#2 Flashcards
Kept secret, especially because it would not be approved of.
surreptitious - подпольный, сделанный тайком, исподтишка
- Swollen and distended or congested.
2. Pompous.
- опухший
- напыщенный
Become larger or rounder in size, typically as a result of an accumulation of fluid.
swollen - вздутый
Bad-tempered and sulky; gloomy.
sullen - угрюмый
(Especially of a house or vehicle) in a state of severe disrepair.
ramshackle - разваливающийся
Wet thoroughly; soak.
drenched - промокший
Important; famous.
prominent - видный
(Of a resource) not yet exploited or used.
untapped - нетронутый
Acting with or showing care and thought for the future.
prudent - предусмотрительный
(Of regulations, requirements, or conditions) strict, precise, and exacting.
stringent - строгий
Extraordinary, especially extraordinarily large.
fabulous - баснословный, невероятный
Sleepy and lethargic; half asleep.
drowsy - сонный, навевающий дремоту
Of little depth.
shallow - мелкий, малой глубины, поверхностный
Abstaining from extramarital, or from all, sexual intercourse.
chaste - целомудренный
Showing gentleness and concern or sympathy.
tender - нежный