2 Nephi Flashcards
Lehi sees Jerusalem destroyed in vision
They are blessed in this “Promised Land”
Arise from the dust my sons, and be men
2 Nephi 1
Lehi speaks to Jacob about opposition in all things.
“Thou art redeemed because of the righteousness of thy Redeemer” v.
“All things created to act or be acted upon” v.
“Adam fell, that men might be, and men are, that they might have joy” v.
“Men are free to choose liberty or captivity” v.
2 Nephi 2
Lehi speaks to Joseph about Joesph of Egypt, Joseph Smith, and Moses
Stick of Joseph and Stick of Ephraim v.
2 Nephi 3
Lehi speaks to Laman and Lemuel and their children, and then Ishmael
Lehi dies
Nephi’s elegy
2 Nephi 4
Nephi separates from the Lamanites
The Nephites build a temple and become very industrious
Curse placed on Lamanites and they become idolatrous and lazy
2 Nephi 5
Jacob speaks to the Nephites about the scattering, Jesus Christ, the Gentiles and the gathering
2 Nephi 6
Jacob quotes Isaiah 50
2 Nephi 7
Jacob quotes Isaiah 51
2 Nephi 8
Jacob teaches the atonement saves us from the fall
Spiritual vs physical death
When they are learned, they think they are wise v.
Consequences of sin
2 Nephi 9
Jacob explains the Jews will crucify Christ
They will be scattered, believe again and be gathered
America will be a land of liberty
Ye are free to act for yourselves
2 Nephi 10
Jacob saw his redeemer
Law of Moses typifies Christ
2 Nephi 11
Isaiah 2
Temple in “mountain of the lord”
Gathering, Millenium, peace, Second Coming
2 Nephi 12
Isaiah 3
Judah is fallen
The Lord will punish Jerusalem
2 Nephi 13
Isaiah 4
Zion will be redeemed and cleansed
2 Nephi 14
Isaiah 5
Lord’s vineyard (Israel) will become desolate
Call evil good and good evil v.
He will lift up an Ensign to the Nations
2 Nephi 15
Isaiah 6
Isaiah sees the Lord
Isaiah is called to prophesy
2 Nephi 16
Isaiah 17
Ephraim and Syria war with Jerusalem
Jesus is born of a virgin
2 Nephi 17
Isaiah 18
Christ will be a stone of stumbling and rock of offense
Seek the Lord
2 Nephi 18
Isaiah 9
Isaiah speaks messianically
Unto us a child is born
2 Nephi 19
Isaiah 10
Destruction of Assyria like at Second Coming
Remnant of Jacob will return
2 Nephi 20
Isaiah 11
Stem of Jesse will judge
Lord will reign in Millenium
2 Nephi 21
Isaiah 12
All men will praise the Lord and He will dwell among them
2 Nephi 22
Isaiah 13
Destruction of Babylon is a type of the Second Coming
2 Nephi 23
Isaiah 14
Israel gathered and will rest
Lucifer cast out for rebellion
Israel will triumph over Babylon (the world)
Shall narrowly look upon him and say this is him who caused v.
2 Nephi 24
Nephi glories in plainness
Isaiah will be understood in the latter-days
The Jews will crucify their Lord
Jews destroyed and scattered
There is no other name whereby man can be saved v.
V. 26 we preach of Christ, we teach of Christ, we Of Christ
2 Nephi 25
Christ will minister to the Nephites.
Nephi sees the destruction of his people
Gentiles build up false churches
Secret combinations return
2 Nephi 26
Book of Mormon comes forth
Marvelous work and a wonder
3 witnesses
Learned cannot read the book v.
Honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me v.
2 Nephi 27
Many false churches in the last days
Apostasy will abound
Devil will rage in hearts of me
Warnings to Zion in the last days
2 Nephi 28
Book of Mormon comes forth
A Bible, A Bible, we have got a Bible and there cannot be any more Bible
The Jews shall write, and the Nephites, and the lost tribes
2 Bephi 29
Converted Gentiles become covenant people
Many Lamanites and Jews shall be converted
Israel restored and wicked destroyed
2 Nephi 30
Nephi tells why Christ was baptized
V. 5-7 He was baptized to be obedient
First principles and ordinances of the gospel
V. 19-21 Press forward with steadfastness
2 Nephi 31
Angles speak by the power of the Holy Ghost
V. 3-5 Feast upon the words of Christ, he will tell you
Enter by the way, and the Holy Ghost will show you
V. 8-9 Pray always, not faint
2 Nephi 32
Nephi’s words are tries and testify of Christ
V. 10 if ye believe not, believe in Christ. If ye shall believe, you will believe in these words
2 Nephi 33