2 - Causes And Consequences Flashcards
Cloudy media
-problems (4)
General blur
Severe K problems = diplopia (e.g. keratoconus)
Cloudy media
—corneal (3)
Dry eye
Cloudy media
—cataracts (3)
Nuclear - generally just need magnification
Cortical - glare control
PSC - glare control, difficult to provide magnification
Cloudy media
—vitreous (3)
Hemorrhages and inflammation - depends on severity, can completely block light
Cloudy media
-management (4)
Best refraction
Filters - glare, contrast
Good lighting
Cloudy media
—filters and uses (2)
Yellow/orange = contrast when reading
Brown/gray = reduce glare
Central VF defect
- what they have
- if one eye is unaffected
- often have
Relative/absolute scotoma in/near central vision
Reduced depth perception
Reduced contrast sensitivity
Central VF defect
—most common
Central VF defect -causes: dry AMD —onset —early —may develop —GA
Slow, progressive
Begin as relative scotoma
Ring scotoma - fovea is temporarily preserved while surrounding areas develop atrophy
-typically do well with acuity charts, struggle with reading quickly
GA - almost always absolute scotoma
Central VF defect
-causes: wet AMD
Sudden, severe
More difficulty reading than expected from their VA
Central VF defect
-cauesses: AMD
—treatment/intervention for both types (3 things)
Illuminated magnifiers and improving contrast are important
Begin ASAP
May develop eccentric viewing
Central VF defect
—myopic degeneration
Both: similar field deficits to mac degen
T: healthy tissue surrounding scars, may have acuities up to 20/20
M: may be able to take off their glasses instead of use magnifiers, be careful to not overminus
Central VF defect
—optic nerve disorders
Central or cecocentral defects
Perform baseline VF
Central VF defect
-causes: diabetic ret
—complications causing loss (3)
Vitreous hem
Mac edema
Central VF defect
-management (4)
Careful refraction
Filters - esp yellow for reading contrast
Magnification - D and N