2 Non Normal Flashcards

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Communication of Non-normal Events:

  • What needs to be communicated by cabin crew to flight crew as soon as possible when a non-normal event occurs?
  • Who will notify the company of non-normal events?
  • What is the format and information given in a non-normal brief?
  • What must the Captain confirm with the CM when briefing for a non-normal event?

2.1 A non-normal event is any situation that deviates from a normal situation. This could occur in flight, on the ground or anywhere while on duty.

During a non-normal event flight/cabin crew members may communicate via interphone or the Captain may request Cabin Manager (CM) to enter flight deck.

An additional crew member is not required to guard the flight deck door when it is open

2.1.1 The following information, as applicable, shall be communicated by cabin crew to flight crew as soon as possible when a non-normal event occurs:

  • Nature of event
  • Action taken/being taken
  • Treatment
  • Outcome
  • Crew welfare.

Flight crew will notify the company of non-normal events.

2.1.2 During a non-normal event the flight crew shall give the CM a non-normal brief. The non-normal brief is used by flight crew to communicate to cabin crew a plan of action specific to the non-normal event that may result in a cabin preparation:

  1. Captain shall confirm with the CM if a Cabin Preparation IS or IS NOT required.
  2. Non-normal brief shall be conducted using the following format:


a. Nature.
b. Intended plan of action.
c. Time available.
d. Special Instructions.

  1. CM shall take notes and repeat the information back to captain including whether a cabin preparation IS or IS NOT required prior to leaving flight deck.
  2. CM shall brief cabin crew members on information received and repeat if a Cabin Preparation IS or IS NOT required.
  3. The CM shall advise captain after briefing complete.
  4. Captain shall make PA to passengers if appropriate.

For Cabin Preparation procedures crew shall refer to Section 2.2 - Cabin Preparation.

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Cabin Preparation:

  • What is the fundamental intent of the cabin preparation drill?
  • How long approximately does a Cabin Preparation take?
  • If less time is available, list items that can be omitted from the drill.
  • Can the cabin preparation be adapted to specific circumstances when faced with unexpected or changing conditions

2.2 The fundamental intent of the Cabin Preparation Drill is for cabin crew to demonstrate critical safety actions important to passengers prior to an emergency landing/ditching. Complete familiarity with the Cabin Preparation Drill is essential.

Cabin Preparation should take approximately 20 minutes.
If there is less than 20 minutes available for the cabin preparation, the Onboard Leader (OBL) shall assess which duties should be carried out and brief cabin crew members. The Passenger Brief and securing areas shall be given priority during a Cabin Preparation. By omitting the ABP briefs and re-seating of passengers, the Cabin Preparation will take a minimum of 10-12 minutes to complete.

Cabin Preparation procedures may need to be adapted to specific circumstances when faced with unexpected or changing conditions. The captain may give additional instructions to those listed depending on the circumstance (e.g. extended period of time available until cabin preparation may begin).

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Cabin Preparation Signal/Non-Normal Brief:

  • What is the primary cabin preparation signal?
  • What is the alternate cabin preparation signal?
  • Is a crew member required to guard the flight deck door when it is opened for a non- normal event?
A Cabin Preparation Signal

  • Captain will turn on FSB sign
  • Primary Cabin Preparation signal will be given.

“This is the Captain, Cabin Supervisor report to the flight deck immediately.” (Refer to Non-normal Communication)

• If PA system is unserviceable, the alternate Cabin Preparation signal will be given, (refer Non-normal Communication Table)
• OBL will report to flight deck. An additional crew member is not required to guard flight deck door when it is opened.
NOTE: If for any reason the OBL is not aware the Cabin Preparation signal was given, another crew member shall notify the OBL immediately

5.1.7 Alternate Cabin Preparation Signal
Call Location: Flight Deck
Receiver Location: Cabin
Initiate: Push ‘Attend’ 6 times
Aural Indication: 6 HiLo chimes in cabin
Cabin Visual Indication: Solid pink light in both Master Call Light Panels (MCLP’S)
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Cabin Preparation

  • While the OBL receives the non-normal brief, what are the cabin crew actions?
  • Is the time available in a cabin preparation until landing or cabin crew members must be seated for landing?
  • Where will this briefing take place?
A Non Normal Brief

Whilst OBL is receiving non-normal brief from captain, cabin crew member(s) shall:
• Return service carts, service trolleys and galley equipment to
stowage areas
• Secure all curtains open
• Turn cabin and galley lights to brightest setting - 1R (All crew to be aware of lighting settings)
• Obtain CP cards
• A crew member shall collect CP card and PA Handbook for the OBL (1R)
• Check lavatory(ies) vacant and locked (where appropriate)
• If the emergency signal is given during a crew rest period, cabin
crew shall ensure the emergency signal has been received by those on rest.
If time permits:
• Check passenger seat belts fastened
• Check crew rest areas vacant and locked (where appropriate)

If this is not completed at this time, it shall be completed as part of Secure Area duties.

Time available for Cabin Preparation is time available until cabin crew members shall be seated for landing. The captain shall advise how many minutes are available, not a specific time.
Special instructions may include details the captain feels are important to highlight. Deviations from operating procedures or methods of communication to be used shall be discussed.

Onboard Leader Brief to Crew
Crew members shall be present in following cabin area when OBL exits the flight deck to receive the non-normal brief:
• FWD galley

During OBL brief crew shall:
• Maintain awareness of situation in the cabin
• OBL will brief cabin crew member(s) on information received from captain.
• OBL will state time available as time remaining in minutes
• Crew member(s) shall write down the time according to their own watch
For the Cabin Preparation, assist crew member(s) (if available) will work with the following primary crew member and will have the CP card:
• 2LA will work with 2L.

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Passenger Attention:

• What must cabin crew do immediately after completion of the non-normal brief?

• List 5 things cabin crew must direct passengers to do prior to the Passenger
Attention PA?

A Passenger Attention
Cabin crew shall briskly action the following whilst moving through their area of responsibility and waiting at their safety demonstration positions.

• Wake sleeping passengers

• Direct passengers to:
- Remove headsets and turn off PEDs
- Remove items from tray tables and stow, in preparation to practice the brace position
- Place seatbacks upright (where required)
- Fasten seatbelts.
(Ditching: Crew members shall obtain crew life jacket from their jump seat and place on floor for use during demonstration. Life jacket shall not be removed from the plastic cover)

• OBL to make Passenger Attention PA from OBL briefing area prior to Captain’s PA:
“Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention. This is the Cabin Supervisor. We now require you to turn off all electronic devices for an important announcement, please wake and alert other guests in your area.”
[If aircraft is fitted with IFE only]: “I will also be turning off the inflight entertainment system.”
[If aircraft is fitted with IFE AND inflight WiFi]: “I will also be turning off the inflight entertainment system”
“If you have items on your tray table, remove and stow these now and fold your tray table away.”
“Ensure your seatback is in the upright position and seat belt fastened.”

•OBL to turn off, where fitted:

  • Inflight WiFi
  • Inflight Entertainment System
  • Personal Electronic Device (PED) power
  • OBL to make PA “Cabin crew to demonstration positions” if required
  • Cabin crew members stand in safety demonstration positions
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Passenger Brief

  • Should cabin crew members speak to passengers during the Cabin Demonstration PA?
  • When will cabin crew remove restrictive clothing and pantyhose?
  • If high heels are removed during the demonstration when will they be put back on?
  • In a ditching when will the OBL put their life jacket on?
  • When will cabin crew members and adult/child passengers fit their life jackets?
  • When will cabin crew distribute and fit infant life jackets?
A Passenger Brief

Captain’s PA
• OBL to notify captain cabin is ready for Captain’s PA

  • Captain makes Captain’s PA:
  • Silently identify Able-Bodied Persons (ABPs). If the captain is unable to make the Captain’s PA, or if the PA is not clear the OBL will advise the captain, and then on their instruction make the Captain’s Initial - Land/Captain’s Initial - Ditch PA, refer PA Handbook. The PA should be read slowly and clearly with a calm voice.

Cabin Demonstration PA

  1. Following Captain’s PA/Captain’s Initial - Land/Captain’s Initial - Ditch PA, OBL will make relevant Cabin Demonstration PA, refer PA Handbook.
  2. During PA, cabin crew members shall:
    a. Not speak to passengers; reassure using eye contact and gestures.
    b. Identify passengers who might be having difficulty with brace position.


  • OBL will put on their life jacket before making Cabin Demonstration PA
  • Cabin crew members, adult/child passengers to fit life jackets during Cabin Demonstration PA.

After Cabin Demonstration PA:

• Cabin crew members will distribute and fit infant life jackets

• Check passenger life jackets have been fitted correctly and are not

• If life jackets are inflated prior to landing:

  • Passenger removes inflated life jacket
  • Crew members provide spare life jacket
  • Stow inflated life jackets in overhead locker
  • Inflated life jackets are not to be used unless all spare life jackets have been distributed. If used, the passenger shall be briefed on how to manually deflate life jacket prior to landing and manually inflate after landing
  • Remove restrictive clothing and stockings following demonstration
  • Put shoes back on after demonstration out of sight of passengers (consider placing cabin shoes on and removing high heels)
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Secure and Assist:

  • List the 3 cabin duties that will be completed for ALL Cabin Preparations?
  • What additional duties shall crew consider time permitting?
A Secure and Assist

Cabin duties shall be completed for ALL Cabin Preparations to ensure that respective area of responsibility is secure. These duties SHALL be completed prior to being seated:

  1. Doors
    Land - Armed, Ditch - Disarmed
  2. Safety Equipment used in flight
    - Secured and off
  3. Secure Area
    • Secure as per standard operating procedures
    • Galley equipment stowed and secured (note the location of survival supplies, water, food)
    • Loose articles stowed in overhead lockers, cupboards, wardrobes or under seat in front
    NOTE: Two ABPs shall be seated in each block of seats at the overwing exits. If passengers are moved to the overwing area to meet the above requirement, they shall receive an overwing passenger brief.
    • All Portable Electronic Devices (PEDs) shall be turned off and stowed
    • Collect and/or stow meal trays.

Additional Duties - Time Permitting
If sufficient time permits after secure duties, crew shall consider completing additional duties dependent on circumstances:

  1. ABP Briefs
    • Brief ABPs
    - Door exits
    - Overwing exits
    - Rafts/ELTs (where fitted)
    • If ABP briefs or individuals requiring assistance have been unsecured, crew shall ensure that they are re-secured
    • All crew shall then conduct a brisk secure of their area of responsibility whilst returning to their jump seats
  2. Individuals requiring assistance
    Reseat and brief individuals requiring assistance as per Table 2.2-1 - Reseat and Brief Individuals Requiring Assistance.
  3. Cabin Presence
    Cabin presence should also be considered, particularly for people travelling with children.
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  • How many ABPs would be briefed for the operation of overwing/window exits?
  • What 2 things should all ABPs be informed of?
  • In what scenario will an ABP be briefed as a blocker (and who is responsible)?
  • What seating considerations should be applied to Unaccompanied Minors?
A Able Bodied Person Briefs

Cabin crew members are responsible for briefing ABP specific to their aircraft when time permits following the Secure Area duties. Crew members are to complete ABP briefs as per the table below:

  • Doors: 1ABP per door - Primary Crew
  • Overwings: 1ABP per exit - 2L
  • ELT: 1ABP per ELT - 1L
  • Life Rafts: 2 ABP per raft - Primary Crew
  • Blocker: (Ditching with Life Rafts Only) 1ABP - 2R for aft galley entrance

All ABP’s Shall Be Told:

  • There may not be a need to evacuate
  • DO NOT do anything until you hear crew commands (state initial commands)

Unaccompanied minors should be seated with an ABP not in an exit row:
• Explain and confirm understanding of evacuation process
• Assist with donning life jacket, stowing hand baggage and practising brace position
• May need reassuring and have questions ABP can assist with

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Evacuation Plan Review/Seats for Landing/Brace Signal:

  • What PA will the OBL make to signal the Evacuation Plan Review?
  • Where does this review take place?
  • List 5 points the OBL should include in the evacuation review?
  • What will the OBL confirm with the captain when advising “Cabin preparation complete?”
  • If further time is available, what will the OBL initiate and what will they advise cabin crew?
A Evacuation Plan Review

Complete review via interphone.
OBL makes PA “Cabin crew, plan review” then initiates call back. Upon hearing the PA, crew members shall make their way to their respective jump seats to receive the call. Crew members who do not have an allocated interphone are to be briefed by primary crew member immediately following the review.
The OBL will discuss information specific to the emergency landing/ditching being prepared for. These discussion points are non-exhaustive and are to serve as examples to drive the review.

Points to include should detail the critical order of priority:

  1. Check door status (e.g. armed/disarmed) and consider correct opening method
  2. Adopt and maintain correct and safe brace position when advised to do so, until aircraft comes to a complete stop
  3. Wait for captain’s evacuation command, or initiate evacuation dependent on situation once aircraft comes to a complete stop
  4. Check outside conditions thoroughly before opening any exit. Block unusable exits or exits advised not to be used
  5. Check door/slide/rafts prepared and ready prior to evacuating passengers
  6. Confirm all flight crew, ABPs, SSRs and passengers have evacuated
  7. Consider appropriate equipment to remove from aircraft prior to exiting

On completion of the plan review, the OBL will advise the captain “Cabin preparation complete” by way of standard communication with the flight deck. They will confirm the time before cabin crew members are to be seated.

If required, the OBL is to initiate a call back to advise cabin crew members of any revised time available before the need to be seated. The OBL will also advise:
• Revise and action further additional duties for the Cabin Preparation
• Maintain cabin presence.

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Evacuation Plan Review/Seats for Landing/Brace Signal:

  • Upon hearing the Landing Position PA what must cabin crew do?
  • In a ditching, when will the ‘No Contact’ Phase of sterile flight deck commence?
  • What is the ditching PA?
  • When can crew stop brace commands?
A Seats for Landing

At 1 minute prior to when cabin crew are required to take their seats or at any other time as advised by the captain, the OBL will make the Landing Position PA:
“Ladies and gentlemen, I will now be dimming the cabin lights to allow your eyes to adjust to the outside conditions.” (pause) “Cabin crew will now take their seats for landing. Be prepared to brace on crew commands.”
2. Cabin crew members shall return to their jump seats, remove and re-stow CP cards, be seated and secure themselves.
3. All other standard operating procedures for pre-landing are to be carried out

  • Ditching: As landing gear will not be extended the ‘No Contact’ phase of sterile flight deck will commence from the cycle of the ‘fasten seat belt/no electronic device’ sign
    2. 2.1.10 Ditching PA

In preparation for landing into water (ditching), flight crew will attempt to provide warning to the cabin by means of the Ditching PA: “Attention, Attention, this is a ditching”.
If given, this will occur prior to the brace signal. Brace PA

  1. Shortly before impact, captain will attempt to make Brace PA “This is the captain - brace, brace.”
  2. Adopt brace position and commence brace commands “Heads down, stay down.”
  3. Maintain brace position until aircraft comes to a complete stop. Expect more than one impact.
  4. Shout brace commands until aircraft stops unless there is a risk of injury
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Unprepared Emergency Landing – Notification to Passengers:

• The OBL is directed by the flight crew to immediately notify passengers of an emergency landing/ditching, but there is insufficient time for a Cabin Preparation. List 5 things they shall prioritise advising the passengers?


2.2.2 Unprepared Emergency Landing - Notification to Passengers

When there is insufficient time prior to an emergency landing/ditching to conduct a Cabin Preparation, the Cabin Preparation signal and procedures are not required.
The flight crew may elect to brief the OBL and crew members via interphone.
If directed by the flight crew to immediately notify passengers, the OBL shall assess the actual time available and prioritise the most important safety information that passengers should know before an emergency landing/ditching:
• Advising passengers of the impending Brace PA by the captain
• Reminder to passengers of the brace positions and reference to the
Safety Instruction Card
• Location of the nearest exits
• Listen carefully to crew commands
• Stow personal handheld items.

Consideration should be given to:
• Whether normal pre-landing cabin duties have been completed
• Use of PAs already published in the PA Handbook which may be helpful.

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Cracked Cabin Window:

  • How many structural panes does each cabin window have?
  • What are cabin crew immediate actions for a cracked cabin window?

2.3 The cabin window is comprised of two structural panes. Each pane is
capable of withstanding full cabin pressure.

2.3.1 Cabin Crew Immediate Actions
1. Reassure passenger.
2. Inform captain and other crew members.
3. Advise passenger that the captain has been informed.
4. Relocate passenger(s), ensure seat belts are fastened, stow loose
5. Resume normal duties unless instructed by captain

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Disruptive Passengers:

  • List 5 examples of offences against regulations?
  • What are the three levels of the disruptive passenger management matrix?
  • If a passenger is interfering with cabin crew or not complying with cabin crew instructions, what are they classified as on the disruptive passenger management matrix?
  • Can a restrained passenger use the lavatory?

2.4 Disruptive Passengers

It is the responsibility of crew to consider safety of other passengers and prevent damage to the aircraft. It is vital crew members maintain a constant awareness of passengers and note any changes in passenger behaviour.
Crew members should be aware that various occurrences, regulations and personal circumstances might trigger disruptive behaviour.

Note: A person in an aircraft shall not behave in an offensive or disorderly manner

2.4.1 Regulatory Offences
Offences against regulations include:

• Boarding an aircraft while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs
to the extent of physical incompetence

• Interfering with a crew member

• Tampering with an aircraft, an aircraft component or item of
equipment. This includes any non-approved products that passengers bring onboard the aircraft to attach/alter aircraft equipment or component

• Committing an act that threatens the safety of the aircraft or persons onboard

• Offensive/disorderly behaviour, to the discomfort or distress of other passengers and or crew that may include:
- Threatening violence to the extent of possible damage or is a
hazard to the aircraft
- Symptoms of unsound mind
- Suspected or known possession of unauthorised weapons
- Disobeying crew instructions.

Power is granted to air crew during flight to make an arrest onboard. Arrest and restraint of a passenger is a serious outcome and shall only be used as a last resort.

  1. 4.2 Disruptive Passenger Matrix:
    - Disruptive
    - Unruly
    - Violent

2.12.3 A restrained passenger is not permitted to use lavatories unless accompanied by a travel companion

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Engine Failure/Abnormality:

• Can aircraft operate safely after the failure of one engine?


2.5 Engine Failure/Abnormality

Aircraft can operate safely after the failure of one engine, although an
unscheduled or in some cases emergency landing may be required.

2.5.1 Cabin Crew Immediate Actions
Informed by captain:
1. Follow directions given by flight crew.
2. Resume normal duties unless instructed by captain.
Informed by passenger:
1. Reassure passenger.
2. Inform captain and other crew members stating which engine appears to be operating abnormally.
3. Advise passenger that the captain has been informed and the aircraft is airworthy on one engine.
4. Resume normal duties unless instructed by captain

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Fuel Spillage:

• If fuel is spilled creating a fire hazard, what will the flight crew ensure?


2.6 Fuel Spillage

If fuel vapour is detected inside the aircraft or a fuel spillage is observed outside the aircraft, the flight crew shall be notified immediately via Non-normal Communication method, or in their absence ground crew, to ensure the loading of fuel ceases. If fuel is spilled creating a fire hazard, the flight crew will ensure that:
• The airport fire service is notified
• Passengers onboard/boarding/disembarking are directed off the aircraft to a point at least 15 m from fuel spillage.

Flight crew, or in their absence the pit crew leader will ensure that:

• Mobile power units, pre-conditioned air units, vehicles and power operated loading devices operating within 15 m of the spilled fuel
are shut down and where applicable removed from the area

  • Maintenance work of any nature on or within the aircraft is suspended and not recommenced until the spilled fuel has been removed
  • The pit crew leader shall take necessary steps to ensure the aircraft can be removed from the affected area as soon as possible
  • When the APU is operating, once passengers have disembarked the APU should be shut down
  • If possible, the flight crew and pit crew leader should consider preparing the aircraft to remove it from the affected area as soon as possible.NOTE: Crew should be aware that fuel spillage is a fire hazard and it may be necessary to conduct a precautionary disembarkation or an evacuation.
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  • If a flight crew member is unconscious and breathing, what oxygen flow mode will cabin crew administer (on the flight crew oxygen system)?
  • When will cabin crew remove an incapacitated flight crew member from their seat and who may assist (if required)?
  • Cabin Crew Incapacitation: if two door operation is required, how should this be undertaken?
A Flight Crew Incapacitation -
Cabin Crew Immediate Actions

Crew members shall always act on the advice from the able flight crew member.

If Flight Crew Member Is Unconscious and Breathing:
Secure incapacitated flight crew member:
1. Slide seat fully back and across.
2. Remove headset.
3. Recline seat as far as possible.
4. Secure 5-point harness.
5. Cross flight crew member’s arms under shoulder harness securely.
6. Lock shoulder harness inertia reel.
7. Administer flight crew oxygen - 100% oxygen.
8. Monitor the flight crew member’s condition.
If a passenger provides medical assistance and is required to communicate with flight crew, this shall be done from the cabin via the interphone.

If Flight Crew Member is Not Breathing:
1. Slide seat fully back and accross
2. Remove headset.
3. Recline seat as far as possible.
4. Remove flight crew member from seat.
5. On advice from the other flight crew member, take the incapacitated
flight crew member into the cabin or galley and commence CPR.
6. Monitor the flight crew member’s condition.

If the incapacitated flight crew member has been removed from their seat for CPR, consideration should be given for continuing CPR for landing.
If a passenger provides medical assistance and is required to communicate with flight crew, this shall be done via the interphone.

In the event that assist/supernumerary cabin crew members are not available, primary cabin crew members shall be nominated to operate two doors. For two door operation the crew member is to:

  1. Arm/disarm their primary door.
  2. Arm/disarm their secondary door.
  3. Crosscheck their primary door.
  4. Crosscheck their secondary door.
  5. Complete call back procedure.

Where possible the OBL should be responsible for two door operation, and to maintain cabin surveillance be seated in 1R jump seat


Off-Loading Passengers:

  • Once a passenger has boarded, are they permitted to leave?
  • What are the two types of Offloads
  • What are some reasons a passenger may be involuntarily offloaded?
  • Who should be consulted during offload decisions?
  • What must be done with passenger’s cabin baggage?
  • When Will law enforcement officers attend if a passenger is being offloaded?

2.8 Offloading Passengers

Once a passenger has boarded the aircraft, they are not permitted to
leave unless being off-loaded for voluntary or involuntary reasons.

2.8.1 Voluntary Off-Load
Occurs when a passenger onboard an aircraft requests to be removed for various reasons.

If an aircraft is diverted due to a medical emergency, security or safety incident on board and a passenger voluntarily off-loads themselves, the passenger’s baggage (any checked baggage and/or carry-on baggage) shall also be off-loaded.

If an aircraft is required to divert due to weather, curfew or aircraft malfunction, and a passenger voluntarily off-loads themselves, the passenger’s baggage (checked baggage and/or carry-on baggage) may remain on the aircraft.

If there is any doubt about the reason for a passenger’s off-load, the captain may require the passenger’s baggage to be off-loaded. Any decision to allow baggage to remain onboard the aircraft rests with Group Security and the captain.

2.8.2 Involuntary Off-Load
Occurs when a passenger onboard the aircraft is removed by Virgin Australia. Possible reasons for a passenger to be off-loaded include, but are not limited to:

  • Intoxication
  • Offensive or disorderly behaviour to a crew member or another passenger
  • Any act that threatens safety of aircraft or of persons onboard
  • Does not meet Virgin Australia requirements to travel

• Medical, refer Volume A8: Aviation Medicine Handbook, Section 8 -
Medical Clearance Guidelines.
Follow procedures in Section 2.8.3 - During Boarding/Taxi and
Section 2.8.4 - On Arrival.

Who should be consulted during offload decisions? CPT? Group Security? CM? 🤷🏽‍♀️


Passengers ‘Joking’ about Bombs/Weapons:

  • When a passenger makes a comment about bombs and/or weapons, what should you ask to assess their remark?
  • Describe the process cabin crew will undertake to ensure all bags are offloaded with the offending passenger?
  • If a passenger inflight replies that their comment is NOT a joke, what will the captain do?

2.9 Passengers ‘Joking’ about bombs

2.9.1 Assess the Remark
Any time a passenger makes a comment that may be perceived as ‘joking’ about bombs and/or weapons, crew are to assess the remarks. Verify with the person making the comment if they are joking by asking:

“Sir/Madam, I warn you that your remarks may be considered a threat under the Aviation Transport Security Regulations and you may be charged by the police if you continue. Further to this you may not be carried for a period of 24 hours. Is this a joke?”

Act professionally and alleviate any threat perceived by other passengers

  • During Boarding/Taxi
    1. Contact the Onboard Leader (OBL).
    2. The OBL will contact and inform the captain of all details regarding the joking comment including the fact the cabin crew member is satisfied the passenger made a joke and the passenger has withdrawn the remark.
    3. The captain will contact GC/AMCO to advise them that the passenger will be off-loaded from the flight. GC/AMCO will contact the Operations Controller and notify local law enforcement agency where appropriate.
    4. If the aircraft has already pushed back, the captain shall make arrangements with the GHA to return to the bay.
    5. The aircraft will be met by the local law enforcement agency where appropriate and the passenger and all their baggage shall be off-loaded from the flight.
    6. Cabin crew members shall ensure that all the passenger’s belongings are identified and removed from the aircraft. Crew members shall check seat pockets and under seats to ensure the offending passenger does not leave anything behind. If required, ask other passengers in the cabin to identify their carry-on baggage.
    7. If offending passenger is accompanied, the accompanying passenger is only off-loaded at their request. Any off-loaded passengers shall also have their baggage off-loaded.
    8. Complete Safety Report
    2. 9.2.2 Inflight
    1. Contact the OBL.
    2. The OBL will inform the captain of all details including the fact that the passenger has confirmed the comment is not a joke.
    3. The captain will then contact the Virgin Australia Operations Controller, who will then contact the Virgin Australia Bomb Threat Assessment Team to assess the situation.
    4. On direction from the assessment team, cabin crew and flight crew may be required to follow the Bomb Threat procedures outlined in Section 3.4.2 - Bomb Threat.
    5. Complete Safety Report

Precautionary Disembarkation:

  • What is a Precautionary Disembarkation?
  • If you are instructed to arm/disarm a door, is there a requirement to cross check?
  • True or false: If doors are armed, all exits NOT being used for the precautionary disembarkation must remain armed and guarded by the primary crew member until all passengers have left the aircraft?
  • Write out 10 suggested instructions crew should use in a precautionary disembarkation?

2.10 Precautionary Disembarkation

The captain may decide an evacuation is unnecessary, but elect to disembark passengers and crew by ordering a precautionary disembarkation.

A precautionary disembarkation:
• Is not an evacuation and the evacuation drill and commands shall not be used
• Can take place at any time during ground operations.

The captain will assess the situation and nominate exits to be used. Various doors may be used for a precautionary disembarkation and, where applicable, may be armed or disarmed as required by the captain.

Where a non-normal event occurs during boarding or disembarkation, cabin crew shall ensure appropriate communication is maintained with flight crew and the decision to disembark passengers shall only occur under flight crew direction. If applicable, cabin crew shall communicate with ground crew that a precautionary disembarkation has been directed by the captain and will be taking place through [nominated doors]. There is no requirement to cross check doors in a precautionary disembarkation

NOTE: If doors are armed, all exits NOT being used for the precautionary disembarkation shall remain armed and guarded by the primary crew member until all passengers have left the aircraft.

2.10.3 Precautionary Disembarkation ‘Suggested’ Instructions

Initial Instructions:
“Come this way”
“Move to an open exit”
“Leave baggage behind”

Slide Disembarkation Instructions:
“High Heels Off”
“Sit and Slide”
“One at a time”
“You hold the bottom of the slide”
“You help people off the slide”

Stairs/Aerobridge disembarkation instructions:
“Move carefully down the stairs”
“Assist others down the stairs”
“Move towards the terminal”


Rejected Take-off:

• What are cabin crew immediate actions during a rejected take-off?


2.11 Rejected Take Off

During a rejected take-off, power will initially reduce towards idle thrust, then reverse thrust will normally be selected to bring the aircraft to a stop on the runway.
Braking may be severe.

After a rejected take-off one of the following situations will occur:
• Return for take-off
• Return to the gate
• An alert phase
• A precautionary disembarkation
• An evacuation.
  1. 11.1 Cabin Crew Immediate Actions
  2. Maintain brace position.
  3. Commence brace commands if appropriate.

Cabin Crew Follow Up Actions

  1. 11.2.1 Aircraft Structurally Intact and in Level Position
  2. Remain seated.
  3. Await flight crew instructions.
  4. 11.2.2 Aircraft Structurally Damaged or at Abnormal Angle
  5. Await flight crew instructions.
  6. If not forthcoming, assess situation and attempt to communicate with flight crew and other crew members.
  7. If no contact possible, initiate evacuation.

Restraint of Passengers Inflight:

  • Who must make the decision to restrain a passenger?
  • What are the two handcuffing techniques?
  • Who will brief cabin crew and allocate positions, prior to restraining a passenger?
  • What are the three positions required to restrain a passenger?
  • How many witness reports should be completed?
  • Can handcuffs be removed inflight?

2.12 Restraint of Passengers Inflight

The captain shall make the decision to restrain a passenger. The following actions should be carried out by crew to ensure a successful restraint with minimal injuries.

2.12.1 Primary Handcuffing Technique - Seated Approach
Advise passenger: “As a result of your behaviour the captain has given the order for you to be restrained. This is for your own safety and that of the passengers around you. Please raise your left/right arm.” (Arm closest to the aisle).
Methods of approach will change depending upon situation.

2.12.2 Alternate Handcuffing Technique - Standing

  1. 12.1.1 Preparation
  2. Seek approval from captain.
  3. Onboard Leader (OBL) shall brief cabin crew and allocate restraint positions.
  4. Prepare/brief Able-Bodied Persons (ABP’s) Allocation of Positions

Cuffer Responsibilities
• Setting cuffs and placing handcuffs on passenger
• Directing crew during restraint
• Possession of handcuff key and double-locking handcuffs once
passenger is restrained.

Restrainer Responsibility
Responsible for assisting cuffer by physically restraining passenger.

Assist Responsibility
Responsible for assisting cuffer by physically restraining passenger.

Handcuffing is an arrest and the handcuffs should be removed by an appropriate authority on the ground. Handcuffs shall not be removed in flight unless directed by the captain

Passenger not permitted to use lavatories unless accompanied by a travel companion

Ensure two witness reports are completed


Smoking in Aircraft:

  • What are cabin crew actions if a passenger is suspected to have been smoking?
  • What should cabin crew say if a passenger is observed smoking?
  • If a cigarette is found, what should you do with it?
  • If a passenger is observed smoking, who has the authority for the passenger to be met by airport security or police?

2.13 Smoking in Aircraft

Australian legislation does not permit smoking either on the aircraft, or in the vicinity of aircraft when on the ground. Any person found disregarding this legislation shall be advised and subsequent actions taken.

2.13.1 Passenger Suspected of Smoking
If passenger is suspected to have been smoking:
1. Do not accuse passenger.
2. Ask if they have been smoking.
3. Inform passenger smoking on an aircraft is against legislation.
4. Ask passenger where they extinguished the cigarette.
5. Investigate the area, dampen if required.

If cigarette is located:

  1. Dampen to ensure completely extinguished.
  2. Place in a sealable container.
  3. Inform captain.

2.13.2 Passenger Observed Smoking
If passenger is observed smoking:

  1. Inform passenger of regulation and request cigarette be
    “Excuse me Sir/Madam, government regulations prohibit smoking on this aircraft and heavy fines may be imposed. Would you please extinguish the cigarette.”
  2. Inform Onboard Leader (OBL) and other crew.
  3. If passenger fails to respond, OBL shall approach passenger with crew member who made first request, and repeat request (two witnesses are required for corroborative evidence of statements should the case go to prosecution).
  4. OBL shall identify passenger using the manifest, and address passenger by name:
    “Are you (Ms/Mr)?
    Are you aware that government legislation prohibits smoking on this aircraft and that heavy fines will be imposed upon passengers who smoke onboard? Once again, we ask that you extinguish the cigarette immediately or further action will be taken.”
  5. Extinguish and dampen cigarette.
  6. Place in a sealable container.
  7. Advise the captain of any details.
    Captain has authority to have
    passenger met by airport security or police.


  • Name 3 conditions that can cause turbulence?
  • Can service continue if the seatbelt sign is switched on at any time during flight?
  • Can any cabin crew member elect to discontinue the hot drinks service if they feel it is unsafe to continue?
  • What is anticipated turbulence?
  • What are some actions cabin crew can take to minimise injuries during turbulence?
  • If an occupant of the aircraft feels a violent force against their seat belt, what type of turbulence is being experienced?
  • What are Flight Crew actions in severe turbulence, and what is the PA that is used?
  • In turbulence, how long should it take for cabin crew to return to their jump seats and secure their harness?

2.14 Turbulence

Turbulence is air movement that sometimes cannot be seen and may occur unexpectedly. It can be caused by a number of different conditions, including jet streams, mountain waves, cold/warm fronts or thunderstorms.
Turbulence that occurs when the sky appears clear is called Clear Air Turbulence (CAT). This type of turbulence is difficult to accurately predict and may occur through a wide range of altitudes.

  • NOTE: All service shall cease if the fasten seat belt sign is switched on at any time including when preparation of the cabin for landing is required.
  • At any time during the flight the OBL may elect to suspend, delay or modify the service due to the safety risk to crew and passengers. Any cabin crew member may elect to discontinue the hot drinks service regardless of whether the fasten seat belt sign is on or not if they feel it is unsafe to continue

2.14.1 Anticipated Turbulence
‘Anticipated’ refers to the situation where information available to the flight crew from sources such as the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM), Jeppesen, Weather Radar, Air Traffic Control (ATC) or reports from other aircraft indicate that the flight is likely to be affected by turbulence. If in the judgement of the flight crew, they consider that turbulence is likely then the associated Anticipated Turbulence procedures should be enacted at the appropriate time.
Flight crew will liaise with cabin crew when information becomes available, to ensure the protection of cabin crew members and passengers and to limit or cease cabin service.
This can occur at one or all of the below stages:
• Preflight briefing
• Inflight/Cruise (if able 5-10 minutes in advance)
• Top of Descent arrival brief.
The following points should be covered for discussion:
• Area of turbulence forecast
• Estimated time of reaching the area
• Severity of anticipated turbulence
• When fasten seat belt sign will be switched on
• Complete actions appropriate to PA given.
As a minimum the fasten seat belt sign should be switched on no later than one minute prior to the anticipated turbulent Personal Protection
Communicate with flight crew regarding effects in the cabin and status of crew and passengers.
Even if experiencing slight changes in altitude/attitude or rhythmic motion, wait for it to pass until taking carts out.
Cabin crew should not risk personal injury by continuing service during turbulent conditions - personal safety is a priority.
Cabin crew member(s) shall communicate with the OBL:
• If they have any concerns
• If they want to take their seats or
• About the suitability of the service.
Cabin crew should always secure themselves when turbulence levels are a risk to personal safety. Where possible:
• Sit down on jump seat or spare seat and if possible secure harness/seat belt
• Hold on to seat backs, evacuation handles or grab handles in galleys, where fitted Effects of Severe Turbulence on Aircraft and in Cabin:
Effects on Aircraft:
• Large abrupt changes in altitude and/or attitude
• Large airspeed changes
• Aircraft may be difficult to control for short periods.

Effects in Cabin:
• Occupants force violently against seat belt
• Difficulty walking/standing impossible without holding on for support
• Unsecured objects tossed about, lifted from floor
• Drawers on carts may lift/fall off. Flight Crew
• Fasten seat belt sign ‘ON’.
• Make Flight Crew Severe Turbulence PA:
“Passengers and cabin crew be seated with seat belts fastened immediately”.
Follow up actions:
• Advise the OBL, via the interphone, when the fasten seat belt sign will be switched off to resume cabin duties.
• Submit a Safety Report (VAGP-SS-006) whenever crew members or passengers are injured by turbulence

Onboard Leader/Cabin Crew
NOTE: Crew members shall be seated and secure themselves immediately if they feel their safety
is in jeopardy at any stage.

Sit on jump seat and secure harness within two minutes of the fasten seat belt sign being switched on.