2. Diagnostic Tests Flashcards
• When a tooth is hurting what is happening in the pulp?
◦ ____
◦ Disease process going on in the tooth for the patient to be in pain
• Where will there be more pain? Acute or chronic?
◦ ____
◦ Any acute inflammation in the pulp will cause pain
• Summary
◦ Inflammation in the pulp
◦ Inflammation from bacteria or products
◦ Which has caused inflammatory mediators
◦ The nerves that were earlier silent because of the inflammation are easily
____, spent excitable and that is why the pt is in pain
• Hyperalgesia: something that hurt before hurts ____ now because of inflammation
◦ ____ test is an example in the mouth
‣ WNL pain
‣ Inflammation: more painful in presence of inflammation
• Allodynia: something that is never ____ now is painful with inflammation
◦ Ex in the mouth: ____
◦ If the period ligament is inflamed the patient feels pain
Possible Origins of Endodontic Pain
Pain process occurs mainly while tissue damage is ____ on, not ____ tissue injury
Nociceptive Mechanism
- A-delta fibers: ____
- C-fibers: ____
- C-fibers are more resistant to compromised ____: pain associated with a ____ pulp -> ____ stimulation
myelinated unmyelinated and thinner blood flow necrotic C-fiber
Nociceptive Mechanism
• A delta are on the \_\_\_\_ ◦ Pulp dentin junction ◦ Wrap around the \_\_\_\_ processes ◦ Myelinated ‣ When you activate it sends info to the brain very quickly because it jumps node to node ◦ \_\_\_\_ in size ◦ \_\_\_\_ pain
• C fibers are in the ____ proper
◦ Within the middle portion of the pulp
◦ Generally wrapped around ____
◦ ____ in size
◦ Non-myelinated
◦ To excite them it takes more inflammation and stimulus
‣ Have to get in the middle of the pulp to stimulate
◦ Because unmyelinated they send info to the brain much slower
◦ Pain comes on after stimulus ____
◦ ____ throbbing pulsing pain
‣ Pulsing in nature because it wraps around the bv
‣ So when the bv goes through ____ c-fibers are stimulated
pulp blood vessels thinner delay dull systolic and diastolic
Nociceptive Mechanism
Nociceptive Mechanism
• C fibers are more ____ to compromised blood flow
◦ Even when the pulp is necrotic, tissue is dying, some of the last things to die are the ____
◦ When a tooth is necrotic if you take up a bur and access without anesthesia you still provoke pain from
the remnant c fibers
‣ The resistant c fibers that do not die easily
◦ Hurts even though dx test says the tooth is ____
c fibers
Sharp Pain
A-delta fibers
Must be ____
____, momentary pain
- pulpodentinal complex is ____
- ____ tissue injury
Dull Pain
Poorly ____
•Boring, throbbing
•Occurs as a ____ pain
•____ to anywhere in the ipsilateral face and jaws
” ____ injury
“ ____ mediators, vascular changes tissue pressure
- ____ pain happens because of the c fibers
- When transmit to the brain cannot figure out where the pain is coming from
Throbbing Pain
Inflamed pulp
Increase in ____ blood pressure activates pulpal neurons
Spontaneous Pain
“Only significant correlation between clinical signs and pulpal pathology was with a history of ____ pain”
• 500 teeth on 500 pts
◦ Asked the pts what they were experiencing
◦ Did all the clinical tests on these patients
‣ Recorded the results ◦ Extracted the teeth
‣ They were meant for extraction anyways
‣ Made histology slides of the teeth
◦ Conclusion:
‣ What you see in histology in tooth rarely ____ to the pts experience and what the tests will show
‣ Why endo is challenging
• Histology does not always coordinate to ____ and what the pt is experiencing
• Why?
◦ perception of pain is very ____ to the person ◦ People do not perceive pain equally
‣ Pathogenesis is the same but ____ is individual
◦ Some its will never have pain
‣ Pulpitis –> necrosis with no pain
• Important conclusion from the study:
◦ If the patient comes to you with hx of spontaneous pain is indicative of severe ____ on one of the teeth / indicative of ____ is needed
◦ Our job is to figure out what tooth needs end
◦ Put the gathered information together to come up with a conclusion
◦ Only sign with conclusion is hx of sport pain
spontaneous correlates dx test specific perception inflammation root canal
Heterotopic pain
When the source and site of the pain are different:
•____-referred Pain
•Referred Pain
Natkin et al. 1975:
18% of all the cardiac pain are localized sorely to the ____.
• Source of the pain is somewhere else and feeling it somewhere else
• Ex: heart attack see pain in their tooth
◦ ____ felt in the lower mandibular teeth
Referred Pain
• Intense ____
• Inflammation confined within the ____
• Previous Hx of mild-moderate pain
> > > C-fibers»_space;>
____, boring, continuous pain
____ teeth
____, one tooth only
Referred Pain
• One thing with no referral
• Front teeth do not cause referred teeth in the ____ teeth
• Does not cross the ____
• These are noted pains
• A tooth that is already instrumented, with a removed ____ (mid or complete pain) will not cause c-fiber pain
◦ Can rule that out right away
◦ Still throbbing and aching after root canal, different ____
• ____ does not cause c fiber pain
◦ The pulp is gone
◦ Draining, no buildup
◦ Chronic inflammation stage no accuse event here to cause pain
• ____ disease does not cause throbbing pulsing pain
◦ Causes ____ pain, deep seeded ache
◦ Question to ask: does it pulse or have a throb
‣ No = could be ____
‣ Yes = characteristic of ____ pain
sinus tract perio dull perio pulp
Chief Complaint
“Patient’s own ____ “____
• Might be decay or perio disease but if they come to you for CC of pain that needs to be addressed first
Quality of Pain
Sharp, stabbing -> ____ cause
Histologically, trend towards an increased pain in chronic partial pulpitis with necrosis & total pulpitis
Affecting factors
Lying down or bending over exacerbate pain -> ____?
•Pain ____ after going to bed at night
• ____ them up after they have fallen asleep
“Arterial pressure to head raised
Disturbance of sleep -> Inflamed pulp
• What increases the pain?
• Pulpal pain making people wake up
• C fibers are wrapped around blood vessels
• Pt is feeling ____ because the pain is pulsing
• When you lay down on a pillow the bloop pressure goes ____ transiently
◦ When it goes up the c fibers fire even quicker
• Pts who cannot ____ or need lots of ____ is characteristic of the pulpal pain
◦ Or sleep up
• Bending head down and eliciting pain
◦ Dx test you can ask them to put head between their legs
◦ If this illicit pain this could be ____ pain
• Lying down pain happens in a few minutes
• An ____ increase in pain with the head down is usually a sign of sinus pain
◦ Fluid in the sinus moves and that causes the pain ◦ ddx
throbbing up sleep pillow sinus immediate
◦ PMH is important in how you tx the patient more than ____
History of Pain
- Inception Duration Frequency
- Intensity Spontaneity Quality
- Location Course
- Relieving, Exacerbating factors
When the patient says he has pain you are asking these ____
History of Pain
Inception Duration Frequency
Previous Hx of Pain Normal pulp: no Reversible pulp: \_\_\_\_ Irreversible pulpitis: \_\_\_\_ (83%) Partial necrosis: \_\_\_\_ (94%) Total necrosis: \_\_\_\_ (79%)
80% of patients with Hx of pain manifest histologically ____ change
• From bender and settler
• What we say in the histology vs the answer to previous hx of pain
• Numbers are not important but the trend
• There is no previous hx of pain with normal pulp
• Reversible is yes or no
• Irreversible
◦ The percentage of pain is 83
• Partial necrosis - 94%
◦ Amount of pain increased
• Total necrosis
◦ Decreased
• Most of the pain that is associated in endodontitis the max amount of pain happens in ____
◦ The tooth is in ____ stage of dying
◦ The ____ is maximum at this point of tim
no/yes yes yes yes irreversible
partial necrosis or partial pulpititis
Severe Pain
Frequency of firing Number of nerves
Type of nerve fibers -> Intensity Spontaneity Quality
Histological Dx Normal pulp: - Reversible pulpitis: \_\_\_\_ Irreversilbe pulpitis: 18 Partial necrosis: \_\_\_\_ Total necrosis: 25
◦ Severity of pain do we have the same trend?
◦ Most with partial necrosis said it was very severe ◦ Max pain is in the partial necrosis stage of the pulp
Diagnostic Tests & Interpretation
Supplemental Radiographs
◦ The test we do ‣ \_\_\_\_ ‣ Palpation ‣ \_\_\_\_ for every case ‣ Heat only when the pt complains of heat
Extraoral Examination:
• Facial asymmetry • \_\_\_\_ • Palpation -muscles of \_\_\_\_ -TMJ -\_\_\_\_, trigger point •Maximum opening •\_\_\_\_; size, mobility, tenderness
• Suggestion: sit down Moving around makes patients uncomfy and that yo are in a rush • Start extra oral ◦ Look for facial asymmetry ◦ Any swelling ◦ Trauma - looking for changes in the eye dropping or the blinking etc ◦ Observing the patients facial structure
Muscles of mastication
Origin: ____
Insertion: ____
Description: ____
Origin: ____
Insertion: ____
Description: ____
Medial pterygoid
Origin: ____
Insertion: ____
Description: ____
Lateral pterygoid
Origin: ____
Insertion: ____
Description: ____
zygomatic arch
closes jaw
temporal bone
coronoid process
closes jaw
sphenoid, palatine, maxillary
inner (medial) surface of the ramus
closes jaw
sphenoid bone
mandibular condyle
opens protrudes jaw; side to side
Muscles of mastication
• When the master is inflamed it causes pain as if it is coming from the ____
• Can have the patient clench the jaw and squeeze the masseter they get pain
◦ Can reproduce muscle pain that can be ____ to pain
• OS will take ____ and inject it in the master to see if they can relieve the pain the patient is
◦ That is a DX test
• Or ____ the muscle
• More common is the ____
◦ One of the attachments of the medial pterygoid is maxilla
‣ Close to the teeth
‣ Behind the ____ on the palatal of the maxilla
‣ If any reason the patient has inflamed this - grinding or clenching, over extended etc they injure these muscles
◦ When this muscle is injured they think their teeth are ____
‣ Probably the attachment of the medial pterygoid on the palatal area
◦ Illicit this pain
‣ Rub on the inside and when you touch the attachment it will illicit the pain ◦ Refer these to OS
medial pterygoid
second molar
Lymph Nodes
• Lymph nodes: drain lymphatic fluid and inflammation
• They drain throughout the body and go and filter out into the vein, into the lungs, then back to the heart
• Three major nodes where most of the structure drain:
◦ ____
◦ ____
◦ ____
• Swollen lymph node feels like a KNOT or SWOLLEN gland under the border of the mandible
• When squeeze it–> hurts, its mobile
deep cervical
superficial cervical
Lymph Nodes
• Similar inflammation can happen in superficial and deep lymph nodes, where most structures in head drains into
• Severe inflammation in pulp will drain through the lymphatics into one of these three
◦ Very commonly drain into –> ____ lymph node
Clincially: if there is swelling under a pts jaw
• Diognosis: inflamed lymph node
• Treatment: remove the inflammation
◦ Where is the inflammation? The ____
◦ Not going to do anything to the lymph node, instead you treat the tooth with the
◦ Once you eliminate the inflammation –> the swelling in lymph node can go away
◦ Takes approximately ____ days for inflammation to go away
◦ Why is this important?
‣ To win over the pt because thats the the chief complaint!
◦ When Yoou do the root canal treatment, tell the pt to give the gland a week before this
swelling goes away or they will be upset
‣ Its abouts a pt management!! –> address before the patient asks you about it
Lymph Nodes
• Whats imp to know: about the submandibular lymph node
• Most important lymph node that might need addressing is the submandibular, where
most structures indrawn he and teeth drain into
• Know what drains where!
• Everything drains to the ____ ultimately
• First of concern is the submandibular lymph node
Mandibular teeth
Drain backwards through the ____ canal
deep cervical
Lymph Nodes
Mandibular lingual anterior segment: ____
- ____ of both arches
- ____ gingivae
- ____ of the mouth
- ____ gingivae
buccal gingivae
mandibular lingual
maxillary palatal
Intraoral Examination:
Hard tissues: Tooth discoloration •\_\_\_\_, erosion, developmental defects •Fractured teeth •\_\_\_\_ •Defective restoration •\_\_\_\_ discrepancies • Swelling
Soft tissues: Color • \_\_\_\_ • Consistency • \_\_\_\_
Sinus tracts
Color, texture, consistency, contour of the soft tissues
•Attachment apparatus
•Path of least resistance: ____
•At least #35 GP cone
• Sinus tract: looks something like this
• Sinus tract = Natures way of dx something for you
• Its a “give away” to what is causing the disease / inflammation
• Does the tooth have to be ____ for sinus tract to occur?
• Tooth is necrotic, its draining from the apex, filling bone around it with educate, exudate
needs to be released
◦ Usually the path of LEAST resistance is ____ onto the buccal bone
◦ If you had device that pokes through sinus tract –> can lead you to tooth causing the
◦ Use Gutta percha cone in practice, the type is important
‣ ____ GP with 0.04 taper
‣ Do not use smaller cone because it won’t go through sinus tract
‣ Look at sinus tract: Where do you thread it?
‣ Find the opening or puncture through it
‣ Most people just feel sensation when poke on it with GP
• If sensitize to pain, they may jump out of chair
◦ Use ____ on sinus tract and then perforate
• Nice example of why you want to trace a sinus tract
• Take Xray and can see both teeth are infected
• Which tooth do you take care of?
◦ The one associated with pain and the one GP points to in sinus tract
◦ This one points to 9, NOT 10
◦ Thus treat this ____ first!
buccal sulcus
buccal plate