2. Employee Compensation: Post-Employment And Share-Based Flashcards
Define and calculate “funded status of the plan”.
Funded status os the plan is the difference in the benefit obligation and the plan assets.
Funded status = fair value of plan assets - PBO
Define and calculate PBO.
PBO (projected benefit obligation) is the actuarial present value (at an assumed discount rate) of all future pension benefits earned to date, based on expected future salary increases.
PBO = beginning PBO \+ service cost \+ interest cost \+ past service cost \+/- actuarial losses/gains - benefit paid
Calculate “fair value of plan assets”.
Fair value of plan assets = beginning value
+actual return
-benefits paid
Define “current service cost”.
Is the present value of benefits earned by the employees during the current period. Service cost includes an estimate of compensation growth (future salary increases) if the pension benefits are based on future compensation.
Define and calculate (from the pension obligation) “interest cost“.
Is the increase in the obligation due to the passage of time. Benefit obligations are discounted obligations; thus, interest accrued on the obligation each period.
Interest cost is equal to the pension obligation (PBO) at the beginning of the period multiplied by the discount rate.
Define “past (prior) service costs.” In which (IFRS or US GAAP) the past service cost is expensed immediately?
Are retroactive benefits awarded to employees when a plan is initiated or amended. Under IFRS, past service cost are expensed immediately. Under US GAAP, past service cost are amortized over the average service life os employees.
Define and calculate (2 ways) “periodic pension cost”.
Is the employer’s contribution adjusted for changes in funded status. In other words, the expense to the company is either paid (via contributions) or deferred (via a worsening of the plan’s funded status).
TPPC = employer contributions
- (ending funded status - beginning f.s)
TPPC = current service cost
+ interest cost
- actual return on plan assets
+/- actuarial losses/gains due changes in assumptions affecting PBO
+ prior service cost
Which components of “periodic pension cost” are reported in P&L?
- Current service cost
- Past (prior) service costs ONLY under UFRS
- Interest cost
- Expected return on plan assets
- Actuarial gains and losses: just the amortized portion ONLY under US GAAP.
How is recognized and which are the components of “actuarial gains and losses”?
Actuarial gains and losses are recognized in other comprehensive income (OCI). Under IFRS, actuarial gains and losses are not amortized. Under US GAAP, actuarial gains and losses are amortized using the corridor approach.
There are two components within actuarial gains and losses:
1st) Gain (loss) due to decrease (increase) in PBO occurring on account of changes in actuarial assumptions
2nd) Difference between actual and expected return on plan assets
What is “corridor approach” and how does it works?
Is the approach to amortize actuarial gains and losses under US GAAP. Under IFRS, actuarial gains and losses are not amortized.
• Corridor Approach
For any period, once the beginning balance of actuarial gains and losses exceed 10% of the greater of the beginning PBO or plan assets, amortization is required. The excess amount over the “corridor” is amortized as a component of periodic pension cost in P&L over the remaining service life of the employees. The amortization of an actuarial gain reduces periodic pension cost in P&L and the amortization of actuarial loss increases the periodic pension cost in P&L.
Which components of pension costs are included in OCI?
- Unamortized portion of actuarial gains/losses ONLY AUNDER US GAAP
- All actuarial gains/losses under IFRS
Which US GAAP or IFRS presents all components of periodic pension cost aggregated as a single line item in income statement?
Under IFRS, components may be presented separately.
- both US GAAP and IFRS require disclosure of total periodic pension cost in the notes to financial statement.
Could you capitalize pension costs? How does it would be?
Yes. Pension costs included in the cost of production of goods (e.g. labor cost included in the value of work-in-process or finished goods) may be capitalized as part of valuation of ending inventory. When this inventory is eventually sold, such costs are expensed as a component of cost of goods sold.
What’s the difference between
1) periodic pension cost in the income statement (I.e. reported pension expense)
2) total periodic pension cost (TPPC)
1) reported pension expense
. is what we report in the income statement
. uses EXPECTED return on plan assets
. is computed differently depending on whether we’re using IFRS or US GAAP
2) total periodic pension cost (TPPC)
. is the true (i.e. economic) cost of the pension plan
. Does not change depending on the accounting system chosen
. uses ACTUAL return on plan assets
Which is the three assumptions in a firm’s pension calculations?
. The discount rate
. The rate of compensation growth
. The expected return on plan assets