2. Compres Flashcards
How much is it?
Quin preu te?
It’s too expensive
És massa car
Do you accept credit cards?
Accepteu targetes de crèdit?
That’s all, thanks
Això és tot, gràcies
It is faulty
Es defectuós
Will you change it?
M’ho pots canviar?
I’d like a refund
Voldria que em tornessis els diners
I would like to try this on
M’agradaria emprovar m’ho
Do you have a larger size?
Tens una talla més gran
Do you have a smaller size?
Tens una talla mas petita?
Do you have another colour?
Tens un altre color?
The coffee
El café
The milk
La llet
The map
El mapa
The phone
El telèfon
The phone card
La targeta del telèfon
The postcard
La postal
The souvenir
El record
The stamp
El segell
The toothbrush
El raspall de dents
The toothpaste
La pasta de dents
I want to buy…
Vull comprar…
I’m just looking
Només mirava