2. AS - Anesthetic Equipment Flashcards
This device allows PPV and more efficient gas delivery when properly place:
Endotracheal Tube
A properly inflated ET tube cuff prevents/facilitates:
1. anesthetic dilution (room air)
2. waste gas leaking
1. Aspiration risk
1. PPV
Inexpensive, Flexible, Absorbent (disinfectants), and kink/collapse are positive and negative characteristics of:
Rubber ET Tubes
A Murphy Tube has what advantage over a Magill Tube?
Murphy tube has a murphy hole - Prevents complete obstruction of tube if plugged with mucus or tracheal wall.
ET Tubes are measured by:
Internal diameter in mm.
Dogs: 5-18 mm
Cats: 2.5 - 4.5 mm
This tool is used to depress the tongue and illuminate the oral cavity:
This tool:
- Connects to the glottis opening.
- Maintains airway w/o tracheal invasion.
- Decreases laryngospasm, dead space resistance, airway trauma, post-op coughing.
- Expensive
Supraglottic Airway Devices
Oxygen Cylinders contain:
A. 90% Oxygen Concentration
B. 85% Oxygen Concentration
C. 100% Oxygen Concentration
D. 75% Oxygen Concentration
C. 100% Oxygen Concentration
Oxygen’s second purpose during anesthesia is to:
Act as the carrier gas to deliver the anesthetic.
High Oxygen concentration is required for anesthesia to prevent hypoxia due to:
Decreased RR & TV.
E, H, and I, are different types of:
Oxygen Cylinders
Oxygen Cylinders should always be stored:
Upright in a cart or chained to a wall.
A full Oxygen Cylinder will have a pressure gauge reading of:
2200 psi
(660 L)
An Oxygen Cylinder should never be allowed to drop below:
100 - 200 psi
(Change to new cylinder)
psi X 0.3 =
Cylinder Volume in liters.
Flow rate / 60 minutes =
Available duration of Oxygen Cylinder use.
Regulating pressure to 50 psi is done by the:
Pressure Reducing Valve
What part of the anesthetic machine is described below:
- Set measured flow rate
- On to deliver O2
- On to deliver anesthetic
- Pressure reduced to 15 psi
Oxygen Flowmeter
Coverts agent specific liquid anesthetic to gas and adjusts percentage of anesthetic to carrier concentration:
This piece of anesthetic equipment should not be tilted or jostled, and should be replenished at the end of day in a well ventilated area:
Used to bypass the flowmeter and vaporizer, adding oxygen to the system at a fast rate (30-50L / min):
Oxygen Flush Valve
When using the Oxygen Flush Vale, you should never:
Distend the rebreathing bag
Create pressure on manometer
The new gas and anesthetic enter the circuit at the:
Fresh Gas Inlet
What is the order of travel through the anesthetic circuit?
- Inspiratory Unidirectional Valve
- Reservoir/Rebreathing Bag
- Connecting hoses (Ex: Y-piece)
- Expiratory Unidirectional Valve
- Pop-Off Valve
- CO2 Absorption Chamber
- Pressure Manometer
Used to give patients a breath and create PPV:
Rebreathing Bag
Tidal Volume =
5mL/Lb or 11mL/kg
Rebreathing bag should be:
At least 5 - 6 X TV
Small Animal Anesthesia Rebreathing bag sizes range:
0.25L, 0.5L, 1L, and 2L
Why is PPV beneficial?
- Prevents atelectasis
- Flushes airways with fresh gas
- Life saving if patient not breathing
The Carbon Dioxide Absorption Chamber is filled with:
Soda Lime
(Calcium hydroxide)
The Soda Lime is saturated and should be changed when:
- Coloration is blue/purple
- Brittle (Difficult to break)
Shows pressure in the anesthetic circuit:
Pressure Manometer
When bagging, the pressure gate for dogs and cats should:
- Dogs - stay between 15 - 20 mm H2O
- Cats - stay between 12-15 mm H2O
Open for non-rebreathing and closed for rebreathing / bagging:
Pop-Off Valve
Never do this with the pop-off valve:
Leave it closed (unmonitored)
Creates pressure in system & can cause pulmonary rupture.
Admits room air in to circuit if negative pressure occurs:
Air Intake Valve
Negative pressure is caused by:
- Oxygen flow rate is too low
- Scavenger flow rate is too high
What carriers waste gas away?
Scavenger Line
Use of a pump or fan to remove waste gas is done with:
Active Scavenger
Use of a gravity to remove waste gas is done with:
Passive (Chemical) Scavenger
A Chemical Scavenger is saturated and should be replaced:
- 50g weight gain
- 12 hours of use
Precision Vaporizers are designed for what purposes?
Deliver exact concentration (in %) of high vapor pressure anesthetic gases.
At what rate are some Precision Vaporizers considered inaccurate?
< 250 - 500mL/minute
Non-precision Vaporizers are used for:
Low vapor pressure anesthetic gases.
(Ex: methoxyflurane - no long used in US)
True or False:
A Non-precision vaporizer compensates for room temperature, flow, and back pressure.
A precision vaporizer does.
Which type of vaporizer is VOC?
Precision Vaporizer
(Vaporizer Out of Circle)
Which type of vaporizer is VIC?
Non-precision Vaporizer
(Vaporizer In Circle)
Circular air flow & reuse of exhaled gas are part of a:
Rebreathing system
(CO2 removed by soda lime)
A low O2 flow rate and closed Pop off valve are used in:
Total Rebreathing Systems
Higher O2 flow rate, Gases replaced with fresh O2 & anesthetic, and a partly opened pop-off valve are used in:
Partial Rebreathing Systems
Exhaled gas is disposed and fresh gas flow is high in:
Non-rebreathing Systems
Why should low O2 flow rates be avoided in a non-rebreathing system?
Low flow rates can lead to CO2 buildup since CO2 chamber not used.
Choice of breathing system is determined by what 6 factors?
- Patient Size
- Convenience
- Cost
- Rate of control
- Heat & Moisture conservation
- Waste gas production
VT or TV =
11mL/kg or 5mL/lb
(Respiratory Minute Volume)
(~ 100 - 200 mL/kg/min)
RR =
Respiratory Rate
ave. = 10 - 20 br/min
Minimum metabolic O2 requirement for anesthetized patients =
5 - 10 mL/kg/min
Mask Induction O2 Flow Rate =
30 X VT = 300 mL/kg/min
< 10kg = 1 - 3 L/min
> 10kg = 3 - 5 L/min
Induction Chamber O2 Flow Rate =
5 L/min
O2 Flow Rate for a Semi-Closed Rebreathing System with Inj. Induction, Changing Depth, and during Recovery:
50 - 100 mL/kg/min
O2 Flow Rate for Maintenance using a Semi-Close Rebreathing System:
20 - 40 mL/kg/min
Minimal Rebreathing with a Semi-Closed System:
200 - 300 mL/kg/min
O2 Flow Rate for a Closed Rebreathing System:
5 - 10 mL/kg/min
ONLY used for maintenance
O2 Flow Rate in a Mapleson A or Modified Mapleson A Non-Rebreathing System:
100 - 200 mL/kg/min
O2 Flow Rate for Mapleson D or Bain Non-rebreathing System:
300 - 400 mL/kg/min