2. Merton’s Strain Theory Flashcards
- Structural and Cultural Factors
- Durkheim: adapted Durkheim’s concept of anomie to explain deviance.
- Explanation combines two elements…
- Structural Factors: society’s unequal opportunity
- Cultural Factors: strong emphasis on success goals and the weaker emphasis on using legitimate means to achieve them.
- Strain Between
• Merton: deviance is result of strain between two things…
1. Goals that a culture encourages individuals to achieve
2. What society allows them to achieve legitimately.
• E.g. American culture values ‘money success’ (material wealth + status)
- American Dream
• Americans are expected to pursue this goal by legitimate means: self-discipline, educational qualifications and hard work
- Society is seen to be meritocratic (equal opportunities)
• Reality is different: disadvantaged groups are denied opportunities to achieve legitimately.
- Poverty, inadequate schools and discrimination in the job market blocks opportunities. (ethnic minorities and lower classes are disadvantaged)
• Strain between cultural goal of money success and lack of legitimate opportunities produces pressure to resort to illegitimate means such as crime and deviance (Merton: ‘the strain to anomie’)
• Merton: pressure to deviate is increased by the fact that American culture puts more emphasis on achieving success than upon doing so by legitimate means
- Winning the game becomes more important than playing by the rules
- Deviant Adaptations to Strain
- Merton: individuals social position affects the way they adapt to the strain to anomie.
- There are five different types of adaptation.
- Conformity: Individuals accept culturally approved goals and strive to achieve them legitimately.
- Most likely among MC who have opportunities to achieve. - Innovation: accept the goal of money success, but use illegitimate means such as theft to achieve it.
- Lower classes under more pressure to innovate. - Ritualism: give up on trying to achieve the goals but have internalised the legitimate means and so they follow the rules for their own sake.
- Typical of lower MC office workers. - Retreatism: reject both the goals and the legitimate means and become dropouts.
- Merton includes ‘drug addicts’ and ‘tramps’ - Rebellion: reject the society’s goals and means but replace them with new ones – desire to bring about revolutionary change
- Rebels include political radicals and counter cultures (e.g. hippies)
- Evaluation
- Most crime is property crime (American society values material wealth)
- Lower-class crime rates are higher (least opportunity)
- Takes official stats at face value (stats over-represent WC crime, so Merton sees crime as a mainly WC phenomenon)
- Not all WC deviate
- Some do not share the goal of ‘money success’
- Only accounts for Utilitarian crime
- Structural and Cultural Factors
- Strain Between
- American Dream
- Deviant Adaptations to Strain
- Evaluation