2. Mood Disorders Flashcards
Lasts at least 2 weeks during which the person experiences a depressed mood or loss of pleasure in nearly all activities
Major Depression
Former name of Major Depression
Clinical Depression
Formerly known as Manic-Depressive Illness
Bipolar Disorder
Diagnosed when a person’s mood fluctuates to extremes of mania and/or depression
Bipolar Disorder
This period lasts about 1 week (unless the person is hospitalized and treated sooner)
Bipolar Disorder
Diagnosed when the person experiences both mania and depression nearly everyday for at least 1 week
Mixed Episode (rapid cycling)
Mood disorder that robs the person of joy, self-esteem, and energy.
It interferes with relationships and occupational productivity
Major Depressive Disorder
Treatment: Major Depressive Disorder
2. TCA
Electroconvulsive Therapy
This is used when medications are ineffective or side effects are intolerable
Electroconvulsive Therapy
Electroconvulsive Therapy frequency of treatment
6-15 treatments, 3x a week
Medications: Major Depressive Disorder
Prescribed for mild and moderate depression
Medications: Major Depressive Disorder
Used for moderate and severe depression
It is more common in highly educated people
Bipolar Disorder
Medications: Major Depressive Disorder
Are used infrequently because interaction with tyramine causes hypertensive crisis
Extreme mood swings from episodes of mania to episodes of depression
Bipolar Disorder
Ranks second only to major depression as a cause of worldwide disability
Bipolar Disorder
Manic episodes with at least one depressive episode
Bipolar Type 1
Cycles alternate between periods of mania, normal mood, depression, normal mood, mania, and so forth
Bipolar Mixed
Euphoric, grandiose, energetic, sleepless, poor judgment, and rapid thoughts, actions, and speech
Symptoms of Manic Phase - Bipolar Disorder
Recurrent depressive episodes with at least one hypomanic episode
Bipolar Type 2
Treatment: Bipolar Disorder
- Medication
Anticonvulsant Drugs - Psychotherapy
Medications: Bipolar Disorder
It is used for their mood-stabilizing effects
Anticonvulsant Drugs
Medications: Bipolar Disorder
Regular monitoring of serum lithium is needed
Changes in eating habits resulting in unplanned weight gain or loss, hypersomnia or insomnia, impaired concentration, decision-making, or problem solving abilities
Inability to cope with daily life, feelings of worthlessness, helplessness, guilt, or despair
Thoughts of death and/or suicide, overwhelming fatigue
Rumination with pessimistic thinking with no hope of improvement
Major Depression