#2 Cultural Flashcards
Set of values, beliefs, rules, and institutions held by a specific group of people. What a people consider beautiful and tasteful, their underlying beliefs, their traditional habits, and the ways in which they relate to one another and their surroundings.
A group of people who share a unique way of life within a larger dominant culture. Can differ from the dominant culture in language, race, lifestyle, values, attitudes, or other characteristics.
Belief that one’s own ethnic group or culture is superior to that of others. Can seriously undermine international business projects.
cultural literacy (läskunnighet)
Detailed knowledge about a culture that enables a person to work happily and effectively within it.
Habit or ways of behaving in specific circumstances that are passed down through generations in a culture
folk customs
Behavior, often dating back several generations, that is practiced by a homogeneous group of people
social mobility
Ease with which individuals can move up or down a cultures “social ladder”
brain drain
Departure of highly educated people from one profession, geographic region, or nation to another
culture diffusion
Process whereby cultural traits spread form one culture to another
culture imperialism
Replacement of one culture’s traditions, folk heroes, and artifacts with substitutes from another
ideas, beliefs, and customs to which people are emotionally attached. Include honesty, freedom and responsibility. Important to businesses because they affect a people’s work ethic and desire for material possessions.
Positive or negative evaluations, feelings, and tendencies that individuals harbor toward objects or concepts
What a culture consider “good taste” in the arts, the imagery evoked by certain expressions, and the symbolism of certain colors
Appropriate ways of behaving, speaking, and dressing in a culture
social structure
a culture’s fundamental organization, including its groups and institutions, its system of social positions and their relationships, and the process by which its resources are distributed