2: Multi-Store Model of Memory Flashcards
what is a model of memory
model - representation of how system works
model of memory - basic idea of how the memory system operates, the various parts that make up the memory system and how parts work together.
eg: MSM, WMM
who created the MSM?
Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968)
Description of MSM:
Atkinson & Shiffrin’s (1968) MSM claimed that memory is made up of three stores linked by processing.
Description of MSM:
sensory register
the SR is where info is held at each of the senses - sights, sounds, smells and so on.
these ‘sensory registers’ are constantly receiving and coding modality specific info but most of this receives no attention.
this incoming data remains here for a very brief period as the SR has a very large capacity but very limited duration (0.5 seconds)
description of the MSM:
if attention is focused on the SR the data is encoded and transferred to STM
this is mainly through acoustic coding
here info can be lost by displacement (capacity if 5-9, new info pushes out old) or decay (duration of 18-30s, without maintenance rehearsal short term memories fade)
description of the MSM: LTM
if info is rehearsed and understood (elaborative rehearsal) it is transferred into LTM
mainly through semantic coding
LTM can hold unlimited amount of info for an unlimited (up to a life time) duration
when info needs to be recalled from LTM it is retrieved from LTM into STM
Atkinson & Shiffrin proposed direct link between rehearsal in STM and strengthof the long term memory
Evaluation of MSM: strengths
P: evidence supports that memory made up of different stores
E: case studies/research show there are separate STM/LTM stores
E: KF - suffered damage to STM (verbal damaged/digit span of 2, visual mostly unaffected) but LTM in tact
L: separate STM/LTM stores otherwise his STM/LTM would be damaged equally
P: further evidence for separate STM/LTM stores from Murdock (1962)
E: primacy - recency effect
E: concluded bc beginning info was rehearsed, understood and transferred to LTM and end words displaced middle and were still in STM at recall
L: scientific evidence supports many ideas of MSM
P: support for features of sensory register from Sperling (1960)
E: letter chart 0.5s: recalled 3. when indicated top,middle or bottom recall 3 from any row
E: no problem holding memory of entire image but this faded in time to recall
L: supports large capacity, very brief duration (0.5s)
Evaluation of MSM: limitations
P: evidence suggests STM isn’t unitary
E: MSM suggests only one type of STM, research contradicts this
E: KF - brain damage to verbal STM (digit span 2) but visual mostly unaffected
L: STM isn’t unitary or damage to his STM would be equal: MSM insufficient in fully explaining STM on its own
P: evidence suggests the LTM isn’t unitary
E: MSM suggests only one type of LTM, research contradicts this
E: Clive Wearing - damage to episodic LTM (wedding) but procedural LTM in tact (play piano)
L: LTM isn’t unitary or damage to his LTM would be equal: MSM insufficient in fully explaining LTM on its own