2- Data transmission Flashcards
Types and methods of data transmission
1- Data packets
2- Data transmission
3- Universal serial bus (USB)
1-Data packets
- Data sent over long distances is usually broken up into data packets (sometimes called datagrams).
- The packets of data are usually quite small, typically 64KiB, which are much easier to control than a long continuous stream of data.
So Data packet is : – a small part of a message/data that is transmitted over a network; after transmission all the data packets are reassembled to form the original message/data
A typical packet is split up into
» a packet header
» the payload
» a trailer
packet header
the part of the data packet that contains the IP addresses of the sender and receiver, and includes the packet number which allows reassembly of the data packets
the actual data being carried in a data packe
packet trailer
the part of a data packet that indicates the end of the data packet and cyclic redundancy check error ( CRC)
Packet switching
method of transmission in which a message is broken into many data packets which can then be sent along pathways independently of each other
A video conference is taking place between delegates in the USA and Mauritius. Packet switching is used to send video and sound data between delegates.
a) the potential problems with sound and video quality
b) how the problems in part a) could be overcome.
a) Video conferencing is in real time. Video and audio data is split up into data packets before it is sent over the internet. This means that each data packet could potentially follow a different route from delegate to delegate. Data packets could therefore take different times from sender to recipient, or some may even become ‘lost’. The arriving packets also need to be reassembled into the correct sequence, which can also cause a time delay. All of this could lead to gaps in data received, freezing of images, drop out or voice and mouth ‘out of synchronisation’ – this would be caused by audio and video data taking different times from sender to receiver.
b) Since the problems seem to be due to timing issues, the best solution would be to eliminate these time differences. A single path for all data packets would resolve this; that could be achieved using a dedicated communication link between delegates.
Benefits of packet switching
- There is no need to tie up a single communication line.
- It is possible to overcome failed, busy or faulty lines by simply re- routing packets.
- It is relatively easy to expand package usage.
- A high data transmission rate is possible.
Drawbacks of packet switching
- Packets can be lost and need to be re-sent.
- The method doesn’t work well
with real-time streaming (for example, a live sporting event being transmitted over the internet). - There is a delay at the destination whilst the packets are being re- ordered.
Explain how packet switching could be used to download some software from a website
- The software is broken up into data packets; each numbered in sequence and each has the same MAC/IP addresses.
- Each data packet is sent to its destination via its own route; the route taken is ‘decided’ by the routers within the network which take various factors into consideration.
- When the data packets arrive at their destination, they are reassembled into the correct order according to their sequence numbers.
- A CRC check is carried out on each data packet to ensure no errors occurred during the transmission of the software.
- Note: mention of hop numbers can also be included in the description and should gain credit.
Data being shared between two computers is split up into a number
of data packets prior to transmission. The data packets contain a header and a trailer.
a) Give three pieces of information found in the header.
b) The trailer contains a cyclic redundancy check (CRC).
Name another item found in the trailer.
c) i) Explain how it is possible for data packets to be lost during their transmission across a network.
ii) Describe how it is possible to deal with lost packets so that they don’t cause network problems, such as ‘clogging up’ the system.
a - IP addresses of sender and recipient.
- Packet sequence number.
- Packet size.
b - Some indication of the end of the packet.
c i) Data packets keep ‘bouncing’ around from
router to router and never actually reach their destination; this then becomes a lost data packet.
ii) Each data packet is given a hop number; every time a packet leaves a router, the hop number is decreased by 1; if the hop number reaches 0, and it hasn’t yet reached its destination, then the data packet is deleted from the system and a request is made for it to be re-sent.
a device that enables data packets to be moved between different networks, for example to join a LAN to a WAN
real time streaming
the transmission of data over a network for live events where the data is sent as soon as it is received or generated
hopping/hop number
a number in a data packet header used to stop data packets that never reach their destination from ‘clogging up’ the data paths/routes
2- Data transmission
- Data transmission can be either over a short distance (for example, computer to printer) or over longer distances (for example, from one computer to another in a global network).
- Essentially, three factors need to be considered when transmitting data:
» the direction of data transmission
» the method of transmission
» how will data be synchronised - These factors are usually considered by a communication protocol.
The modes of data transmission
- Simplex : mode occurs when data can be sent in ONE DIRECTION ONLY.
- Half-duplex : mode occurs when data is sent in BOTH DIRECTIONS but NOT AT THE SAME TIME.
- Full-duplex : mode occurs when data can be sent in BOTH DIRECTIONS AT THE SAME TIME.