2 Flashcards
methods that seek to obtain information about the social world that is already in or can be converted to numeric form
Quantitative Methods
methods that attempt to collect information about the social work that cannot be readily converted to numeric form
Qualitative Methods
a research approach that starts with a theory, forms a hypothesis, makes empirical observations, and then analyzes the data to confirm, reject, or modify the original theory
Deductive Approach
a research approach that starts with empirical observations and then works to form a theory
Inductive Approach
when two variables tend to track each other positively or negatively
Correlation or Association
the notion that a change in one factor results in a corresponding change in another
the outcome the researcher is trying to explain
Dependent Variable
a measured factor that researcher believers has a causal impact on the dependent variable
Independent Variable
a proposed relationship between two variables, usually with a stated direction