2: Infant female well-child visits (2, 6, and 9 months) Flashcards
Components of a Well Child Visit: Interval History
- Ask if there have been any illnesses or problems since the previous visit.
- If this is the first visit, obtain a detailed birth hx.
Components of a Well Child Visit: Development
- May be assessed using one of several developmental screening tests (e.g., the Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS), or Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ).
- AAP mandates developmental screening at the 9mo, 18mo, and 30mo checkups.
- Specific autism screening is recommended at 18 mo- old and 2yo.
- Many offices do developmental screening at every health maintenance visit, especially if the office takes care of children who have been medically underserved.
- Tests may involve parental reports and/or examination in the office.
Components of a Well Child Visit: Growth
Growth is best assessed using a growth chart and analyzing the data over time.
Components of a Well Child Visit: Diet Hx
feeding practices: breast or bottle (if an infant), or (if older child) type of food and drink, frequency, and any difficulties the parent has noted with feeding.
Components of a Well Child Visit: Social Hx
- who lives with the child and who the primary caretakers are.
- assess for environmental risks (e.g., smokers, guns in the home, lead exposure).
Components of a Well Child Visit: PE
thoroughly conduct one
Components of a Well Child Visit: Anticipatory Guidance
help the parents anticipate the child’s development and nutritional needs and to advise them regarding the child’s safety
Components of a Well Child Visit: Immunizations and labwork
The visit is concluded by immunizations or screening labs, if warranted at that particular age.
Nutrition Guidance: Breast Milk
preferred source of nutrition for most babies.
Nutrition Guidance: Formula
Commercial formulas provide complete nutrition for those babies whose mothers are unable or unwilling to breastfeed. Available formulas include those made with:
–Cow’s milk protein
–Soy protein, or
–Hydrolyzed cow’s milk protein
There are also specialized formulas that provide protein in the form of simple AA (the true elemental formulas).
Nutrition Guidance: Preparing the Formula
- Ready-to-feed formula: Baby is fed directly from the bottle
- Powder: Two scoops of the powder are mixed with 4 oz water
- Formula concentrate: ratio is one part concentrate to one part water
Nutrition Guidance: Transition to Regular Cow’s Milk
Infants should take breast milk or formula until 12mo. A/c to AAP:
- -Young infants cannot digest cow’s milk as completely or easily as they digest breast milk or formula.
- -Cow’s milk contains high concentrations of protein and minerals, which can stress a newborn’s immature kidneys.
- -Cow’s milk lacks iron, vitamin C, and other nutrients that infants need.
- -It can also irritate the lining of the stomach and intestine, leading to blood loss in the stool.
- -Cow’s milk does not contain the optimal types of fat for growing infants.
Early Growth
Most babies lose a little weight right after birth, then may regain their birth weight as early as 1 wk, but are definitely expected to have regained their birth weight by 2 wk.
Caloric Requirements of 1- to 2-Month-Olds: term infant
Adequate growth for a term infant requires approximately 100 to 120 cal/kg/day. Average daily weight gain for a term infant is 20 to 30 grams.
Caloric Requirements of 1- to 2-Month-Olds: preterm infant
require 115 to 130 cal/kg/day.
Caloric Requirements of 1- to 2-Month-Olds: VLBW infants
require up to 150 cal/kg/day
Moro Reflex
- elicited by an abrupt change in the infant’s head position and consists of two parts:
- -Symmetric abduction
- -Extension of the arms followed by adduction of the arms, sometimes with a cry.
- -present at birth, disappears by 4 mo.
- -may be used to detect peripheral problems such as congenital musculoskeletal abnormalities or neural plexus injuries.
Developmental surveillance generally includes assessment of milestones in four domains
- Gross motor
- Fine motor
- Communication/social
- Cognitive/adaptive
Screening with a validated tool is recommended at what ages
9, 18, and 24 months of age
Anticipatory Guidance at the 2-month Visit: Solid Foods
Some infants may be started on rice cereal with a spoon at age 4 months.
Anticipatory Guidance at the 2-month Visit: Vit D
- AAP recommended daily allowance for vitamin D is 400 units per day
- Infants and children who are exclusively or mostly breastfed should be supplemented, as should infants and children drinking < a quart/day of formula or cows milk.
- Infants:liquid vitamin drops; older children:chewable multivitamins.
Anticipatory Guidance at the 2-month Visit: Child Care
choose a child care center
Anticipatory Guidance at the 2-month Visit: Sleep
- Most babies sleep through the night by age 4 to 6 months.
- To help prevent SIDS, an infant should continue to be placed on her back to go to sleep.
Anticipatory Guidance at the 2-month Visit: Safety
- Family members who smoke should be advised to quit or, at the very least, should avoid smoking around the infant.
- Keep small objects and plastic bags away from the baby.
- Do not drink hot liquids while holding the baby.
- Do not leave the infant alone on high places like the sofa or changing table. Always keep a hand on these squiggly babies!
Car Seat Safety
- Kids <13y should not sit in the front seat.
- Until age 2yo, children should face rearward.
- The middle of the back is the most protected part of the automobile.
- Car seats for children are required by law in all 50 states. -Proper use is essential for optimum performance.
- The most effective car-seat restraint is a five-point harness, consisting of two shoulder straps, a lap belt and a crotch strap.