2: From Molecular to Human Movement Flashcards
Describe the sliding filament theory?
The MU is stimulated by nerve that causes a flush of calcium into the sarcomeres
Troponin binds with the calcium, this causes a displacement of the tropomyosin and freeing myosin binding points
The myosin heads at this point are bound to ADP and a free phosphate. The heads release the free phosphate and bind to the binding points on the actin.
Then a power stroke occurs as the heads pull the actin and mysoin together. Whilst doing this they release the ADP
ATP is then bound to the myosin heads to stop the movement and sever the connection.
As they move back into starting position, the myosin head breaks down ATP into ADP and a free phosphate. the energy released from the breakdown is stored in the heads ready for the next power stroke.
How does cross bridge cycling influence force and velocity?
The more myosin heads attached to the actin filament the greater the force
The faster the rate of cross bridge cycling the greater the muscle shortening velocity.
If a sarcomere length is fixed, and the number of cross bridges are constant, what happens when you stretch the sarcomere?
Eccentrically stretching the sarcomere induces a large spike in force. As you release the tension the resting force is still greater than a non stretched sarcomere. This is due to molecules and chemicals within the sarcomere
Why do long fibres, with more sarcomeres in series contract more quickly?
increased distance but time to shorten is the same- velocity= distance/time
Describe the force-length curve for differentstatic measurements of sarcomere lengths ?
The graph displayed a optimal resting length for a sarcomere (2.6um). Either side of this the producable tension (% of maximum) decreases.
The descending limb refers to the thin and thick filaments are too stretch apart, therefore not enough binding sites are available.
the ascending limb refers to when thick and thin filaments are compressed together. They overlap and interfere, blocking binding sites.
greater stretch or compression decreases %tension.
Normal range: 1.6-2.6
Why do things don’t add up from sarcomere to whole muscle?
for a fixed length of muscle fibre, you may have a variation in the number of sarcomeres.
This changes the force-length relationship and makes it more curvilinear. As well as changing the min and max length where force is producible.
What are the two benefits or a curvilinear relationship?
1) being able to stretch out the right hand side of the graph is safe- can produce force when muscle is being stretched.
2) Increases the range over which force can be produce.
Who cares about force-length relationship in sport and why?
Depending on how long your muscle fibres are, and the position you’re in, will determine the force can you produce.
The standard operating length of fibres during running and cycling are on different limbs.
- runner receive large eccentric loads with each step. The graph previously shows with a fixed amount of cross bridge attachments an eccentric pull will increase force output. Therefore, within the more ascending side of the relationship, there more cross bridge attachments and thus more tension available.
Cylists work on the descending side of the relationship as eccentric loading is not an issue and rate of cross bridge cycling is imperative to performance.
Describe the force-velocity graph for concentric muscle?
How is this tied with force-length? and power output?
Hyperbolic curve.
Greater force required, slower the contraction and vise versa.
Force is dependant on the length of the muscle fibres and the speed of the muscle fibres shortening
maximal power output occurs at 1/3 velocity shortening velocity.
What the differences in concetric and eccentric muscle properties?
Concentric contractions require a lot of ATP whereas eccentric use minimal ATP. ATP is used to detach the myosin heads, if eccentric stretching is pulling of myosin heads, they do not require ATP.
Concentric produce high levels of EMG per unit of force whereas Eccentric EMG signals are not as large.
More force during eccentric muscle contraction. If cross bridges are being stretched they are producing more force.
As you start to stretch a muscle eccentrically, a steep resistance and increase in force is observed, then we see a plateau.
In practice, the theory behind greater strength during eccentric stretching does not occur. Why?
Our bodies do not require such large forces in real life.
Our surrounding tissues (tendons and bones) would need to be bigger and stronger, thus requiring more upkeep energy and tissues- this is inefficient.
However, in smaller muscles this relationship can be observed.
Why are we naturally stronger during Eccentric resisting?
if you have equal concentric and eccentric strength, and jump up from the floor maximally, the force you land on will be greater due to gravity. Further if you jump from a platform, you will land with greater force than you can produce. So having greater resisting force is safe.
How can Eccentrics be used in training? An
You can use eccentrics to attain higher rep ranges or higher absolute loads. But doing same amount of reps as concentric will not elicit greater muscle fibre use or growth
Eccentrics also increase doms
Where is connective tissue found in a muscle
Endomysium- Around the muscle
Perimysium- around muscle fibre bundles, fascicles
Epimysium- around whole muscle
Why are the effects of passive tissues more resonant toward the end of ROM?
As a muscle is stretched, the passive tissue is also stretched and provides eccentric force
Passive tissue also becomes stiff to prevent the muscle from over stretching
In what locations is having passive tissue a good or bad thing?
Good- around the spine to stop the overstretch of supporting muscles
bad- prevent range of motion in muscles with large ranges such as bicep.
How does passive tissue provide force to contraction?
they have to be stretched first (eccentrically). They then spring back with great force.
What are the difference in properties between long and thin, and thick and short muscle?
short muscle can produce greater force but within a narrow range of length. Long muscle can produce less strength but over a greater range of lengths.
During concentric contraction- short muscle is stronger isometrically, but long muscle can produce force at much greater velocities, therefore can produce power over greater range.
peak power is the same
What does the table of properties look like for long vs thick muscle:
Contraction time Max force ROM Max Velocity Max Power
Contraction time Long=Thick
Max Force - Long < Thick
ROM- Long > Thick
Max Velocity- Long > Thick
Max Power - Long = Thick
What different properties between straight muscle and penated muscle are there?
Parallel- when fibres shorten the muscle belly shortens in the same direction, the same distance and the same speed.
Pennate- Fibre shortens, the muscle belly shortens less as some shortening occurs perpendicular to tendons. Greater number of fibres can fit within a given size of muscle.
There is a trade off between shortening velocity or shorten over a longer range for a greater peak force over a shorter range at low velocities.
What is the limiting pennation angle?
45 degrees, above this- more force would be applied perpendicular to the tendons
What are the two ways of measuring muscle volume?
Normal CSA and physiological CSA
PCSA is cut in the direction of the muscle fibres.
PCSA is typically bigger than the CSA
PCSA is more important when measuring force generating capability
Why if a muscle have 3x greater volume would its force not be 3x greater?
Fibre length and pennation angle of the fibres determine force to a greater extent than sheer volume
What did the motor unit slide say?
Alpha motor neuron plus the fibres associated with it
Fibre to neuron ratio varies due to location as well as over time
- age, injury
For a given stimulation, what are the differences in fast and slow twitch muscle fibres?
fast twitch can reach far greater velocities. therefore force can be produced over a greater range of velocities.
Fast twitch are physically bigger, therefore stronger (greater CSA)
What two factors with stimulation can effect muscle force?
Rate coding - more frequency of fibres builds up more strength
Motor Recruitment- more fibres, more strength
What is hennemans size principle?
Steady increase of motor unit recruitment. The smaller, less fatiguable type 1 fibres are recruited first and then followed by bigger more fatiugable type 2a&x fibres
what is the difference between contraction and relaxation in a muscle?
relaxation takes twitce as long in some cases.
Better athletes can relax their muscles quicker
What is tetani?
muscle fibres are being continulaly stimulated so were continually contracting.
- this process takes time
- single stimuli need to overlap and flood the muscle with calcium
- a point is reached where stimuli are overlapped and a constant force is given.
Anything talking about isometric testing measure force under tetanic conditions.
180ms is average time to reach tetanus
Stimuli must be sent at 20-30 Hz minimum. Can be sent quicker to reach tetanus quicker.