(2) AAC and Communication Disorders Flashcards
How many __ million in the world can benefit from AAC
97 million people
What are the 7 developmental disorders
(1) Cerebral Palsy
(2) Down Syndrome
(3) ASD
(4) Global Delay and Learning Difficulties
(5) Sensory Impairment
(6) CAS
(7) Specific Language Impairment
____ is the general term for a number of neurological complications that affect movement and coordination
Cerebral Palsy
CP is usually caused by injury to the?
Injury to the brain before, during, or after birth
What are the three broad types of CP?
Explain each (keyword)
(1) Spastic CP
- muscle tone is tight
(2) Dyskinetic CP
- muscle movements are uncontrolled and involuntary
(3) Ataxic CP
- unsteady and shaky movements
In terms of cognition, most of those with CP are _____
Cognitively okay
They developed RL easily
T or F: An OT should be consulted to find the best switch access
Since eye-gaze technology might be an option
What are the factors to consider when tailoring AAC for cerebral palsy?
(1) Make items BIGGER or modify the size
(2) Control Sight
(3) Icons
What should we always consider in CP?
There are 2 answers
Consider motor and cognitive aspect
Down Syndrome is a ___ resulting from ______ resulting in _______
Down Syndrome are likely to have?
Reduced muscle tone, Heart Defects, Conductive Hearing Loss
Down Syndrome follows expected lang acquisition but there is ____
DS are what learners? They have difficulties with?
They are visual learners who have difficulty with higher language functions (abstract and reasoning)
Why is AAC helpful for DS patients?
(1) They can have physical anomalies and structural deviations affecting their speech
(2) Low tonicity
Factors to consider when tailoring AAC for DS
(1) Simple and Understandable Icons
(2) Add words for needs and wants
What should we always consider in DS?
Muscle tone of the patient
Autism Spectrum Disorder is a ______ which affects what?
Affects how they experience the world and interact with others
____ experiences of people with ASD are different
Children with ASD benefit from _____
Visual Support
What is the hallmark of ASD?
Communication Disorder
Factors to consider when tailoring AAC for ASD
(1) Icons should not be overwhelming
(2) Put quotes and phrases of needs and wants
Differentiate ASD with DS
(the keyword)
Down Syndrome = GENETIC condition
Autism Spectrum Disorder = DEVELOPMENTAL condition
Define Globally delayed
A child who does not reach a number of developmental milestones on time
If GD goes beyond the age of five it is now called?
Learning Difficulties
In learning difficulties, we now recognize the?
Cognitive tests
Usually, children with GDD have?
(1) Poor RL
(2) Limited Exposure which leads to limited schema
(3) They need more support to comprehend (like visuals)
Children with GDD need?
- ______ may be associated with other neurological conditions (like CP or genetic conditions)
Sensory Impairments
In affectations:
If there is only 1 Sensory impairment = _____
Hearing impairment = ______
Visual impairment = ____
1 sensory impairment = Normal Language Acquisition
Hearing Impairment = Language acquisition is likely affected
Visual Impairment = Likely develop language
T or F: During the first year or two of life, the child’s level of sensory impairment may not be known
This is why we find other ways to see how they make use of information (thru reciprocity and joint attention)
Define Joint Attention
Ability to share a focus of interest with other people
Define Reciprocity
Ability to mirror the facial expressions and body language of others
Why do sensory-impaired kids need AAC?
They have difficulty grasping concepts
Tool For those visually impaired kids?
Would it help them in communicating?
NO it would not help them in communicating
Difficulty making precise motor movements for speech
Childhood Apraxia of Speech
Individuals with CAS have difficulty in: (2 answers)
(1) Difficulty in producing Individual Sounds
(2) Sequencing those sounds to make words and phrases
T or F: Children with CAS have poor RL skills
They usually have good RL
When do you think it is okay to use AAC as mode for intervention in CAS?
(1) No improvement in motor speech intervention
(2) Consider the approach (Developmental or Activity/Participation)
(3) Differentiate (is it for comprehension or intelligibility)
What to include in the AAC for children with CAS?
(1) Functional words
(2) Everyway words
(3) Thoughts and Feelings
(4) Perception and Pronouns
Impairment that affects the development of receptive and expressive language
Specific Language Impairment
Children with specific language impairment have _______ abilities
Non-verbal Cognitive
T or F: Children with SIL need early extensive intervention
What terminologies should be included in the AAC of SIL
Function and Content Words
Differentiate Developmental from acquired/degenerative condition
Developmental = acquired language ATYPICALLY but still make progress
(atypical because the problems was there from the start and during acquisiton)
Acquired/Degenerative = acquired language in a TYPICAL WAY
(because the condition arrived later in life where the px already learned how to talk)
What is under acquired injury?
Brain and Head Injury
Result of a head injury, a stroke or a tumor
Brain and Head Injury
T or F: Brain and Head Injury patients’ symptoms vary depending on the part of the brain affected. There may be temporary or permanent cognitive, physical, sensory or language impairments
Patient with brain and head in jury usually have ____ (disorder)
What are the 2 under degenerative conditions in Childhood
RETT Syndrome and Muscular Dystrophy
Define RETT syndrome
Rare condition predominantly affecting girls
Typically appears 6-12 months
In RETT Syndrome: There is rapid regression between ____ years
1 - 4 years
In RETT Syndrome: What AAC competency is highly affected
Operational competency
How to envision the AAC board with children with RETT syndrome
(1) Big spaced out icons
(2) Placement of Eye level
Group of muscle-wasting conditions
Muscular Dystrophy
Muscular Dystrophy vary in?
What MD is the most severe one?
Vary in sensitivity
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. being the severe one
In Muscular Dystrophy: Legs weakened around what age
7 - 11 years old
In Muscular Dystrophy: Arms weakened around what age
12 - 14 years old
In Muscular Dystrophy: Ventilators at the age of
20s to 30s
T of F: AAC Board for MD is the same with CP (big icons)
What are the 5 under degenerative conditions in adulthood
Motor Neuron Disease
Multiple Sclerosis
Parkinson’s Disease
Alzheimer’s Disease
Huntington’s Disease
Group of progressive neurodegenerative diseases which attack the motor neurone and lead to weakness and wasting of muscles
Motor Neuron Disease
Group of conditions of the central nervous system where specific symptoms depend on which part of the nervous system was affected
Multiple Sclerosis
Progressive neurological condition
Parkinson’s Disease
What happens when a person has PD, there is reduction in ___
Reduction of dopamine in the brain
Leading to tremor, slow movements and stiff and inflexible muscles
What are affected in PD?
Operational and Movement
If there are tremors in PD, the icons should be__
There are also tools used to avoid missing out when pointing or missed hits
What is the most common cause of dementia?
Alzheimer’s Disease
What does Alzheimer’s Disease cause?
(1) Memory loss
(2) Difficulties with thinking, problem-solving, and language
In AD: It progresses over the age of
65 years old or older
Hereditary neurological disease
Huntington’s Disease
What does HD affect?
Affects movement, cognition, behavior, and language
In HD: AAC helps what aspect?
Behavior and Social Communication
Differentiate the last three diseases (PD, AD, HD)
PD: PROGRESSIVE neurological condition (P=P ; Parkinson’s = Progressive)
AD: Dementia
HD: HEREDITARY neurological disease (H =H ; Huntington’s = Hereditary)