2- Health Canada Databases, Bugs and Drugs and CPS and Lexicomp Flashcards
What does DIN Approved mean?
Refers to an ACTIVE DIN that has been reviewed and authorized for sale in Canada but has not yet been marketed in Canada
What does DIN Dormant mean?
refers to an active DIN that was previously marketed in Canada but for which there have been no sales for a period of at least 12 months.
What does DIN Marketed mean?
Refers to an active DIN that is currently being sold in Canada.
What does DIN mean?
Drug identification Number
What does DIN Cancelled mean?
No further sales may be made by the manufacturer.
What is the exception with DIN Cancelled?
That wholesalers, retailers, pharmacists and medical practitioners may continue to market or distribute after the DIN is cancelled PROVIDED: the expiry date of the lot has not been passed and the cancellation of the DIN was not due to health or safety reasons.
What is referred to as Cancelled Post Market?
Cancelled further to the discontinuation of the sale by the manufacturer
What is referred to as Cancelled Pre Market?
Cancelled before it was ever marketed in Canada?
What is referred to as Cancelled: Unreturned?
Annual failure to provide the Annual notification
What are the safety issues associated to DIN Cancelled?
- Failure to provide evidence regarding the safety and effectiveness of a drug
- Suspension of an Notice of Compliance
- Failure to comply with the ordered issued to conduct an assessment and provide the results
- Following examination of the results of an assessment provided in response to an order.
Why would there be a change in sales in Atridox?
- Subgingival controlled-release product
- Two syringe mixing syste
- Drug is doxycyline Hyclate
What is the status of Amoxil?
- All cancelled post market.
- Except one marketed for veterinary use only
What is the Anatomical therapeutic chemical (ATC)
It is the classification system that was developed by the World Health Organization (WHO)
What is the purpose of the Anatomical therapeutic chemical (ATC)?
It is a tool for drug utilization research in order to improve the auality of drug use.
How are drugs divided in groups?
Based on the organ or system on which they act as well as their chemical pharmacological and therapeutical properties.