2: ASD Flashcards


In ASD there was the triad of impairments and now there is a dyad of impairments (social communication and interaction, rigidity, obsessions and unusual sensory responses). There was a change the DSM-5 which resulted in


In ASD there was the triad of impairments and now there is a dyad of impairments (social communication and interaction, rigidity, obsessions and unusual sensory responses). There was a change the DSM-5 which resulted in the lose all of the subtypes (Retts syndrome, Asperger syndrome etc.) because research had not given validity of the different subcategories (e.g. a child with Aspergers syndrome, this child is expected to develop language in a normal way. Whereas a child that meet diagnosis for Autistic disorder, they are not using language at 13 months). This is the main difference between AS and HFA in the DSM-IV. One of the things that people found (in relation to the issue of child resources), is when you look at those two children when they are 10 years old they are not looking that different. High functioning children with language delay at 10 years of age talk as much and by adulthood its almost impossible to tell the difference between somebody that received a diagnosis of AS and HFA. Therefore we shouldn’t be giving this diagnosis because it’s not justified by the research. There was also a move from the triad of impairment into the dyad of impairment, because it was mainly very difficult to measure and distinguish communication and socialisation. They are so overlapping so finding tests that do those two things separately was really problematic. Therefore, these were the kind of reasons why they made these reasons to change. One problem may be a cultural problem in that people with AS have Aspi’s United etc. that work together (community) and do really good stuff and they may be bothered by losing this identity. For research purposes we aren’t supposed to use the term AS.

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The way that we will diagnose ASD, these are the two Royals Royce measurements:

Kathy Lord, Mike Rutter etc


The way that we will diagnose ASD, these are the two Royals Royce measurements: The autism diagnostic interview (ADI), there are tests like this but this one is the most widely used cross culturally with the most data attached to it. This was developed by Kathy Lord, Mike Rutter etc. In this assessment, the parents are interviewed (can take up to 3 hours) which starts taking about when the infant was really young, mile stones, motor mile stones, making eye contact, responding to social gestures from other people. It will go through all of the phases of a child’s life. This has quite good tricks, you start by talking to the parent about certain points within their child’s life (what was your child doing at 6 years old? Child would have at MA of 4) to do good recall to create a bench mark against it.

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The other test is the autism diagnostic observation scale


The other test is the autism diagnostic observation scale which is administered by a highly trained clinician an whats more is after the training, they have to be administering them all the time to stay really good at it due to the quickness needed to administer it especially with a toddler woes running all over the place when your trying to assess eye movement etc. But then there are measures from your observations, interactions and history. By bringing all of this information together, there is a good overview of the child. Therefore, your not just dependant on how the child is doing on that day, there is also indications of whats going on in general.

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Some research has implicated maternal prenatal vitamins, air pollution etc.,

Lyall et al., 2014

Hallmayer et al, 2011; Frazier et al, 2014


Some research has implicated maternal prenatal vitamins, air pollution etc., in the emergence of ASD (e.g. Lyall et al., 2014). Some researchers have reported that there significant influences of shared environmental effects in twin studies (Hallmayer et al, 2011; Frazier et al, 2014). This is important for clinicians to be aware of the evidence before and against, as parents really do believe that pollutants cause NDD’s. The problem is that quite often, there are methodological problems within these studies, which makes it really difficult to know how to interpret these kinds of findings.

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The prevalence for Autism is 1% in the general population (e.g. Baxter et al., 2015).

Simon Baron-Cohen

Williams et al., 2005


The prevalence for Autism is 1% in the general population (e.g. Baxter et al., 2015). This 1% will be based on Autism Diagnostic Interview (ADI) and Autism Diagnostic Observation Scale (ADOS), these are very good tests that are very stringent, very well developed. But we can use something like the Children Autism Spectrum Test which instead will give 5.8% of the population that will then meet criterion. The Autism Quotient (AQ) is a test developed by Simon Baron-Cohen from Cambridge. This test measures ASD traits in people who don’t have ASD (definitely would not meet criterion on ADI) but can have a lot of ASD traits. Simon Baron-Cohen has done a lot of work showing that engineers, mathematicians that have higher levels of ASD traits etc. This is a similar story, only 1 out of 6 of these children will meet criteria for an ASD diagnosis (Williams et al., 2005). Therefore, if we test them with the Children Autism Spectrum Test we are going to get greater prevalence but they won’t meet criterion on the ADOS or ADI. Therefore if you think about studies its going to make a big difference in whether you include the Strict Criteria 1% or Loose Criterion 5% group.

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In a good meta-analysis of twin studies at the IOP, looking at concordance twin pairs in ASD (Tick, Bolton, Happe, Rutter, & Rijsdijk, 2015).


In a good meta-analysis of twin studies at the IOP, looking at concordance twin pairs in ASD (Tick, Bolton, Happe, Rutter, & Rijsdijk, 2015). For monozygot (MZ) there is .98 (massive genetic influence) and in DZ, it changes depending on what criteria is used. If the strict criteria is used (ADI, ADOS) and these children meet criteria for ASD, then it’s 67%, at this point the environmental effects are not significant. However, if the loss criterion is used of 5%, there are greater environmental effects witnessed. Therefore, it is important to think about methodology in the study. The evidence of a genetic effect is obviously massive.

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There are genetic mechanisms involved in ASD are complex and include

Jeste & Geschwind, 2014


There are genetic mechanisms involved in ASD are complex and include rare chromosomal anomalies, several individual genes of major effect and numerous common variants of small effect (Jeste & Geschwind, 2014).

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In WS, there a bunch of genes that are very clearly identified through a blood test to diagnose the children to identify the genetic anomalies in these children. But this can’t be done with ASD as its much more complicated.

Johnson (2011)


In WS, there a bunch of genes that are very clearly identified through a blood test to diagnose the children to identify the genetic anomalies in these children. But this can’t be done with ASD as its much more complicated. In a way this is why researchers have worked so hard to develop such stringent diagnostic tests because ASD can only be diagnosed on the basis on behaviours. Therefore there is a different approach to dealing with ASD. Johnson (2011) suggests that symptoms of ASD is are likely to emerge from a complex interaction between pre-existing vulnerabilities, and the child’s environment. Initial genetic and environmental risk factors interact to alter the development of brain structure and function, compromising the child’s ability to learn from their environment.

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We know that ASD is highly heritable, so if we look at the the younger siblings within a family with a child who has had a diagnosis and map their development to see whats happening to those children to paint a picture.

Jones, Gligaa, Bedford, Charman & Johnson, 2013

Ozonoff et al., 2011

Messinger et al., 2013


We know that ASD is highly heritable, so if we look at the the younger siblings within a family with a child who has had a diagnosis and map their development to see whats happening to those children to paint a picture. In the DSM-IV people gave a diagnosis of ASD at 30 months, at the point were language delay was apparent. Cannot diagnosis a 3month infant with ASD, however you can know that this infant has a sibling with ASD so its more likely to develop ASD. What this paper does is a meta-analysis (Jones, Gligaa, Bedford, Charman & Johnson, 2013) of prospective studies looking at at-risk infants (0 – 2/3years) with high familial risk for ASD (with older sibling with a diagnosis). 20% of these children will meet diagnosis by 3 years old (Ozonoff et al., 2011) but there are also other kinds of problems in 10 – 20% develop sub-clinical ASD traits or other developmental difficulties (Messinger et al., 2013) e.g. difficulties with language, etc. they are not typical developmentally but are severely impaired enough to meet criteria for ASD.

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When thinking about atypical development, its really worth thinking about what atypical children do because its the benchmark of comparison.

Mark Johnson


When thinking about atypical development, its really worth thinking about what atypical children do because its the benchmark of comparison. A TD baby, will give out signals and perform actions that elicits a response from a caregiver. Human beings are the most important information source at this point, especially parents and siblings. Babies use mutual gaze, they use facial expression, posture, gesture etc. to regulate social interactions. Mark Johnson suggests that infants do things that impacts on brain development. In ASD, infants have a problem with eye gaze, problems with understanding other people gestures, getting people to engage with them. So its irrational to look at these types of behaviours in these at risk siblings.

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In TD infants, research has shown that infants show an early preference for faces over shapes, they like their own mothers face best.


In TD infants, research has shown that infants show an early preference for faces over shapes, they like their own mothers face best. They become increasingly sensitive to changes in eye-gaze and gesture (will follow caregivers eye gaze). Then there is a move toward preferential smiling (an infant at 8-9 months infants don’t just smile at anyone anymore, they smile preferentially at caregivers), these social learning, they become increasingly sensitive to other people’s emotion cues Imitation (important for early social and cog dev). The clinical literature suggest that children of depressed mothers cry more. If you show angry faces to infants get very upset early on. Imitation can also be seen which is very important for social learning.

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Results from behavioural studies show that infant who develop ASD do not show marked impairments in orienting to faces and social gestures (e.g. Elsabagh et al., 2013; Young et al., 2009) or in gaze following (Bedford et al., (2012)


Results from behavioural studies show that infant who develop ASD do not show marked impairments in orienting to faces and social gestures (e.g. Elsabagh et al., 2013; Young et al., 2009) or in gaze following (Bedford et al., (2012) during the first year of life. This is all based on behavioural evidence, in neuroimaging evidence there is a slightly different story. One thing you can do with an infant is social smiling, vocalisations (e.g. during “still face” procedure” where the mother will be chatting with the baby and her face will suddenly freeze in which the babies will get quite alarmed and will do all sorts of things to get the mother responding again). 6 month old, ‘at risk’ siblings appear to be relatively typical in this task.

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But then we start getting problems in infant siblings. Ozonoff et al., (2010) reported a

Landa et al., 2007

Yoder et al.,(2009)


But then we start getting problems in infant siblings. Ozonoff et al., (2010) reported a decline in social smiling and gaze in 6-24 months and therefore are beginning to show a different trajectory to typically developing children. There is less shared positive affect at 14 months whereas most 14 month infants get into tickling games thus there is a decline in this behaviour at 14 months (Landa et al., 2007). Developmentally children learn to coordinate a lot of things across different modalities (looking, gestures, listening). We see in DS difficulties with these complex behaviours (e.g. looking and pointing) which most toddlers will do. Yoder et al.,(2009) found the ability to combine gaze, gesture, and vocalisations between 15–24 months predicted 36 month diagnosis and levels of social impairment. Behavioural evidence suggests that social orienting mechanisms are functional during the first year of life but then diverge from typical developmental trajectory. Evidence from neuroscience. Therefore it seems for this evidence within the review that things are not terribly abnormal when you look at it behaviourally in the first year its more after that we start seeing differs trajectories for typically developing and children with ASD.

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According to Pelphrey & Carter (2008) and other researchers, the Superior Temporal Sulcus (STS), together with other ‘social brain areas’ is impaired in ASD.

Lloyd-Fox et al., 2013

Esabagh et al., (2012


According to Pelphrey & Carter (2008) and other researchers, the Superior Temporal Sulcus (STS), together with other ‘social brain areas’ is impaired in ASD. The STS is sensitive to biological motion, gaze direction and to facial expression which are all impaired in some people with ASD. Neuroimaging work with at-risks infants, they show reduced STS response to social stimuli 5 months (Lloyd-Fox et al., 2013) which is not getting picked up in behavioural tests. These infants aren’t looking like normal children at the neural level. Infants who were diagnosed with ASD at 3 yrs showed atypical neural responses to gaze shifts at 6-9mths (Esabagh et al., (2012). They are not showing that flexibility to learn from social cues as seen TD children.

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Jones & Klin (2013) carried out longitudinal naturalistic (video material) study of children with ASD and typically developing children aged 2–24 months.

Leonard et al., 2013


Jones & Klin (2013) carried out longitudinal naturalistic (video material) study of children with ASD and typically developing children aged 2–24 months. They were interested in looking at trajectories distinguishing the children with ASD from TD children. In TD showed increasing tendency to fixate on the eyes whilst eye fixation decreased in ASD. Trajectories in 2–6 month period different for ASD and TD groups. Suggests erosion of initially typical social orienting skills in ASD at this very early stage of development. This is opposite to the meta-analysis suggests that a lot of those studies have shown that there aren’t really any problems. However, its very difficult to measure these things in very young children and they’d probably need to be very markably abnormal before you recognise them. The other probable is, it would need to be considered how severely autism an infant is (all the same children of various severities are being considered as the same at this age group). Dealing with a complex multidimensional disability. Other symptoms that are less systematically studied and thus harder to draw a firm conclusion are play behaviours (early atypical play in ASD repetitive wheel spinning). In ADOS, there are various toys and the therapist will ask the children to make a family group and have a picnic. Children with ASD don’t treat the toys like social entries. Studied behaviours: body related behaviours, exploratory behaviours (find that children do not investigate the toys etc.), executive functions, motor behaviours (some evidence for atypical development (Leonard et al., 2013) and language (suggests variable trajectories, extraordinary variability in diagnosed individuals).

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Cognitive models of ASD; Theory of Mind is a cognitive ability that enables us to understand that other people have feelings, think thoughts: “theory-of-mind” or “mentalising”.

Baron-Cohen, Leslie & Frith, 1985


Cognitive models of ASD; Theory of Mind is a cognitive ability that enables us to understand that other people have feelings, think thoughts: “theory-of-mind” or “mentalising”. Classic example of false belief test Sally-Anne task (Baron-Cohen, Leslie & Frith, 1985). Doll leaves marble, unknown to the first doll, the other doll moves it. Q: Where will Sally look for her marble? A: Where she thinks it is. In the original study they compare children with ASD, Down syndrome, and typical development at 3-4 years, TD: 85% pass, DS: 86% pass (in later research much less children with DS pass this type of tests) yet only ASD: 20% pass (today the children understand how to do the Sally Ann test). This challenge does not represent what happens in the real social world, as the task is much more complex.

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This is called a first order false belief task,

Baron-Cohen review 2001

Peter Hogson


This is called a first order false belief task, actor has false belief about the world ‘Mary does not know the marble has been moved’ there is only one step in our reasoning in a first order false belief task. There are really complicated ones that are much more like what happens in the real world. Second-order false belief tasks: actor has false belief about another person’s belief about the world “Mary doesn’t know that John knows that the marble has moved.” People perform this type of task in micro seconds every day. ToM very widely investigated in Autism (Baron-Cohen review 2001), some individuals with Autism pass ToM tests e.g. 20% of children ASD pass in both Baron-Cohen and Perner task. Peter Hogson wrote about limitations of these very cognitive ways of understanding the social communication impairment (Pam likes-on VLE), he suggested that social cognition is more complex than that.

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Klin (2000) tested a group of HFA and AS participants with a mean age of 16 with IQ’s in the normal range.


Klin (2000) tested a group of HFA and AS participants with a mean age of 16 with IQ’s in the normal range. Participants achieved an age equivalent score of 3.9 years on the Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales (subdomain of how people interact with each other) and the Interpersonal relationship scale. They could pass TOM tasks pitted at a higher level than 4–6 years. Although we are saying that ToM is measuring social communication disability in ASD, yet on the Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales they are showing deficits. Therefore really bringing the paradigm into question. One suggestion Klin (2000) says is the verbal nature of the task, some ToM tasks are very complicated (higher order ToM) in which people need a phenomenal auditory working memory to remember all of the sub clauses.

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We know from Astington and Jenkins (1999) early study, that if there are large cohorts of typically developing children, there is a very high correlation between theory of mind performance and language skills.


We know from Astington and Jenkins (1999) early study, that if there are large cohorts of typically developing children, there is a very high correlation between theory of mind performance and language skills. People with good language can hack out a solution to a ToM task. Also the explicit nature of the ToM task is very different to what the Vineland would measure which is more naturalistic (remembering multiple peoples state of mind at once). These tests are not testing anything like that. The dichotomous nature of the task, its rare there are social problem solving situations where there are only two choices, its far too simplistic. The other problem is they either pass or fail the sally ann test, this test over estimates the social skills of people who pass it. This is seen in the Klin study where the adolescents did not have good social skills but they could pass. If they are judged on their ToM performance, it will be concluded they have theory of mind. Those that fail it will have some aspects of ToM, even children that are very socially impaired will occasionally show ToM.

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Klin et al., (2000) tested autistic participants on the social attribution geometric shapes task developed by (Heider & Simmel, 1944) who found that 99% of NT made attributions to do with personality and emotions (e.g. that triangle was frightened).


Klin et al., (2000) tested autistic participants on the social attribution geometric shapes task developed by (Heider & Simmel, 1944) who found that 99% of NT made attributions to do with personality and emotions (e.g. that triangle was frightened).

People with Aspergers think that NT are weird when they give emotions and personalities to moving shapes. When Klin did this with a group of HFA and AS adolescents who could pass 2nd order TOM tasks were only sensitive to a quarter of the social elements described by controls. Very insensitive to movement cues and ASD used fewer mental state terms, ASD used mental state terms inappropriately, ASD derived fewer personality features, ASD raised irrelevant points (confusing in social situations). Both groups showed poorer recognition of social than non-social emotions. For both groups the ability to report personal social emotion- experience was significantly associated with the ability to recognise social emotions in others, independent of age and verbal ability. A person with ASD example, the large triangle is oscillating at 90 degrees around the small circle an thus explained it in a very scientific way to how a NT person would do it. Results reported no between-group differences in levels or patterns of performance on the experimental tasks.

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There are some extremely well conducted studies showing people with ASD have no problems in processing emotions. Emotion Recognition in ASD was tested by Williams & Happe (2010)


There are some extremely well conducted studies showing people with ASD have no problems in processing emotions. Emotion Recognition in ASD was tested by Williams & Happe (2010) who tested 21 individuals with autism and 21 age and IQ matched controls for their ability to (a) recognise, expressions of ‘social’ emotions’ (e.g.,embarrassment) and ‘non-social’ emotions (e.g., happiness) in others; (b) report their own previous experiences of each of these emotions (this was the really good bit, as asp’s say that once something has been discovered that ASD are good at, people start working out some funny way they have done it. What does that face look like? Sad. Tell me a time when you felt sad. Therefore they really get the concept of this emotion. Both children found it more difficult to report on social emotions e.g. embarrassment. On the basic emotions, the children did very well, they didn’t do any worse than typically developing children, there was no significant difference in the results.


These children had a firm diagnosis of ASD (not broader phenotype) and they were showing absolutely normal emotion recognition. Jones also found unimpaired emotion recognition. Mark Johnson wrote about publication bias


These children had a firm diagnosis of ASD (not broader phenotype) and they were showing absolutely normal emotion recognition. Jones also found unimpaired emotion recognition. Mark Johnson wrote about publication bias (massive issue in psychology), people should know when things do not work as much as when things do work. We need to know which bits of the phenotype are developing normally as much as we need to know which bits are developing abnormally. It is important to know what parts issues are unimpaired and which bits of the phenotype that are developing normally as much as what issues are impaired. We need a complex pattern and we need this for theoretical reasons in order to be able to understand the disorder, neuroscience, which behaviours are in tact and we massively need it for clinical and educational purposes, we need to know what these children are good at so we can build on their strengths. The other issue is compensation via domain-general intellectual capacities and/or social and educational therapies. A group of 5-6 year old children with ASD 20 years ago would have failed a Sally Ann test but they wouldn’t fail it now because schools have been very good at learning from the research and start training early ToM. A child with good language skills is likely to be able to figure out alternative solutions. In the past it has been assumed that emotional recognition problems are associated with problems of ToM but there is very compelling evidence now that they are quite independent.


There are mixed findings in terms of emotion recognition, its often methodological (e.g. matching).


There are mixed findings in terms of emotion recognition, its often methodological (e.g. matching). Emotion recognition abilities are likely to vary hugely within the ASD populations, therefore its not been thought of as a deficit, instead it’s an area thats atypical. That can be thought about in a subtle way.


New strand of research in ASD is Alexithymia.

Nehiam et al., 1976

Berth & Hill, (2005)


New strand of research in ASD is Alexithymia. Type 11 is characterised by difficulties in identifying and describing feelings, difficulties in distinguishing feelings from bodily sensations of emotional arousal, impaired symbolization and a tendency to focus on external events rather than on person experiences (Nehiam et al., 1976). Type 1 alexithymia people don’t really experience emotion. Normally physical markers are very linked to cognitive labels. Berthoz & Hill, (2005) looked at alexithymia in people with ASD and they found that with adults with ASD that were quite verbal that can fill in the measure used for alexithymia that 85% of a sample of able adults with ASD had alexithymia (severe or slight). This suggests that its not that they are not experiencing any feelings towards anything, it’s that they just don’t understand how to label them.


Heaton et al., (2012) who compared HFA adults looking at speech stimuli as it had only been done in faces at this point.


Heaton et al., (2012) who compared HFA adults looking at speech stimuli as it had only been done in faces at this point. A really high correlation was found between the inability to describe ones own emotional state and the lack of ability to recognise offers emotional states. Therefore, a strong association between difficulties describing own emotions (alexithymia) and difficulties in categorising the emotional vocalisations of others. Therefore, it can be theorised that those with ASD who do well at recognising peoples emotional states probably have quite low levels of alexithymia because its a co-morbid condition its not part of ASD or the diagnostic criteria.


Silani, et al., 2008/ Geoff Bird at the institute of Psychiatry tested adult participants with HFA and controls completed the Alexithymia is most often measured with the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS 20: Bagby, Parker & Taylor, 1994).


Silani, et al., 2008/ Geoff Bird at the institute of Psychiatry tested adult participants with HFA and controls completed the Alexithymia is most often measured with the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS 20: Bagby, Parker & Taylor, 1994). This questionnaire is very simple but very sensitive to use in studies. They also look at empathy as well (Empathy which was assessed using Davis Interpersonal Reactivity Index IRI; Davis 1980). They did an experimental study where they used affective pictures (participants were shown pictures from the International Affective Picture System, IAPS: Lang, Bagby & Cuthbert, 1999). There was an external task which spoke about colour balance and a reaction time data. This provided data for whether the ASD group were less aroused than the typically developing group. They found, consistent with the earlier work, that there were higher levels of Alexithymia in the ASD than control group and they had particular problems with describing feelings and insight into things. There was a significant correlation between measures of alexithymia and empathy (linking awareness of self and others) and the reaction time data (RT data) showed that the ASD participants were equally aroused on internal and external tasks (did not distinguish groups). For both groups there was a strong relationship between activity in the anterior insula and their ability to assess their own feelings in response to unpleasant pictures. This really shows an area of activation that seems to be a marker for alexithymia. The brain areas involved in ToM performance are quite different, Theory of mind ability is associated with activation in the medial prefrontal cortex, superior temporal sulcus and the adjacent temporoparietal junction, therefore there are quite different things going on in terms of emotional deficits in ASD. In Bird’s sample there are some people who meet full criteria for ASD and do not have any alexithymia at all. Therefore this shows that not all people have emotional processing deficits in ASD, however there is a much stronger likelihood of them having them.


A child will learn to associate a feeling experienced with the facial expression the caregiver is giving back (child cries, moms gives back sad face).


A child will learn to associate a feeling experienced with the facial expression the caregiver is giving back (child cries, moms gives back sad face). Remember, in the neuroscience studies, there were abnormalities and children with ASD are not profiting as much as a TD child from their interactions with other people, thus Mark Johnson will suggest that the brain is going to develop differently.


Theoretical Accounts of ASD:

Russell and colleagues and Ozonoff and colleagues

Elizabeth Hill

Lorna Goodard


Theoretical Accounts of ASD: The first one, its like theory of mind in that its a deficit account, focussed on trying to explain some of the deficits seen in ASD. Russell and colleagues and Ozonoff and colleagues have done a lot of this work, Elizabeth Hill wrote a very good review of executive function (on VLE: excellent summery of the work until that time). Recently, Lorna Goodard has done a study of executive functioning in ASD.


What are executive functions: planning, cognitive flexibility (set-shifting), action/self-monitoring, action generation, inhibition and working memory. ToM deficits in the real world


What are executive functions: planning, cognitive flexibility (set-shifting), action/self-monitoring, action generation, inhibition and working memory. ToM deficits in the real world when friends come round for dinner. Processes need for this task: maintain memory of goal throughout, remember what stage of plan achieved, and where to go next generate appropriate behaviour stop ongoing behaviour when no longer appropriate (switch on oven – chopping carrots), inhibit response triggered by something in environment, don’t eat food you are cooking, shift attention from one area to another (to think flexibly), cook pasta and make salad dressing make decisions between 2+ possible actions. Cook pasta for longer/ turn it off “I’ve got friends for dinner” order of cooking. Therefore, a deficit n EF can really interfere with a social life.


EF and repetitive behaviours in ASD, two types in autism:

Turner 1999; Lopez et al. 2005


EF and repetitive behaviours in ASD, two types in autism: low-level, stereotyped movements and self-injurious behaviours; high-level e.g. insistence on sameness, circumscribed language; and cognitive flexibility, working memory, inhibition, generativity linked to repetitive behaviours (e.g. Turner 1999; Lopez et al. 2005). Obsessions: inflexibility of thought and action. E.g. Turner (1997; 1999).


The Wisconsin Card Sort Test (assesses set-shifting ability):


The Wisconsin Card Sort Test (assesses set-shifting ability): give someone a load of cards and ask them to sort the cards on the basis of the colour, after a while, you will ask them to sort them on the basis of shape. The idea is to immediately change the rule (1 rule activated, implement new rule). We see perseverative behaviour on those tasks, showed that this does reveal some difficulties in populations with ASD. The windows task is so counter intuitive, a child is shown two glass boxes, one has a box of smarties and the other box has nothing in it. You say “if you want the box of smarties in it, point to the other box”. The child have to inhibit there desire to naturally point to the box of smarties and point to the other one in order to get the smarties. Its really hard for children with ASD to inhibit their responses. Its also hard for little TD infants to do to as EF develops. ASD children continue to show these problems at the point where TD have learned to inhibit a prepotent response.


Windows task:

Hughes & Russell, 1993


Windows task: To win sweet, point to window without sweet (assesses inhibition) – No feedback: FAIL TO INHIBIT PREPOTENT (INCORRECT) RESPONSE (Hughes & Russell, 1993). Windows task results: Number children passing most of 20 trials: 15% children with autism and 70% MLD controls. Number children failing all 20 trials: 50% children with autism and 0% MLD controls. Unable to inhibit prepotent response.


In the Detour-reaching task which is an inhibition of action task which is very counter intuitive.

Hughes & Russell, 1993


In the Detour-reaching task which is an inhibition of action task which is very counter intuitive. Do this to make it work but then told something else to make it work (children find it really hard to inhibit that). Detour-reaching task: To get marble, flick switch before reach (Assesses inhibition), no feedback, non-competitive FAIL TO INHIBIT PREPOTENT (INCORRECT) RESPONSE (Hughes & Russell, 1993). Results: Number children passing: 55% children with autism, 92% MLD controls and 95% preschool controls. ASD are unable to inhibit prepotent response. AUTISM-SPECIFIC DEFICIT IN INHIBITION/ARBITRARY RULE- FOLLOWING.


In the Tower tasks (TOWER OF LONDON/ TOWER OF HANOI) which assesses planning and working memory.

Ozonoff et al., 1991; Hughes et al., 1994


In the Tower tasks (TOWER OF LONDON/ TOWER OF HANOI) which assesses planning and working memory. A child is required to move disks in start state to look like end state by moving one disk at a time, move disk only if it has nothing on top of it and place disk on peg before moving next disk (move things back and forward based on all these rules). Children with ADS find this very difficult (e.g. Ozonoff et al., 1991; Hughes et al., 1994). Tower of London results: Performance efficiency: 13% children with autism, 49% MLD controls and 65% normal controls. CWA


ASD ASSETS: See Bennett & Heaton, 2012


ASD ASSETS: See Bennett & Heaton, 2012 for overview of talents in ASD. Steven Wilcha ASD painter of great detailed representation on the themes (sometimes he reverses the mental image/ mirror image). There are different domain where were see really good performance with ASD, for example, children with ASD can be really good at IT, mathematics, art and music. These skills are called savant skills, in that they are really unusual for children of their age.


Three cognitive Models Attempting to Explain Assets: The Weak Central Coherence (e.g. Happy, 1999) and The Enhanced Perceptual Functioning (Mottron & Burack, 2001; Mottron, Dawson, Soulieres, Hubert & Burack, 2006) and the 3) Hyper-systemizing Account (Baron-Cohen, Ashwin, Ashwin,Tavassoli & Chakrabarti, 2009).

Frith (1989) drew on the work of Bartlett (1932)


Three cognitive Models Attempting to Explain Assets: The Weak Central Coherence (e.g. Happé, 1999) and The Enhanced Perceptual Functioning (Mottron & Burack, 2001; Mottron, Dawson, Soulieres, Hubert & Burack, 2006) and the 3) Hyper-systemizing Account (Baron-Cohen, Ashwin, Ashwin,Tavassoli & Chakrabarti, 2009). One of the first theories that tried to explain assets was the Weak Central Coherence Theory was was written by Frith (good but not up to date) who says that we draw together of diverse information in order to construct higher level meaning in context is disrupted in autism. An example, Frith (1989) drew on the work of Bartlett (1932) showing the way that we remember things and how memory performance in neurotypicals reflects their drive for meaning. You read someone a story that lasts for 25 minutes and then you ask them to tell the story back, you’ve got 10 minutes. We don’t start from the begging and repeat back for 10 minutes of what the person said (like a tape recorder). People actively construct something, it has a beginning, middle and end of all salient points and we tell this story so we can bring together diverse information. We are global thinkers according to Uita Frith to make sense of things by using contextual information. According to this account, this is exactly what the problem in in ASD that they can’t do this.


Around the same time researchers started doing experimental studies in ASD as they are quite good at experimental tasks and often enjoy them (in comparison to the difficulty of doing experimental studies with DS). Some early experimental evidence for a visuo-spatial local bias: An early finding is the children with ASD are really good on the embedded figures task (CEFT) e.g. Shah & Frith, (1983).

Ropar & Mitchell, 2000, Carron et al.,2006). Happe, 1994


Around the same time researchers started doing experimental studies in ASD as they are quite good at experimental tasks and often enjoy them (in comparison to the difficulty of doing experimental studies with DS). Some early experimental evidence for a visuo-spatial local bias: An early finding is the children with ASD are really good on the embedded figures task (CEFT) e.g. Shah & Frith, (1983). Children are very good at finding Wally, upside down jigsaws and can construct things out of bits. For the children with ASD who have a problem with context aren’t using contextual information but they clearly have expertise in some areas. Therefore, it was reasoned that children with ASD have enhanced local processing. The global processing is damaged but they have a good local processing. All of these studies attempted to show that they are exceptionally good local processors. The Block Design test was used from the WASI, WISC (manipulate the blocks to match the patterned picture which is timed). Many studies found that children with ASD had Superior Block Design Performance (Shah & Frith 1993; Ropar & Mitchell, 2000, Carron et al.,2006). Happe, 1994 did a meta-analysis and found a peak performance in the block design task. Autistic participants with savant skills are slightly better on the block design task. In the Hierarchical Figures used to test a local bias, a local processor will describe the left stimuli as an A and a global processor will describe will describe the right as an A. This has been used a lot and there have been problems found.


Happé (1996) did a study where she gave people visual Illusions (train track).


Happé (1996) did a study where she gave people visual Illusions (train track). People secumb to all sorts of illusions because of the way that we use gestalt perception. ASD were not succumbing to illusions as much as TD (participants with ASD succumbed to fewer visual illusions than controls). This was seen as support for the weak central coherence theory.


A drawing of an impossible figure slow NT people down because they process globally and thus can’t make any sense of the figure.

(Mottron et al, 1999).


A drawing of an impossible figure slow NT people down because they process globally and thus can’t make any sense of the figure. Yet if a person starts coping, they’ll be able to do it. ASD participants more likely to start with local features and complete the drawing faster as they are less slowed by Impossibility. Seen As support for a local bias (Mottron et al, 1999).


There was early work on Face Processing e.g. Hobson et al (1988) found that people with ASD better than controls at matching inverted, upside down faces (configural v holistic processing).

Deruelle et al (2004)


There was early work on Face Processing e.g. Hobson et al (1988) found that people with ASD better than controls at matching inverted, upside down faces (configural v holistic processing). NT people are better at processing faces the right way up but this effects is not seen in children with ASD. A reason for this is that, the feature (and configural) local elements are not as disrupted when they are turned upside down. Whereas the global elements are very disrupted when we turn them upside down. Deruelle et al (2004) ASD poorer on emotion, gender, gaze direction and lip-reading (global demands). As good as controls on identity recognition (local demands). Therefore, if a person has a feature bias, this aspect of spatial processing will be quite preserved.


Auditory (speech and music): ASD have extremely good memory for musical pitch (e.g. a child with ASD will arrive at an apartment block, someone will press the bell for the elevator and the child will repeat the sound exactly right).

Heaton (1998, 2003, 2005)
(Heaton et al., 2008).


Auditory (speech and music): ASD have extremely good memory for musical pitch (e.g. a child with ASD will arrive at an apartment block, someone will press the bell for the elevator and the child will repeat the sound exactly right). Some children with ASD remember the tones of fire engines and are very good mimics and are very good at mimicking voices. Therefore some people with ASD are very good auditory perception and are very sensitive to pitch and speech, similar to trained musicians are and we’ll see a very different neural signature when they are processing speech for pitch. Musicals and some children with ASD (probably less for meaning and processing more for perceptual aspects of the stimuli) are processing pitch and speech much like an instrument (Heaton (1998, 2003, 2005), Superior discrimination of changes in speech pitch contours (Heaton et al., 2008). This work fed into the next model.


In Homograph tasks (Frith & Snowling, 1983; Snowling & Frith, 1986; Happe 1994; Jolliffe & Baron Cohen, 1999; Lopez & Leekam, 2003)

Booth & Happe, 2010


In Homograph tasks (Frith & Snowling, 1983; Snowling & Frith, 1986; Happe 1994; Jolliffe & Baron Cohen, 1999; Lopez & Leekam, 2003) for example, “the sea tastes of salt and pepper (local)” or “the sea tastes of salt and seaweed (global)” (Booth & Happe, 2010). They found that people with ASD are more likely to make local completions/ bias. This test is potentially ambiguous, is it a local bias or global deficit in that its a failure to use context. This theory is difficult to operationalise.


The musical ability of pitch is connected to ASD audio sensitivity.

Ozonoff et al (1994)


The musical ability of pitch is connected to ASD audio sensitivity. Its difficult to tell whether its a global deficit or an enhanced local processing. Plus, findings showing a local bias in ASD are not always replicated e.g. Ozonoff et al (1994) found a normal global advantage and interference in ASD.


More recently, White & Saldana, (2011) has done a meta-analysis of many studies have failed to replicate findings showing


More recently, White & Saldana, (2011) has done a meta-analysis of many studies have failed to replicate findings showing superior embedded figures performance in ASD. They found that a lot of children with ASD are not good at this.


Ropar & Mitchell, (1999; 2001) tried to relocate Happe’s study using visual illusions.


Ropar & Mitchell, (1999; 2001) tried to relocate Happe’s study using visual illusions. Yet the ASD participants succumbed to visual illusions as did the controls. Importantly, performance on the visual illusions task did not correlate with performance on visual- spatial tasks (e.g. block design) believed to measure WCC. The block design task has been taken as a marker of weak central coherence. If a child with ASD who did brilliantly on the block design test but poorly on all other tests, we’d say the child is showing weak central coherence. So we’ve used it as a marker for that theory and it wasn’t correlating and its suggested the visual illusions has nothing to do with local processing. This was a phenomenally good theory in the sense that a theory should generate testable hypotheses. People generated testable hypotheses and found there were problems with the theory.


WCC has been used to explain savant skills in autism: Lisa Heavey (1999, 2003)


WCC has been used to explain savant skills in autism: This is illustrated by the fact that there are savant calendar calculators build up calendar knowledge from small parts. Lisa Heavey (1999, 2003) found that when these children were little, some children get very interested in dates of birth (remember everyone in the classes birthdays and associate with specific days, the children start mapping this information together over time). Until this time, people suggested that children look at calendars and memorise them because they have very good visual spatial memory. However, people with this gift can calculate in the future as well so its not a memory ability. People with a high IQ an go back a very long time and include changes because of adopting the gregorian calendar, they are able to but all of these exceptions into the basic map of calendar information. The idea from Heavey’s work is it starts at a local connection between somebody’s birthday which becomes elaborated into a much more complex database about date information.


In WCC, savant output is often detailed (although it doesn’t appear to lack coherence). Highlighting this point was a study by Jones Le Boder,


In WCC, savant output is often detailed (although it doesn’t appear to lack coherence). Highlighting this point was a study by Jones Le Boder, who did a study with musical savants who can hear a complex piece of music and play it and people believed people with ASD memorise and play the piece like a tap recorder. Jones Le Boder gave them a piece of music to play an the recorded it and did a bar by bar analysis of the notes. The savants made a lot of mistakes but it was completely coherent. They had substituted other notes, they didn’t have perfect emory but they’d maintained the global structure. This evidence also showed there is not a global deficit in people with ASD who develop savant talents.


Therefore the WCC theory: local/global is difficult to define and operationalise and the WCC appears to be characteristic of only a sub-group of individuals with autism (Jarrod & Russell, 1997, Scheuffgen, 1998, Caron et al., Heaton, Cummins, Williams & Happe, 2006).


Therefore the WCC theory: local/global is difficult to define and operationalise and the WCC appears to be characteristic of only a sub-group of individuals with autism (Jarrod & Russell, 1997, Scheuffgen, 1998, Caron et al., Heaton, Cummins, Williams & Happe, 2006). There are a lot more children being diagnosed that are much more high functioning but we are not seeing these peaks in ability on the block design and these children are not showing poor skills on the vocabulary like children used to so there isn’t this spiky profile like children diagnosed 10 years ago. The population that we are working with is a bit different.


Enhanced Perceptual Functioning Models (e.g. Mottron & Burack 2001; 2006).


Enhanced Perceptual Functioning Models (e.g. Mottron & Burack 2001; 2006). According to Mottron, savants show enhanced perception (local bias) and a good appreciation of higher levels of information relevant within domains (no global deficits) For example, people with ASD could reproduce features in pictures whilst still producing a globally coherent picture. Musical savants produce a global performance and are very sensitive to pitch information but equally able to appreciate large scale structure coherence. Mottron is not saying that ASD have an intellectual deficit, he’s doing a much more fine grained look in how they differ from NT development.


New EPF Model (2006) is a more elaborated model that includes 8 principles of autistic cognition consistent with predictions from WCC:

Mark Johnson

Amie Klin


New EPF Model (2006) is a more elaborated model that includes 8 principles of autistic cognition consistent with predictions from WCC: Principle 1: the default setting of autistic perception is more locally oriented than that of non-autistics (how they spot Wally, notice a moved item in a room), therefore the WCC remains in this theory. Principle 2: Increased gradient of neural complexity is inversely related to level of performance in low-level perceptual tasks (if the task is perceptually simple, they will do very much better on that task than a NT and as the task becomes more complex, they will don much worse. This basic perceptual capacity is very important). Principle 3: Early atypical behaviours have a regulatory function towards perceptual input (similar to Mark Johnson, in that the things that a person attends to affects brain development). Children with ASD do not spend all their time looking at peoples faces, they look at other things within the environment and they learn about those things a lot.
. Amie Klin did a study of a child who was obsessed with pocamon figures and he found that the child was activating fusiform gyrus in resins to the poamon figures but not to human faces. Therefore there are really alternative socialisations materialising. Atypical attentional focus, lateral glances attempt to limit excessive information focus on optimal information? Principle 4: Perceptual primary and associative brain regions are atypically activated during social and non-social tasks (stimuli that is very simple will activate the area V1 and more complex task would activate areas V2/perceptually higher areas. However in ASD, they will continue to only use V1). Reduced activation of fusiform face area when viewing faces. Atypical activations for pattern perception etc. Principle 5: Higher-order processing is optional in autism and mandatory in non-autistics (NT can’t draw the impossible figure without being told how. However, in ASD, they are more flexible to be able to ignore the global contexts). Principle 6: Perceptual expertise underlies savant syndrome. Principle 7: Savant syndrome is an autistic model for subtyping PDDs. Asperger/autism, Autism + other conditions / autism only Verbal/non-verbal savants/non-savants (it was suggested that there should be a savant syndrome category. There was some early evidence that suggested that there are genetically differences but it hasn’t replicated). Pam Heaton, tried to show how autistic savants differed from non-savants in cognitive and behavioural measures.
Principle 8: Enhanced functioning of primary perceptual brain regions may account for the autistic perceptual atypicalities in Tactile, Auditory and Visual domains.


Summary of EPF theory: Bottom-up processes are superior in ASD


Summary of EPF theory: Bottom-up processes are superior in ASD (a task that reliant on perception, there will be a better performance in ASD than NT) and this leads to enhanced lower-level processing. In vision there is decreased feedback from higher order visual cortical to primary visual cortex (they are much less affected by top down processes). There is still global and WCC happening in this theory. Perception is more flexible in ASD than in TD.


Baron-Cohen, Ashwin, Ashwin, Tavassoli & Bismadev (2009) Sensory Hypersensitivity-Attention to detail (local bias)-Systemizing (algorithm for how people with ASD systematise)-Special Skills within rule governed domains.


Baron-Cohen, Ashwin, Ashwin, Tavassoli & Bismadev (2009) Sensory Hypersensitivity-Attention to detail (local bias)-Systemizing (algorithm for how people with ASD systematise)-Special Skills within rule governed domains. this reason that this theory was developed was that the savant domains and the things that savants are good at, are highly structured domains (musical harmony is really highly structured, the organisation of pitch, harmony and rhythm is very rule based. Music analysts call it grammar/musical syntax). Therefore they are developing skill in remains where extracting rules is an advantage. Everything else is to do with perception, whereas these are really cognitive mechanisms that involve intellectual ability. Therefore, it’s nice that they are moving a way from a perceptual explanation of a savant skill towards a one that is higher order (e.g. they needs to be some hard intellectual capacity to be ale to understand high order mathematics). This theory is similar to WCC and perceptual functioning theory.