2. NCMA (FAR 5,6,7,8,9) Flashcards
The Federal Supply Schedule Program is also known as the:
Multiple Award Schedule Program (FAR 8.402)
Which of these mandatory government supply sources has the highest priority for supplies?
Federal Prison Industries, Inc. (FAR 8.002)
Which of these mandatory Government supply sources has the highest priority for services?
Services that are on the Procurement List maintained by the Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled. (FAR 8.002)
First Article testing and approval IS NOT normally required for
Products normally sold in the commercial market (FAR 9.304)
The contracting officer may use competitive proposals in lieu of sealed bids if:
It is necessary to conduct discussions. (FAR 6.401)
Which of the following would be considered inherently governmental functions?
Direction and control of Federal employees (FAR 7.5)
Which of the following is NOT a potential organizational conflict of interest?
An incumbent contractor submits a proposal for a follow-on or renewal contract. (FAR 9.505)
Which of the following duties is NOT a responsibility for competition advocates?
Recommend to the Contracting Officer a system of personal accountability for competition, which may include the use of recognition and awards to motivate the procurement staff. (FAR 6.502)
A competition advocate:
promotes acquisition of commercial items; promotes full and open competition; challenges ambiguous and restrictive work statements; challenges barriers to the acquisition of commercial items and full and open competition. (FAR 6.502)
What is the difference between Debarment and Suspension?
Suspension is for a temporary period and Debarment generally does not exceed three years, but may be for a period not to exceed five years if the contractor violated the provisions of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988. (FAR 9.406 and 9.407)
When should acquisition planning begin?
Acquisition planning should begin as soon as the agency need is identified. (FAR 7.104)
When should a Contracting Officer publicize a requirement in the GPE though a synopsis?
The Contracting Officer should publicize 15 days prior to solicitation. (FAR 5.203)
When must contracting officers synopsize contract awards?
When contract awards exceed $25,000. (FAR 5.3)
Which agency operates SAM.gov?
General Services Administration (GSA). (FAR 9.404)
When identical supplies are on the Procurement List issued by Federal Prison Industries, Inc. that is on the Procurement List issued by Ability One, what is the priority for ordering supplies?
Federal Prison Industries, Inc. (FAR 8.704)
When identical services are on the Procurement List issued by Federal Prison Industries, Inc. that is on the Procurement List issued by AbilityOne, what is the priority for ordering services?
AbilityOne participating nonprofit agencies. (FAR 8.704)
If a Small Business concern’s offer that would otherwise be accepted is to be rejected because of a determination of non-responsibility, the Contracting Officer shall refer the matter to the Small Business Administration (SBA) who will decide whether or not to issue a:
Certificate of Competency. (FAR 9.104-3)
______________ is an online shopping service through which ordering activities may search specific information (national stock number, part number, common name), review delivery options and place orders directly with schedule contractors
GSA Advantage! (FAR 8.402)
A written acquisition plan must include the following EXCEPT:
Source Selection Evaluation Board Report (FAR 7.105)
The competitive procedures available for use in fulfilling the requirements for full and open competition are:
a. Sealed bids
b. Competitive proposals.
c. Combination of competitive procedures.
d. Other competitive procedures.
(FAR 6.102)
Ordering offices shall purchase supplies and services in the following order of priorities.
1. Federal Prison Industries, Inc.
2. AbilityOne participating nonprofit agencies
3. Commercial Sources.
1. AbilityOne participating nonprofit agencies
2. Federal Prison Industries, Inc. or Commercial Sources.