2. O/C Body Flashcards
What are the responsibilities of the O/C Body?
- Ensure death has been certified
- Maintain security and continuity of the body, samples and exhibits from the scene to post-mortem
- Secure and guard the body, samples and any exhibits relating to the body with dignity and respect
- Record observations relating to the body
- Note details of medical staff
- Establish if the body has been moved or disturbed
- Photograph body in situ
- Complete sudden death procedures
- Attend post mortem exam
- Record findings of pathologist
- Ensure cultural responsibilities are addressed
What is the O/C Investigation responsible for?
- notify the Coroner early of the death
- arrange post mortem examination
- consult pathologist before post mortem commences, regarding relevant/benefit of X-ray or CT scans
What factors should be considered in the appreciation for body removal?
- notification and response from Coroner
- views of pathologist, ESR, Crown solicitor and other experts
- requirement for examination or action before removal
- best method and route for body removal to minimise contamination of scene and body
- supervision of body removal
- chain of custody of body from scene to mortuary
- safe custody of exhibits
What evidence might need to be taken from scene that could be lost/contaminated if the body is moved?
- larvae and insects
- fingerprint evidence from the skin or clothing items
- DNA swabs
- extraneous items e.g. loose hairs, fibres, glass, etc
- firearms residue
What steps need to be taken for removing the body from the scene?
- Record position of body by sketch and photos
- Consider marking the position of the body before moving it
- Record all details of the position of the body: position of limbs, appearance of body, wounds, clothing, direction of blood trails, lividity, extend of rigor mortis
- Cover hands, feet and head with paper bags secured with tape
- Ensure clothing on body isn’t contaminated by contact with foreign objects
- Wrap the body in a plastic sheet and place it in a body bag
- Carefully search under where the body lay
- Retain as exhibits, all sheets, bags or other material used to transport the body
What is the role of the O/C Body during a post mortem?
to observe, document and deal with exhibits associated with the body in a structured, methodical manner.
What is the purpose of a post-mortem?
primary reason for conducting a post mortem examination is to establish the cause of death. May also include:
• The mode and time of death
• How injuries and/or events at the scene may have contributed to the death of the victim
• Determining the nature and size of the weapon used
• Determining the approx. height and stature of the suspect
• Negating possible defence
• Identifying the victim
Who may attend a post mortem?
- Pathologist
- Coroner
- Doctor who treated the deceased
- Doctor, nurse or funeral director representing the deceased
- Doctor representing the interests of a suspect
- Police – OC Investigation, OC Body, Police photographer, SOCO or fingerprint officer
- Any person authorised by the Coroner e.g. ESR, Crown Solicitor
What must be done by O/C Body on arrival at the mortuary?
- Ensure mortuary staff do not wash the body
- Ensure body is labelled and secured in the mortuary fridge
- Retain any key used to secure the body
- Ensure the body remains in its present condition until the commencement of post mortem
- Arrange formal ID of the body
What are some of the methods of identification available?
- Fingerprints
- DNA profiling
- Dental records
- Medical exam records
- Personal effects
- Facial reconstruction
What steps must be taken by the O/C Body when stripping the body?
- Body must only be stripped in presence of pathologist
- Remove body from the secure mortuary fridge
- Remove the body from the body bag, causing minimal disturbance to it
- Take possession of the body bag, and any sheets or wrappings used to transport it, as exhibits
- Remove clothing from the body
- Make inventory of clothing and possessions
- Label each item of clothing and each possession
- Seal each item in a separate exhibit bag
- Ensure exhibits do not cross contaminate
Who is responsible for the deceased’s exhibits?
O/C Body is responsible for recording, labelling, packaging, sealing and securing all physical exhibits relating to the body, including samples taken during the post mortem. All exhibits must be packaged and sealed before leaving the mortuary.
When may a second post-mortem be directed by the Coroner?
- Pathologist is unable to determine cause of death in the initial post mortem
- A suspects lawyer seeks approval from the Coroner to conduct an independent post mortem
- The Solicitor General orders a further post mortem
What should the photographer photo?
- before the body is stripped
- after the body is stripped
- close up of any wounds, marks internal injuries or unusual features
What information can be gathered from bones?
- if the remains are bones
- if the remains are human
- age
- gender
- height
- race
At the end of a post midterm, what does the OC Body give the OC Exhibits?
- post mortem scene exhibit schedule
- notebook entries
- formal statement
What instructions should be given to a person identifying the body?
They are fully informed of what is required of them and what they should expect to see when they view the deceased, particular after a PM is done