2 - Clarity Characteristics Flashcards
Bruise (Br)
A tiny area of impact accompanied by very small, root-like feathers; typically occurs at a facet junction.
Cavity (Cav)
An opening on the surface that occurs when part of a feather breaks away, or when a crystal drops out or is forced out, typically during polishing.
Chip (Ch)
A shallow opening that occurs at a girdle edge, facet junction, or culet; caused by damage to the stone’s surface.
Cloud (Cld)
Many tightly grouped pinpoints that might be too small to distinguish individually but together have a hazy appearance.
Crystal (Xtl)
A mineral crystal contained in a diamond.
Etch Channel (EC)
An angular opening that starts at the surface and extends into the diamond.
Feather (Ftr)
General trade term for a break in a gemstone, often white and feathery in appearance.
Indented Natural (IN)
A portion of the rough’s original surface, or skin, that dips below the polished diamond’s surface, with depth visible at 10x.
Internal Graining (IG)
Lines, angles, or curves that might appear whitish, colored, or reflective, or affect transparency at 10x; caused by irregularities in crystal growth.
Internal Laser Drilling (ILD)
Laser drilling within a diamond that doesn’t reach the surface.
Knot (K)
An included diamond crystal that extends to the surface after fashioning.
Laser Drill-hole (LDH)
A tiny, surface-reaching tunnel produced by a laser light beam.
Needle (Ndl)
A thin, elongated crystal that looks like a tiny rod at 10x.
Patch of Color (Patch)
A naturally occurring radiation stain left on a polished diamond.
Pinpoint (Pp)
A very small crystal that looks like a tiny dot at 10x.
Twinning Wisp (TW)
A series of pinpoints, clouds, and/or crystals that forms in a diamond’s growth plane; associated with crystal distortion and twinning planes.
Abrasion (Abr)
A series of minute scratches and pits along a fashioned diamond’s facet junctions, producing a white or fuzzy appearance.
Burn (Brn)
Whitish haze across a facet, or within a concentrated area, caused by exposure to excessive heat during polishing, or occasionally from a jeweler’s torch.
Extra Facet (EF)
A facet that’s not required by the cutting style, placed without regard for the diamond’s symmetry; most often found near the girdle.
Lizard Skin (LS)
Wavy or bumpy area on the surface of a polished diamond.
Natural (N)
A portion of the original surface of a rough diamond left on a fashioned stone; usually on or near the girdle.
Nick (Nck)
A small notch on a facet junction with no readily apparent depth at 10x, usually along the girdle edge or at the culet.
Pit (Pit)
A small opening that looks like a tiny white dot at 10x.
Polish Lines (PL)
Fine parallel grooves and ridges left by polishing; can occur on any facet but do not cross facet junctions; transparent or white.
Rough Girdle (RG)
Irregular or granular girdle surface.
Scratch (Scr)
A thin, dull white line across the diamond’s surface; shows no apparent depth at 10x.
Surface Graining (SG)
Similar to internal graining, except it appears on the surface; results from irregularities in crystal structure.
What are some allowed blemishes in a flawless gem?
- Extra facets
- Naturals
- Internal graining
- Inscriptions
As long as they do not affect transparency or distort the outline.
What are some common blemishes in an Internally Flawless gem?
- surface graining
- naturals
- extra facets.
What are some common inclusions in a VVS gem?
- Pinpoints
- Needles
- Internal graining
- Tiny feathers
- Tiny chips
What are some common inclusions in a VS gem?
- Small crystals
- Distinct clouds
- Small feathers
What are some common inclusions in a SI gem?
- Crystals
- Feathers
- Clouds
- Twinning wisps
What are some common inclusions in an I gem?
- Large feathers
- Included crystals
Affect transparency and brilliance.