarily complex strings.
Some books use __ instead of →, or __ instead of ∼. Other common symbols include __ or __ for conjunction, __ for disjunction, and __ for the biconditional.
⊃; ¬; &; ·; |; ≡
Definition of wff (well-formed formulas):
i) Every sentence letter is a PL-wff
ii) If φ and ψ are PL-wffs then (φ→ψ) and ∼φ are also PL-wffs
iii) Only strings that can be shown to be PL-wffs using i) and ii) are PL-wffs
Why the greek letters in clause ii)?
It wouldn’t be right to phrase it, for example, in the following way: “if P and Q are wffs, then ∼P and (P→Q) are also wffs”. That would be too narrow, for it would apply only in the case of the sentence letters P and Q. It wouldn’t apply to any other sentence letters (it wouldn’t tell us that ∼R is a wff, for example), nor would it allow us to construct negations and conditionals from complex wffs (it wouldn’t tell us that (P→∼Q) is a wff). We want to say that for any wff (not just P), if you put a ∼ in front of it you get another wff; and for any two wffs (not just P and Q), if you put an → between them (and enclose the result in parentheses) you get another wff. That’s why we use the metalinguistic variables “φ” and “ψ”. The practice of using variables to express generality is familiar; we can say, for example, “for any integer n, if n is even, then n + 2 is even as well”. Just as “n” here is a variable for numbers, metalinguistic variables are variables for linguistic items. (We call them metalinguistic because they are variables we use in our metalanguage, in order to talk generally about the object language, which is in this case the formal language of propositional logic.)
Definition of wff (well-formed formulas):
i) Every sentence letter is a PL-wff
ii) If φ and ψ are PL-wffs then (φ→ψ) and ∼φ are also PL-wffs
iii) Only strings that can be shown to be PL-wffs using i) and ii) are PL-wffs
What’s the point of clause iii)?
Clauses i) and ii) provide only sufficient conditions for being a wff, and therefore do not on their own exclude nonsense combinations of primitive vocabulary like P∼Q∼R, or even strings like P ⊕ Q that include disallowed symbols. Clause iii) rules these strings out, since there is no way to build up either of these strings from clauses i) and ii), in the way that we built up the wff (∼P→(P→Q)).
Definition of wff (well-formed formulas):
i) Every sentence letter is a PL-wff
ii) If φ and ψ are PL-wffs then (φ→ψ) and ∼φ are also PL-wffs
iii) Only strings that can be shown to be PL-wffs using i) and ii) are PL-wffs
Notice an interesting feature of this definition: the very expression we are trying to define, ‘wff’, appears on the right hand side of clause ii) of the definition. In a sense, we are using the expression ‘wff’ in its own definition. But this “circularity” is benign, because ______.
the definition is recursive
A recursive (or “inductive”) definition of a concept F contains a circular-seeming clause, often called the _____ clause, which specifies that _____. But a recursive definition also contains a “base clause,” which specifies noncircularly that _____. Even though the inductive clause rests the status of certain objects as being Fs on whether certain other objects are Fs (whose status as Fs might in turn depend on the status of still other objects…), this eventually traces back to the base clause, which secures F-hood all on its own. Thus, recursive definitions are anchored by their ______; that’s what distinguishes them from viciously circular definitions.
if such-and-such objects are F, then so-and-so objects are also F;
certain objects are F;
base clauses
Definition of wff (well-formed formulas):
i) Every sentence letter is a PL-wff
ii) If φ and ψ are PL-wffs then (φ→ψ) and ∼φ are also PL-wffs
iii) Only strings that can be shown to be PL-wffs using i) and ii) are PL-wffs
In the definition of wffs, clause i) is the ____, and clause ii) is the ____ clause.
The wffhood of the string of symbols ((P→Q)→∼R), for example, rests on the wffhood of (P→Q) and of ∼R by clause ii); and the wffhood of these, in turn, rests on the wffhood of P, Q and R, again by clause ii). But the wffhood of P, Q, and R doesn’t rest on the wffhood of anything else; clause i) species directly that all sentence letters are wffs.
Definitions of ∧, ∨, and ↔: …
- “φ∧ψ” is short for “∼(φ→∼ψ)”
- “φ∨ψ” is short for “∼φ→ψ”
- “φ↔ψ” is short for “(φ→ψ) ∧ (ψ→φ)” (which is in turn short for “∼((φ→ψ) → ∼(ψ→φ))”)
So, whenever we subsequently write down an expression that includes one of the defined connectives, we can regard it as being short for an expression that includes only the official connectives, ∼ and →.
____ is short for “∼(φ∧∼ψ)”
____ is short for “∼(∼φ∧∼ψ)”
____ is short for “(φ→ψ)∧(ψ→φ)”
“φ→ψ” is short for ____
“φ∨ψ” is short for ____
“φ↔ψ” is short for ____
The definition of wff requires conditionals to have ______.
outer parentheses;
P→Q, for example, is officially not a wff; one must write (P→Q). But informally, I’ll often omit those outer parentheses. Similarly, I’ll sometimes write square brackets instead of the official round ones (for example, “[(P→Q)→R]→P”) to improve readability.
On the semantic conception, logical consequence amounts to: ______.
truth-preservation in virtue of the meanings of the logical constants
Suppose we keep the meanings of an argument’s logical constants fixed, but vary everything else. If the argument remains truth-preserving no matter how we vary everything else, then it would seem to preserve truth _____ the meanings of its logical constants.
“in virtue of”
The truth of a sentence is determined by two factors: _____.
meaning and the world
A sentence’s ______ determines the conditions under which its true—the ways the ______ would have to be in order for that sentence to be true.
If the world is one of the ways picked out by the sentence’s truth conditions, then the sentence is true; otherwise, not.
If the world is one of the ways picked out by the sentence’s truth conditions, then the sentence is ______.
true; otherwise, not
A sentence’s meaning is typically determined by the meanings of its parts—both its ______ and its ______.
logical constants;
nonlogical expressions
Four elements determine whether a sentence is true: ___________.
- the world
- the meanings of its nonlogical expressions
- the meanings of its logical constants
- its syntax
A clearer thought about logical consequence is that if an argument remains truth-preserving no matter how we vary i) the world, and ii) the meanings of nonlogical expressions, then _______.
its premises logically imply its conclusion
A clearer thought about logical consequence is that if an argument remains truth-preserving no matter how we vary i) ______, and ii) _______, then its premises logically imply its conclusion.
the world;
the meanings of nonlogical expressions
A configuration is _______.
a mathematical representation, both of the world and of the meanings of nonlogical expressions
Definition of interpretation: …
A PL-interpretation is a function I , that assigns to each sentence letter either 1 or 0.
Definition of interpretation:
A PL-interpretation is a function I , that assigns to each sentence letter either 1 or 0.
______ are our truth values. (Sometimes the letters ‘T’ and ‘F’ are used instead.) So an interpretation assigns truth values to sentence letters.
Instead of saying “let P be false, and Q be true”, we can say: ________.
The numbers 1 and 0;
let I be an interpretation such that I (P) = 0 and I (Q) = 1.
(As with the notion of a wff, we will have different definitions of interpretations for different logical systems, so strictly we must speak of PL-interpretations. But usually it will be fine to speak simply of interpretations when it’s clear which system is at issue.)