2 - Pathology Flashcards
What is Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo?
-Vertigo: from the patient’s perspective, the false sensation that the world is moving
-BPPV: episodic vertigo typically coming on suddenly after moving head (turning over in bed, looking up, etc)
-due to otoconia from macule falling into semicircular canals
-cause excitation of the crista ampullaris without proper stimuli
-canal can be determined by the direction of the nystagmus/perceived spinning
-~90% are Posterior Canals -> fast phase = UP and Rotated
Tx: Dix Hallpike Maneuver; Epley Maneuver
What is vestibular neuritis? What tests are used for VN?
-NV w/o hearing loss: caused by neuroptopic viruses in the vestibular nerve; causes persistent (if not continuous) vertigo
-NV w/ hearing loss: Meniere’s Disease (episodic vertigo) and viral labyrinthitis (persistent vertigo)
** patient perceives to be spinning TOWARD bad ear (room
spinning away from bad ear)
1) Covered Fundus Exam: since fixation can overcome nystagmus, covered eye fundus exam removes the fixation and can expose nystagmus (fundus nystagmus is opposite of globe)
2) Head Thrust Exam: tests the VOR; eyes drift to the DAMAGED side
3) Fukuda Step Test: patient marches in place with eyes closed; patient drifts TOWARDS damaged ear
4) Alexander’s Law: in unilateral vestibular lesion, nystagmus is more intense when looking in the Fast direction
1) Meclizine: antihistimine-> mild
2) Phenergan/Compazine: anti-emetic w/ anti-cholinergic -> strong
3) BZ’s
What are some tx for motion sickness?
1) Scopolamine
2) Promethazine (Phenergan)
3) Meclizine (Antivert)
4) Dimenhydrinate (Dramamine)
5) Diphenhydramine (Benedryl)
Other: ginger, peppermint oil, isopropyl alcohol vapors
What is the mechanism of hearing damage following sound exposure?
1) >150dB -> middle ear damage
2) damage restricted to inner ear
3) >110dB -> damage to organ of corti (outer hair cells most sensitive)
4) when inner hair cells die, neurons slowly disappear
5) when they survive, stereocilia can be damaged
6) at low thresholds, without cell/hair damage, nerve terminal swelling can cause hearing loss
What is the presentation of damage to the following cranial nerves:
1) Occulomotor
2) Trochlear
3) Abducens
1) Occulomotor damage: pupil points down and abducted due to unopposed action of the lateral rectus and the superior oblique; also will have ptosis
2) Trochlear damage: pupil tends to extort due to unopposed action of the interior oblique; most pronounced when looking down to the unaffected side -> will tend to compensate by tilting head to affected side, forcing the good eye to intort and relieve diplopia
3) Abducens damage: pupil tends to adduct due to unopposed action of the medial rectus; tend to compensate by turning head to bring the affected eye into focus
Describe the mechanism of accomadation.
1) accommodation increases the refractive power of the lens by making it thicker and thus allows the eye to focus on a closer object
2) to thicken the lens the ciliary muscles are contracted via parasympathetic innervation, this brings the zonular fibers closer to the lens body and relieves their tension
3) the lens then “relaxes” into a thicker form; most of the change occurs in the anterior direction which brings the lens closer to the cornea and increases the power
4) can increase the diopter of the lens from 20 to ~34
5) during accommodation the pupils also constrict (miosis) to sharpen the image
Describe myopia.
Myopia -> Nearsightedness
1) the lens is focused in front of the retina -> the eyeball is too long
2) concave lenses used for correction since it causes some divergence of the rays and lengthens its path
Describe hyperopia.
Hyperopia -> Farsightedness
1) image is focused behind the retina -> eyeball is too short
2) convex lenses are used to increase the power of the eye to focus the image closer/on the retina (+ diopters)
3) Presbyopia -> age related decreased elasticity of the lens produces farsightedness since the eye cannot accommodate for closer objects
Describe astigmatism.
1) refractive error due to asymmetric curvature of the cornea
2) results in inability to focus image at any distance
3) requires cylindrical lens to compensate for the irregularities of the cornea
Describe the following agnosias:
1) Simultanagnosia
2) Akinetopsia
3) Prosopagnosia
4) Achromatopsia
1) Simultanagnosia: inability to perceive two objects simulaneously; trouble seeing multiple objects as a whole -> typically a bilateral lesions in the superior parietal cortex
2) Akinetopsia: inability to see moving objects; life is a strobe light
3) Prosopagnosia: inability to recognize a face; can see/identify other objects, but can’t associate the face with a particular person -> typically a bilateral lesion to the Inferior Temporal Cortex
4) Achromatopsia(Color Blind): inability to see colors even though there are functional cones; if a unilateral lesion to the P-Pathway/ITC, the contralateral hemifield is seen in black and white, while the other half is normal color; depth perception and spatial reasoning is preserved
Describe the presentation of a unilateral lesion to the following locations:
1) abducens nerve
2) abducens nucleus
3) MLF
4) trochlear nerve
5) occulomotor nerve
1) abducens nerve: loss of lateral rectus -> failure of eye to abduct and eye will “drift” center due to unopposed medial rectus, but no impact on adduction and convergence
2) abducens nucleus(right): loss of lateral rectus and conjugate mvmt of medial rectus -> both eyes deviate left in forward position or right gaze, left gaze and convergence still ok
3) MLF (left): left eye drifts left, when right gaze left eye stays center and the right eye will abduct but then start right nystagmus
4) trochlear nerve: loss of superior orbital -> eye drifts up, extorts and adducts, most pronounced looking medially when the affected eye fails to depress
5) occulomotor nerve: complete ptosis and unopposed action of superior orbital and lateral rectus -> eye is dilated and fixed in the depressed, abducted position
Describe the following cerebellar lesions:
1) Vestibulocerebellum (nodulus)
2) Spinocerebellum (vermis)
3) Hemispheric
1) Vestibulocerebellum/Nodulus: common in children w/ medulloblastoma presents as ataxic gait, head tremor, and nystagmus
- relieved by recumbent position as it relives the trunk muscles from compensating for gravity
2) Spinocerebellum/Vermis: typical of alcohol degeneration and classically presents with truncal/unsteady gait
- NOT relieved by lying down since the defect is in the coordination/planning of walking mvmts
3) Hemispheric: caused due to numerous causes and present as ipsilateral asynergia
- dysmetria (distance of mvmts), intention tremor, dysdiadochokiesis (trouble with rapid repeated mvmts), gait ataxia, decomposition
Describe the clinical presentation of trigeminal neuralgia (Tic Douloureux).
- patient experiences recurrent, brief (~15 min) episodes of intense pain in the CN V distribution, typically V2/3
- cause is unknown, but may be due to anomalous blood vessels compressing the nerve along its path
Describe the types and presentations of facial nerve palsy.
1)Peripheral Facial Nerve Palsy: by convention this includes any lesion on the nerve, in the motor nucleus of the VII in the lower pons and the ventral lower pons where the motor fibers exit the brainstem (even though 2 of them are in the CNS)
-Ipsilateral facial paralysis -> results from lesion of the nerve prior to division
- depending on where in its course, hyperacusis, impaired taste, impaired salivary activity, impaired lacrimation (dry eye) can occur
2) Bell’s Palsy: most common facial nerve disorder; causes degredation of all branches of the facial nerve from an unknown cause
-typically takes hours-days, and occurs unilaterally
-function MAY return gradually over 2-3 weeks, but ~20% don’t recover
3) Voluntary Central (UMN) Facial Palsy: involves damage to the UMN tract for CN VII which is the Corticobular Tract that travels from the primary motor cortex to the Facial Motor Nucleus
-input from the Corticobulbar Tract is bilateral for motor neurons to the Upper face, but unilateral/contralateral for motor neurons to the Lower face
-therefore, a unilateral lesion to the tract will cause lower face paralysis, since upper face can still be stimulated by the ipsilateral side
-frequently, Corneal Reflex and emotionally motivated facial expressions are preserved
Describe the mechanism of the Pupillary Light Reflex.
1) light stimulates the photoreceptors in the eye which causes stimulation of the ganglion cell whose axons projects via the optic nerve to the inpsilateral and contralateral pretectal nuclei (splitting at the chiasm)
2) Neuron 2 projects from the pretectal nuclei bilaterally to the Edinger-Westphal Nuclei (OMC)
3) E-W gives rise to Neuron 3, which is a preganglionic parasympathetic nerve that travels ipsilaterally to the ciliary ganglion via CN III
4) from the ciliary ganglion, Neuron 4 (ciliary nerve) penetrates the schlera to innervate the sphincter puppilae and constrict the iris
5) this causes bilateral constriction when one eye is stimulated with light
Describe the mechanism of the Corneal Reflex.
1) sensation from the cornea is carried by the long ciliary nerves of the opthalmic nerve (V1)
2) the cell bodies(psuedounipolar) for the long ciliary nerve are in the trigeminal ganglion in the floor of the medial cranial fossa
3) from the ciliary ganglion the neuron axon travels to the spinal V nuclues
4) another neuron then projects bilaterally to the Facial Motor Nuclei
5) this stimulates a motor fiber in CN VII which travels to the eye too orbicularis oculi, palpebral part to cause blinking
What is Benedikt’s Syndrome?
Benedikt’s = Tegmental Syndrome
1) it is a lesion of the midbrain that affects the Red Nucleus, Superior Cerebellar Peduncle, Medial Lemniscus, STT, CN III tract
2) Red N. and SCP: contralateral cerebellar signs -> intention tremor, ataxia
3) Med Lemniscus and STT: loss of contralateral 2-pt touch, vibration, proprioception, pain and temp
4) CN III tract: ipsilateral oculomotor palsy-> ptosis, depressed and abducted eye, dilated w/o pupillary reflex, loss of accomodation
What is Weber’s Syndrome?
Weber’s Syndrome = Superior Alternating Hemiphegia
1) injury to the ventral mesencephalon at the midbrain level causes damage to the Corticospinal, Corticobulbar and Oculomotor Tracts
2) CST -> contralateral hemiparesis
3) Corticobulbar -> contralateral hemiparesis of the LOWER face (upper face is innervated bilaterally)
4) CN III -> ipsilateral Oculomotor Palsy (ptosis, dilated, depressed/abducted, no pupillary reflex or accomadation)
What is Middle Alternating Hemiplegia?
Middle Alternating Hemiphegia
1) injury to the ventral mesencephalon at the lower pons level causes damage to the Corticospinal, Corticobulbar and AbducensTracts
2) CST -> contralateral hemiparesis
3) Corticobulbar -> contralateral hemiparesis of the LOWER face (upper face is innervated bilaterally)
4) CN VI -> ipsilateral paralysis of Lateral Rectus causing medial deviation and diplopia (no nystagmus)
What is Millard-Gubler Syndrome?
Millard-Gulbar Syndrome
1) injury to the ventral upper lateral pons level causes damage to the Corticospinal, Corticobulbar and Abducens and Facial Nerves
2) CST -> contralateral hemiparesis
3) Corticobulbar -> contralateral hemiparesis of the LOWER face (upper face is innervated bilaterally)
4) CN VI -> ipsilateral paralysis of Lateral Rectus (medial deviation w/o nystagmus)
5) CN VII -> ipsilateral paralysis of entire face (LMN)
What is Inferior Alternating Hemiplegia?
Inferior Alternating Hemiplegia
1) injury to the ventral medulla level causes damage to the Corticospinal tract and Hypoglossal Nerves
2) CST -> contralateral hemiparesis
2) CN XII -> ipsilateral tongue weakness causing deviation TOWARD the affected side
Define the following terms:
1) Bradykinesia
2) Hypokinesia
3) Akinesia
4) Resting tremor
5) Dystonia
6) Athetosis
7) Chorea
8) Ballismus
9) Tics
Hypokinetic Movement DO
1) Bradykinesia: slow, labored movements
2) Hypokinesia: few movements
3) Akinesia: no movements
Hyperkinetic Movement DO
4) Resting tremor: rythmic, oscillating movements that disappear during purposeful movement
5) Dystonia: sustained contraction of body part(s) that result in abnormal, distorted forms of the face, trunk or limbs
6) Athetosis: slow, twisting, writhing movements that flow from one body part to another
7) Chorea (the dance): nearly continuous, non-purposeful movements that are fluid or jerky
8) Ballismus: flinging movements of the proximal limb muscles
9) Tics: quick repetetive movemtents made after an urge to do so, with relief following -> often in face or neck, but can be verbal
Describe the presentation of Parkinson’s Disease.
1) idiopathic degenerative disease causing loss of domapinergic neurons in SNc
2) results is less dopamine in striatum, which leads to less stimulation of the Direct Pathway => suppression of movement
3) Hypokinetic Model: bradykinesia, rigidity, postural instability
4) Resting Tremor is seen, but it is not well explained by the hypokinetic model
Describe the clinical presentation of Huntington’s Disease.
1) hereditary neurodegenerative disease thought to be associated w/ CAG repeats; leads to progressive degeneration of Spiny (GABA/Enkephalin) Neurons
2) loss of these Enkephalin Neurons leads to less indirect pathway stimulation, therefore facilitative movement
3) Hyperkinetic Model: chorea, hyptonia
4) also causes dementia and behavioral/personality changes
Describe the clinical presentation of Ballism/Hemiballism.
1) typically due to vascular injury to the Subthalamic Nucleus
2) causes less indirect pathway excitation => facilitating movement
3) Hyperkinetic model: characteristic is ballismus- wild flinging of the limbs from the proximal muscles
4) unilateral lesions cause hemiballism, while bilateral results in ballism
Describe the clinical presentation of Kallmann Syndrome.
1) clinical association between lack of “sense of smell” and reproductive function
2) higher in males
3) genetic disorder which leads to low levels of Testosterone, LH, FSH