2. Cryptography - Control Questions Flashcards
What is the basic model of (conventional) encryption? (figure)
How does the Caesar cipher work?
○ substitution cipher (replaces letters of the plaintext)
○ each letter is replaced by the letter at some fixed number of positions (e.g., 3) down the alphabet
○ the key is the value of the shift (of the alphabet)
○ what is the size of the key space? size of the key space is 26-1 = 25 easy to break
What do we mean by the key space of a cipher?
What type of attack is possible if the key space is small?
○ An algorithm’s key space refers to the set of all possible permutations of a key.
○ key space small → brute force attack
How does the monoalphabetic substitution cipher work?
○ generalization of the Caesar cipher
○ replacement of letters is determined by a permutation
○ the key is the permutation
○ the key space is huge
Why having a large key space is only a necessary (but not sufficient) condition for a cipher to be
○ azért mert hiába nagy a key-space ha az értékek nem randomak, pl. ha a cipher ugyanazt a 2
számot generálja mindig a lehetséges 1millióból akkor semmit nem ér. ábécés példa ugyanez,
kiszámíthatóak az értékek..
○ every language has its own letter statistics
○ in case of monoalphabetic substitution, the ciphertext preserves the letter statistics of the original
■ after decoding the most frequent and least frequent letters, the rest of the text can be
figured out much like solving a crossword puzzle
How does the Diffie-Hellman key agreement protocol work?
○ if an attacker can only eavesdrop the communications between Alice and Bob, then he has only
g x mod p and g y mod p
○ to compute g xy mod p, he would need x or y
Which hard mathematical problem is the DH protocol related to?
it is hard to compute x from g x mod p
■ this is the so called ”discrete logarithm” problem
■ no polynomial time algorithm is known to solve it
■ if p is large, then computing discrete logarithm (mod p) is practically infeasible
Which hard mathematical problem is the RSA scheme related to?
○ key-pair generation algorithm:
■ choose two large primes p and q (easy)
■ n = pq, 𝚽(n) = (p-1)(q-1) (easy)
■ choose e, such that 1 < e < 𝚽(n) and gcd(e, 𝚽(n)) = 1 (easy)
■ compute the inverse d of e mod f(n), i.e., d such that ed mod 𝚽(n) = 1 (easy if p and q are
■ output public key: (e, n) — public exponent and modulus
■ keep private key: d (and p, q) — private exponent (and the primes)
○ encryption algorithm:
■ represent the plaintext message as an integer m 𝟄 [0, n-1]
■ compute the ciphertext c = m e mod n decryption algorithm:
■ compute the plaintext from the ciphertext c as m = c d mod n
List a few practical applications of cryptography today!
○ secure communication over public channels / networks »
■ WWW (https / TLS)
■ GSM/…/4G
■ WiFi (WPA, WPA2)
■ Bluetooth
○ secure data storage
■ disk encryption (TrueCrypt, BitLocker, …)
■ encrypted cloud strage (Tresorit, CipherCloud, …)
○ authentication
■ smart cards (e.g., bank cards)
■ ignition keys of cars
■ electronic tickets in public transport (automated fare collection systems)
○ software authentication and integrity protection
■ digitally signed code (e.g., drivers, applets, Android packages)
How does the one-time work?
○ encryption
■ represent the message as a sequence of bytes: m 1 m 2 … m L –
■ take a sequence of true random bytes: k 1 k 2 … k L
■ obtain the encrypted message by XOR-ing them together:
● m 1 m 2 … m L + k 1 k 2 … k L = c 1 c 2 … c L where c i = m i + k i for all i = 1, …, L
○ decryption
■ XOR the same stream of key bytes to the encrypted message:
● c 1 c 2 … c L + k 1 k 2 … k L = m 1 m 2 … m L (because c i + k i = m i + k i + k i = m i )
What does perfect secrecy mean intuitively?
○ informally: observing the encrypted message provides no information (in an information
theoretic sense) about the original message
What are the disadvantages of the one-time pad?
how to send the key in a secure way to the recipient?
■ in practice, the only possibility is to exchange a large amount of truly random key
material in an out-of-band manner (e.g., by physical meeting) before the communication
takes place
■ we have to do this with all potential communication partners
■ key management becomes cumbersome
What are the two main types of modern ciphers?
What are their basic operating principles?
○ Stream ciphers
■ idea: simulate the truly random key stream of the one-time pad with a pseudo-random
sequence generated from a random seed
■ terminology:
● mi – plaintext character (byte)
● ci – ciphertext character (byte)
● zi – key-stream character (byte)
● K – key/seed (vector of bytes)
● G – key-stream generator
■ application :
● encryption of data → confidentiality services
● PRNG (Pseudo-Random Number Generator)
■ examples: LFSR based (typically hardware), RC4 (software)
○ Block ciphers
■ block ciphers operate on blocks of bits (typical block size is n = 128 bits)
■ they are stateless (unlike stream ciphers)
■ they cannot be efficiently distinguished from a random permutation –
● if K is unknown, the output is unpredictable (even parts of it, and even when
some input-output pairs are known)
● notation: – E(K, X) or E K (X) for encryption
● E K
-1 (Y) or D K (Y) for decryption terminology
● X – plaintext block (bit vector of length n)
● Y – ciphertext block (bit vector of length n)
● K – key (bit vector of length k)
● E – encryption/encoding algortihm
● D – decryption/decoding algorithm
What are the block size and the key size of AES?
Az AES a Rijndael kódolás olyan változata, ahol a blokkméret szigorúan 128 bit, a kulcs pedig 128, 192 vagy 256 bit. // https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Encryption_Standard
How do the following block encryption modes work: ECB, CBC, CTR?
ábrák (3. diasor)