2. Neural Basis of Sleep Flashcards
- EEG = measures electrical brain activity from the scalp
- EOG = measures eye movements
- EMG = muscle activity (usually chin or legs)
- PSG = all the techniques used to record information about sleep
- objective measure often delivered with a sleep survey
< 4Hz
> 50Mv
> 13Hz
< 5Mv
frequency and amplitude
- used to classify different levels of arousal and sleep states
amount of oscillations in a given time (a second)
size of oscillation
sleep-wake regulation
- many neurotransmitters involved in sleep, some excitatory and others inhibitory (some stabilising neuromodulators)
- all help govern sleep
- psychiatric disorders often have impairments in these
excitatory neurotransmitters
- Acetylcholine
- Dopamine
- Histamine
- Noreadrenaline
- Serotonin
inhibitory neurotransmitters
- Galanin
- hypocretin (orexin)
- gland found in the thalamus
- produces melatonin
- feeds back on master clock and gives a biological representation of the dark as it is released at night
- light blocks melatonin, interacting with the circadian rhythm by blocking sleep
- light also has an alerting effect
- keeps us aligned to local time
active during the day
active during the night
how do we know when to sleep?
- circadian rhythms
- function of living organisms that display a rhythm of about 24h (sleep)
- different structures and processes take place over the 24h cycle (hormones, skin repair, appetite)
- sleep wake regulation - suprachiasmatic nucleus
- homeostasis
- Pineal
sleep wake regulation
- suprachiasmatic nucleus
- internal representation of time
- if destroyed there is no 24h rhythm
- SCN neurons display 24h cycle even after removed
- SCN is an internal clock with all cells having a 24h cycle, this is how we control our circadian rhythm
- circadian rhythm particularly sensitive to light (sets clock)
- Ibuka & Kawamura (1975)
- Zaidi et al (2007)
Ibuka & Kawamura (1975)
- lesions the SCN in rats
- found that the rats no longer had regulation in their 24h rhythms
exogenous zietgebers
External cues which regulate our internal body clock
endogenous pacemaker
internal mechanisms that govern biological rhythms, in particular the circadian sleep/wake cycle
- E.G. the SCN
Zaidi et al (2007)
- even if you are blind you can still entrain your internal clock through light
- melanopsin in photo-sensitive retinal gangloin cells does this (SCN depends on these exogenous zietgebers)
= sleep pressure (need for sleep)
- works with biological and circadian clock to regulate
- as homeostatic drive for sleep increases, circadian drive for arousal decreases
- this resets the next day
sleep pressure
= build up of adenosine
- when ATP is broken down adenosine is the bi-product
- as ATP is used throughout the day adenosine builds up
- end of day = highest levels of adenosine (resets next day; Moore, 2007)
awake (stage)
- alpha > beta
- high frequency
- low amplitude activity
stage 1
- nodding off
- theta activity = very relaxed
- drop in HR and body temp
- muscles start to relax
stage 2
- transition to deep sleep
- sleep spindles (bursts of activity) from thalamus projecting to cortex (thought to play a role in memory consolidation)
- 12-14Hz trains of high frequency waves thought to inhibit processing to keep the individual in a tranquil state
- k complexes also found
k complexes
- brain and body trying to stop anything external waking you up
- trying to get you into a deep sleep
- transition
- BIPHASIC wave that stands out from the rest of the EEG recording
stage 3 and 4
- moving towards deeper sleep
- transitioning to delta activity
- large amplitudes = slow wave sleep = groups of neurons firing at the same time, synchronising in a collective way
- night terrors occur if woken here
- very popular stages of research (memory consolidation)
- similar to when awake
- EOG large due to moving eyes
- EMG - little of no activity as almost paralysed (would act out your dreams otherwise)
- important in managing emotions and processing information from the day
the cycle
- fall asleep > skip REM sleep and straight into stage 1
- first cycle a lot of time is spent in stage 4 sleep
- back out into REM = 1 cycle
- 5 cycles roughly in a night (each approximately 90 minutes)
- deeper stages reduce as night progresses
- REM sleep increases as night progresses, often wake in this stage (sometimes not remember they woke)
reticular activating system
- ascending arousal system = excitatory neurotransmitters keep us awake as they inhibit the sleep cycle
- this includes acetylcholine, dopamine, histamine, noreadrenaline and serotonin
- hypocretin (orexin) ‘flips the switch’ on the sleep cycle
hypothalamic sleep system
- primary inhibitory (sleep promoting) system located in the ventrolateral preoptic area of the hypothalamus (VLPO)
- inhibits arousal system (excitatory neurotransmitters
hypocretin (orexin)
- hypocretin (orexin) ‘flips the switch’ on the sleep cycle (synthesised in the hypothalamus)
- hypocretin promotes wakefulness, inhibitory neurotransmitters block it (indirectly inhibited by adenosine)
how do the neurotransmitters promote sleep and wakefulness
- noreadrenaline (NA), serotonin (5-HT), dopamine (DA), histamine (his), hypocretin/orexin (Orx), Acetylcholine (Ach) all innervate the cortex as they are excitatory
- as adenosine builds throughout the day, hypocretin is inhibited
- inhibitory neurotransmitters from the ventrolateral preoptic area of the hypothalamus (VLPO) include GABA and Galanin - they then inhibit all of the excitatory neurotransmitters and sleep follows