2: Herpes Flashcards
herpes simplex virus (HSV) is the leading cause of _____
infectious corneal blindness in all developed countries
HSV is categorized by _____, and further categorized by _____
viral strand;
infection- primary or recurrent
primary HSV-1 transmission
- mucosal membranes
- saliva
- tears
primary HSV-1 is highly ______;
____% of population get it by age 5, and _____% by age 60
primary HSV-1 most common patient populations
school-aged children** and neonates (rare)
primary HSV-1 has a more severe presentation in _____
neonates and immunocompromised
primary HSV-1 symptoms are _____;
symptoms include:
RARE (~94% of patients are asymptomatic);
- flu-like malaise
- low-grade fever
- possible concurrent upper respiratory infection
- oropharynx > ocular
primary HSV-1 ocular clinical signs
- pre-auricular node swelling
- vesicular rash (eyelids and adnexa)
- follicular conjunctivitis
- rare: multiple corneal punctate lesions –> coalesce into epithelial dendrite
primary HSV-1: epithelial vesicles
- contain the live virus
- primary HSV-1 vesicles are limited to the epithelium
after active infection, primary HSV-1 lies latent in the _____
trigeminal and dorsal root ganglia
recurrent HSV-1 transmission
- mucosal membranes
- saliva
- tears
recurrent HSV-1 has more severe presentation in _____
children and immunocompromised
recurrent HSV-1 laterality
unilateral»_space; bilateral
ocular involving recurrent HSV-1 is also known as _____
Herpes Simplex Keratitis (HSK)
ocular involving recurrent HSV-1 (HSK) symptoms
- pain/ocular discomfort
- photophobia
- watering
- itching
- decreased vision/blurry vision
- corneal desensitization (hypoesthesia)
ocular involving recurrent HSV-1 (HSK) signs
- pre-auricular node swelling
- vesicular rash (eyelids and adnexa)
- follicular conjunctivitis
- dendritic keratitis**
- conjunctival injection
- superficial macropunctate keratitis (larger punctate areas than classic SPK)
- other anterior and posterior complications
ocular involving recurrent HSV-1 (HSK): adnexal and eyelid vesicles
clear vesicles on an erythematous base that progress to crusting (more itchy than painful)
ocular involving recurrent HSV-1 (HSK): corneal types of HSK
- dendritic
- geographic
- neurotrophic
- marginal
- disciform (also is endothelial)
- immune
- necrotizing
HSK-epithelial: dendritic keratitis
- pathognomonic herpetic finding
- ulceration of the epithelium with underlying stromal thinning
- heaped, swollen epithelial cells create boundary and terminal end-bulbs
- branching/arborized appearance
HSK-epithelial: dendritic keratitis staining
- (+) stain with fluorescein in center
- (+) stain with fluoroscien (mild), rose bengal, lissamine green along boundary