2. Methodologies of Marketing Research Flashcards
A productive research design is…
developed after intensive study of the problem is researched.
a well-devised research design…
guides the research program.
A Research Design should detail…
- types of data to be collected (qualitative/ quantitative)
- most suitable methods of investigation
- sampling plan (outline of measurements, on what material and by whom)
Types of research design?
- Exploratory
- Causal
- Descriptive
what is exploratory research design?
investigating real nature of research problems
- often ‘first step’; provides initial insights.
- allows problems to be defined
- quick/ economic way to acquire an overview of problems & relevant factors.
- tends to be qualitative
- makes use of secondary and may include some primary e.g. explanatory interviews
- can give information that will help to determine whether to continue research
what is descriptive research design?
concerned with counting/ describing specific features (e.g. market demand, economic data) of markets, consumer segments etc.
- describes specific market phenomena (frequency of store visit)
- collects stats which can test predictions and hypothesis from exploratory theories
- provides dating for comparing products, you can see which ones are competitive
- Evaluates new product performance (can ask your customers what they thought)
- develops customer profiles/ preferences (different buyers. one might buy it for brand one because of health. size of toothpaste for family or travel?
What is casual research?
Attempts to identify/ evaluate factors underlying market behaviour - establish links
- Attempts to identify cause-and-effect relationships (eg. variations in pricing, packaging, advertising etc.)
- what side effects are there from a something happening e.g. an alarm going off. It will wake you up could also wake another roommate up.
What is reliability?
-stability and consistency of research results (eg. same results could be obtained if same methods of sampling/questioning/analytical measurement were replicated)
What is validity?
- validity is whether the research is actually measuring what it claims to be measuring
- Is the research you’re doing actually measuring what you have intended to measure
What are the Sequential stages of marketing research?
Step 1- Research brief Step 2- Research proposal (work plan) Step 3- Data Collection Step 4- Data Analysis & Evaluation Step 5- Preparation & presentation of report
Step 1: Research Brief
- Clients and researchers should work closely in developing research objectives
- Briefing from clients need to be clear, detailed & objective
- Researchers should point out which problems their clients will face
- client & researchers will need to agree on the scope & nature of the market research
Step 2: Research Proposal (work plan)
- Clear statement of nature of research problem
- Specify precise population (e.g. cat owners) involved and principal factors that appear to influence
- explain the objectives and methodologies and justify why these are the most suitable to the client.
- Indicate degree of accuracy likely to be achieved
- give estimates of how much time they will need to carry out the task
- indicate terms of the contract; cost, payment terms
Step 3: data collection
- Sampling schedules
- data sources —> Primary
- –> Secondary - time schedule of operations
- fieldwork organisation
Step 4: Data analysis & Evaluation
- Methods of analysis are appropriate for type of data
- important relationships between market variables and identified and discussed (customers may have a strong loyalty to a brand re-branding could upset a lot)
- tabulations/ analyses have been fully completed
- processed data are more likely to fulfil research objective
- Statistical terms are all explained
Step 5: Preparation & presentation of the report
- discussion of research findings develops in a logical sequence
- the report is clearly written and avoids jargon
- tables & graphs should be used to help explain
- the design of it conveys professionalism
- summary of report is available for senior management a.s.a.p.