2. Demand- thinking like a buyer Flashcards
Individual demand curve
plots quantity at each price someone is willing to buy at each price
holds other things constant
building blocks of market demand
holding other things constant
price influences your demand
interdependence principle reminds us not to forget these connections
law of demand
the quantity demanded is higher when the price is lower (holding other things constant)
how to determine if your decisions are the best
apply marginal, cost-benefit and opportunity cost principles
the rational rule for buyers
buy more of an item if its marginal benefit is greater than (or equal to) the price
keep buying until price = MB
demand curve as the marginal benefit curve
price = MB
the demand curve illustrates the price at which you are willing to buy each quantity
diminishing marginal benefit
each additional item yields a smaller marginal benefit than the previous item
market demand curve
a graph that plots the total quantity of an item demanded, by the entire market, at each price
the sum of quantity demanded by each person
4 steps to estimating market demand
survey customers- ask each person the quantity they will buy at each price
add up the total quantity demanded by customers at each price
scale up the quantities demanded by the survey respondents so they represent the whole market
plot the total quantity demanded by the market at each price, yielding the demand curve
law of demand
the total quantity demanded is higher when the price is lower
price changes for new and old customers
when prices are low, current customers buy more and the number of customers increases
movement along the demand curve
the movement from one point on a fixed demand curve to another point on the same curve is caused by a price change
change in quantity demanded
the change in quantity associated with movement along a fixed demand curve
what shifts demand curves
to the right- increase in demand
to the left- decrease in demand
factors in shifting demand curves
individual and market- income, preferences, prices of related goods, expectations, congestion and network effects
only market demand- the type and number of buyers
normal good
a good for which higher income causes an increase in demand
inferior good
a good for which higher income causes a decrease in demand
companies spend billions on advertising to influence our preferences
social pressure can shift your demand curve
fashion trends
complementary goods
goods that go together
demand for a good will decrease if the price of complementary good rises
substitute goods
goods that replace each other
demand for a good will increase if the price of substitute goods rises
if you believe prices might rise, you will make your purchase today, increasing today’s demand
if you believe prices might fall, you will delay your purchase, decreasing today’s demand