2. ACUTE APPENDICITIS (Clinical picture and Complications) Flashcards
- Type of Patient
- Clinical picture of typical ( classic ) appendicitis
- Atypical presentations of acute appendicitis:
- Acute appendicitis in certain circumstances
- Clinical picture of complicated acute appendicitis
a) Race
b) Diet
c) Occupation
d) Age
It affects civilized people more than primitive
The reason why ACUTE APPENDICITIS affects civilized people more than primitive
due to low residue diet intake predisposing to constipation
- It affects meat eaters than vegetarians
The reason why ACUTE APPENDICITIS affects meat eaters than vegetarians
as high protein diet predisposes to constipation
Occupation in Type of Patient in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
Affects sedentary workers more than the active
- It’s common in adult life (20-30 years)
- but no age is immune.
- Very rare in the 2 extremes of life: Children Old age :
The reason why ACUTE APPENDICITIS is very rare in Children Age in Type of Patient in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
- Small appendix
* wide base (no stasis).
The reason why ACUTE APPENDICITIS is very rare in old Age in Type of Patient in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
- Senile Atrophic Appendix
* Atrophy of lymphoid tissue.
Clinical picture of typical ( classic ) appendicitis in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
Symptoms in Clinical picture of typical ( classic ) appendicitis in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
- Pain :
- Nausea rather than vomiting.
- Constipation :
Pain in Symptoms in Clinical picture of typical ( classic ) appendicitis in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
Course & duration :
Onset of Pain in Symptoms in Clinical picture of typical ( classic ) appendicitis in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
Acute onset
Character of Pain in Symptoms in Clinical picture of typical ( classic ) appendicitis in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
- in non obstructive type
* in obstructive type.
Character of Pain in non obstructive type in Symptoms in Clinical picture of typical ( classic ) appendicitis in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
- diffuse dull ache
Character of Pain in obstructive type in Symptoms in Clinical picture of typical ( classic ) appendicitis in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
Site of Pain in Symptoms in Clinical picture of typical ( classic ) appendicitis in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
around the umbilicus (both appendix
and umbilicus are supplied by T10).
Course & duration of Pain in Symptoms in Clinical picture of typical ( classic ) appendicitis in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
- Within several hours, the pain starts to localize in the right iliac fossa.
- It is stabbing or stitching
the reason why the character of pain becomes stabbing or stitching after localization in the righ iliac fossa in Symptoms in Clinical picture of typical ( classic ) appendicitis in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
due to spread of the inflammatory process through the wall of the appendix to affect the parietal peritoneum (somatic pain).
Typical sequence of pain of acute appendicitis
Diffuse pain around umbilicus followed by localization in the right iliac fossa
Nausea rather than vomiting in Symptoms in Clinical picture of typical ( classic ) appendicitis in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
- Etiology of nausea
- Vomiting is prominent in obstructive appendicitis.
- If persistent, it indicates a complication
Etiology of nausea in Symptoms in Clinical picture of typical ( classic ) appendicitis in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
- Abdominal pain ~~ sympathetic stimulation ~~ pyloro spasm ~~ nausea and mild vomiting
- Any GIT upset ~~ stimulation of enterochromaffin cells ~~ serotonin ~~ stimulate CTZ ~~ nausea and vomiting
Etiology of persistent vomiting in complicated appendicitis by Mass or abscess
Inflammation ~~ paralytic ileus
Constipation in Symptoms in Clinical picture of typical ( classic ) appendicitis in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
Rule out crohn’s, carcinoid tumour
It’s a Cause rather than sequelae
Chromaffin cells
in adrenal medulla
secretes Epinephrine and norepinephrine
secretes serotonin
origin of carcinoid tumour
Enterochromaffin-like cells
secretes histamine ~~ HCL
Examination in Clinical picture of typical ( classic ) appendicitis in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
General Examination in Clinical picture of typical ( classic ) appendicitis in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
- Temperature
2. Tachycardia corresponding to fever.
Temperature in General Examination in Clinical picture of typical ( classic ) appendicitis in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
Normal or Slight rise of temperature (37.2 - 38 degree C).
N.B : High fever arouses suspicion of peritonitis or abscess formation.
Local Examination in Clinical picture of typical ( classic ) appendicitis in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
(1) Localized tenderness at McBurney’s point.
(2) Rebound tenderness at McBurney’s point :
(3) Rovsing’s sign
(4) Blumberg’s sign
(5) Sherren’s triangle of hyperaesthesia :
(6) Baldwing’s sign
place of McBurney’s point
At the junction of the medial 2/3 and lateral 1/3 of a line between ASIS and umbilicus
Rebound tenderness at McBurney’s point in Local Examination in Clinical picture of typical ( classic ) appendicitis in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
Pain exaggerated over McBurney’s point on sudden
release of pressure by the hand or coughing
Rovsing’s sign in Local Examination in Clinical picture of typical ( classic ) appendicitis in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
Crossed tenderness
- Pressure on left iliac fossa causes pain felt in right iliac fossa (due to displacement of the gas inside the colon to caecum distending it & appendix, exaggerating the pain).
- Not present in every case.
Blumberg’s sign in Local Examination in Clinical picture of typical ( classic ) appendicitis in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
Crossed rebound tenderness
Indicate pelvic peritonitis rebound tenderness on both sides
Sherren’s triangle of hyperaesthesia in Local Examination in Clinical picture of typical ( classic ) appendicitis in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
It is triangle bounded by symphysis pubis, umbilicus & A.S.I.S.
Baldwing’s sign in Local Examination in Clinical picture of typical ( classic ) appendicitis in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
Straight leg raising sign
Raising straight the Rt. L.L causes pain due to pressure on the Rt. Iliac fossa.
Muscle guarding or rigidity over right iliac fossa denotes
Appendicular mass or abscess or perforation is about to occur, or has occurred.
Atypical presentations of acute appendicitis in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
(1) Long retrocaecal appendix :
(2) Pelvic appendicitis:
(3) Subhepatic appendicitis :
(4) Postileal appendicitis :
Long retrocaecal appendix in Atypical presentations of acute appendicitis in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
Tenderness over the right iliac fossa
If the appendix is in relation to ureter
If appendix is in contact with the psoas muscle (Psoas sign)
Tenderness over the right iliac fossa in Long retrocaecal appendix in Atypical presentations of acute appendicitis in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
may be minimal and elicited on deep palpation.
If the appendix is in relation to ureter in Long retrocaecal appendix in Atypical presentations of acute appendicitis in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
pain simulating ureteric colic will be misleading.
Psoas sign in Long retrocaecal appendix in Atypical presentations of acute appendicitis in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
- If appendix is in contact with the psoas muscle, psoas spasm may be sufficient to cause flexion of the hip joint.
- Extension of the hip causes abdominal pain.
Pelvic appendicitis in Atypical presentations of acute appendicitis in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
Symptoms related to the rectum or to the bladder
Zachary Cope sign :
Symptoms related to the rectum or to the bladder in Pelvic appendicitis in Atypical presentations of acute appendicitis in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
symptoms related to the rectum as tenesmus & diarrhea
symptoms related to the bladder as frequency of micturation
Tenderness in Pelvic appendicitis in Atypical presentations of acute appendicitis in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
Absence of tenderness over McBurney’s point.
Tenderness can be elicited on P.R. & P.V.
Zachary Cope sign in Pelvic appendicitis in Atypical presentations of acute appendicitis in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
- If the appendix is in relation to the obturator internus muscle, spasm of the muscle causes flexion & external rotation of the hip.
- So internal rotation of the flexed thigh will cause
abdominal pain.
Subhepatic appendicitis in Atypical presentations of acute appendicitis in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
Picture of acute cholecystitis
Postileal appendicitis in Atypical presentations of acute appendicitis in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
- Diarrhea.
* Portal pyaemia.
Pathogenesis of Diarrhea in Postileal appendicitis in Atypical presentations of acute appendicitis in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
Due to irritation ~~ mucus secretion
Pathogenesis of Portal pyaemia in Postileal appendicitis in Atypical presentations of acute appendicitis in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
Thrombophlebitis of iliocolic vein of the ileocolic vein leading to portal pyaemia.
Acute appendicitis in certain circumstances in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
- Acute appendicitis in children
- Acute appendicitis in old age
- Acute appendicitis in pregnancy
Pathogenesis of Acute appendicitis in children in Acute appendicitis in certain circumstances in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
- Rapid perforation
* Misdiagnosed as gastroenteritis.
Pathogenesis of Rapid perforation in Acute appendicitis in children in Acute appendicitis in certain circumstances in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
Less developed omentum
Pathogenesis of Acute appendicitis in old age in Acute appendicitis in certain circumstances in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
- Gangrene & perforation are more frequent
- Delay in diagnosis because of subtle symptoms
- Mimics subacute I.O leading to enema & perforation.
Cancer caecum should be suspected Due to obstruction not infiltration
Pathogenesis of Gangrene & perforation in Pathogenesis of Acute appendicitis in old age in Acute appendicitis in certain circumstances in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
Gangrene & perforation are more frequent due to
atherosclerosis & weakness of the immune system
Pathogenesis of Acute appendicitis in pregnancy in Acute appendicitis in certain circumstances in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
Pain & tenderness are higher up.
Liable to perforation without localization
Misdiagnosed as pyelonephritis.
Pathogenesis of increased liability to perforation without localization in Pathogenesis of Acute appendicitis in pregnancy in Acute appendicitis in certain circumstances in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
as the omentum is elevated.
(1) Acute appendicitis with peritonitis :
(2) Acute appendicitis with a mass :
(3) Appendicular abscess :
Clinical picture of Acute appendicitis with peritonitis in CLINICAL PICTURE of complicated acute appendicitis in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
Tenderness and rebound tenderness all over abdomen
Absolute constipation
Clinical picture of Acute appendicitis with a mass in CLINICAL PICTURE of complicated acute appendicitis in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
a. Recent history of acute appendicitis 2-3 days before.
b. Constitutional manifestations of infection.
c. Frequent vomiting
d. The mass is firm, tender with ill-defined edge
e. Overlying muscle guarding.
f. Leucocytosis.
The reason why we can’t palpate the mass easily in Acute appendicitis with a mass in CLINICAL PICTURE of complicated acute appendicitis in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
due to Overlying muscle guarding
Clinical picture of Appendicular abscess in CLINICAL PICTURE of complicated acute appendicitis in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS
a. a. Recent history of acute appendicitis 5 days before.
b. The pain increases and becomes throbbing.
c. Persistent vomiting.
d. The temperature becomes hectic.
e The abscess may be pelvic & is best felt P.R. or P.V. as a tender pelvic mass.
f. Marked leucocytosis.
in Clinical picture of Appendicular abscess in CLINICAL PICTURE of complicated acute appendicitis in CLINICAL PICTURE of ACUTE APPENDICITIS , pointing is indicated by
Oedema of the overlying rectal or vaginal mucosa
- Appendicular mass & abscess formation.
- Perforation )> Localized or generalized peritonitis
- Resolution )> Recurrent appendicitis.
- Thrombophlebitis of the ileo-colic vein in post-ileal lie resulting in portal pyaemia ( very rare ).