2 CXRs Flashcards
Why does AP vs PA positioning matter for CXRs?
The heart, being an anterior structure, is magnified by an AP view
You should never consider the heart size to be enlarged if the projection is AP but you CAN say it’s normal sized
Where are most abnormalities seen on CXR?
Chest wall
Pleural markings should extend all the way to the chest wall
Vascular markings are more prominent ______ and ______ within the lung fields, but should __________.
Lower and centrally
Should extend all the way to the periphery of the rib cage
How should costophrenic angles appear?
Should form acute angles which are sharp to a point
Helps Dx of PNA, pleural effusions
The right hemidiaphragm lies _________ to the left
Slightly higher
Because the liver is located immediately inferior to the right hemidiaphragm
Where can you see the stomach bubble?
Below the left hemidiaphragm
Can see normal lung markings through it if the CXR is clear
The mediastinum contains…
The heart and great vessels and potential spaces in from of the heart, behind the heart, and above the heart
What is a normal cardio:thoracic ratio?
CTR greater that 1:2 should be considered abnormal
Heart size should be evaluated on every chest xray
The aortic knob represents…
The left lateral edge of the aorta as it arches backwards over the left main bronchus and pulmonary vessels
What bones are visible on CXR?
Clavicles Ribs Scapulae Part of spine Proximal numeric
Only the clavicle is seen in its entirety
Can also see sternum in frontal view but overlies other midline structures and is obscured
Bones are useful markers of …
Chest radiograph quality
Can assess patient rotation, adequacy of inspiration and x-ray penetration
The spinous processes of the vertebrae should lie…
Midway between the medial ends of the clavicles
If not central, the patient is rotated (oblique to the xray beam)
Ribs play a role in assessing the ….
The adequacy of inspiration taken by the patient
The anterior end of approx _____ ribs should be visible above the diaphragm in the midclavicular line
Less indicates incomplete breath in
More than 7 ribs or flattening of the diaphragm suggests hyper-expansion
What patient ID/image data should you always double check?
Right patient?
Right date?
Right study?
Right side?
How to check image quality
Rotation: clavicles are equidistant from the spinous processes
Inspiration: Diaphragm below 8-10 ribs posteriorly and 5-7 ribs anteriorly
Penetration: Disk spaces are seen but bony details of spine cannot be seen
Mnemonic for systemic check of CXR
ATMLL - Are there many lung lesions?
Abdomen Thoracic wall (soft tissue and bones) Mediastinum Lung fields (individually) Lung comparison
A unilateral high diaphragm suggests…
Paralysis (from nerve damage, trauma, or an abscess), eventration, or loss of lung volume on that side (atelectasis or pneumothorax)
Bilateral crescent lines showing free air in abdomen?
Bilateral pneumo peritoneum
How does a pneumoperitoneum appear on CXR?
Thin crescent shape
What is the “sail sign”
Normal thymus shadow
What is the Spinnaker sign?
When the “sail” from the thymus shadow is bowed out by air (sign of pneumomediastinum in an infant) - ABNORMAL
An abnormal aortic knob contour could indicate…
Aortic aneurysm
How do you differentiate a pneumothorax from a tension pneumothorax?
The trachea will be midline with a simple pneumo