2 Flashcards
Goal of sustainable architectural design
Find architecture solutions that guarantee things
Sustain architecture goals: 3
Well being and coexistence of society
Sustainable architecture attempts to reduce negative effects: 2
Of or relating to immediate surroundings of something
Means buildings save cost in terms of energy and water and provide at least same ambient quality
Sustainable architecture vegans with what?
Sustainable planning
Social impacts on sustainable architectural design: 5
Health Safety Comfort Productivity Quality of life concerns
The fundamental principle of solar design is what?
Warming effects of suns rays which is achieved by glazing, orientation and thermal mass
Glass allows _____ or more of energy from sun through windows
90 percent
Double glazing is either ___ as good or _____ as bad
A small air gap between sheets of glass is considered what?
Good insulator
Double glazing has insulating power of what?
Single layer of bricks
Direction and height of sun in high northern latitudes and low southern latitudes changes during the year. T or F
Surfaces facing ____ recieve ____ all year round
Solar panels and windows that capture solar warming in winter should face close to what direction?
Shade all year round is called what
Northern exposure
Focus on insulation and minimizes glazing on that side of the facility
Northern exposure
what windows work best to maximize solar heating in winter?
Vertical windows facing south
The way a building can store and regulate internal heat
Thermal mass
Buildings that take a long time to heat up and cool down have a high what?
Thermal mass
High thermal mass examples
Low thermal mass examples
____ warms up quickly but does not stay warm for long
Sustainable architectural priorities: 4
Economy of resources
Life cycle design
Design for humanity and environment
Management and leadership
When hotels meet its own needs it becomes a true what?
Environmental consequences from procurement of materials to end of facility
Cradle to grave
Idea of reusing and recycling agricultural materials time and time again
Life cycle design
Ultimate aim of sustainable construction is?
Management and leadership
What buildings produce their own energy that is harvested on site with surplus fed back into the grid
Zero energy buildings
when all people at all times have access to sufficient, safe, nutritious food to maintain a healthy and active life
food security
sustainable agriculture is at the center of what concept?
food security
many food born diseases can be contributed too?
food and drinking water
contributes to increased and affordable items and low-priced food additives
intensive agricultural practices
what enters our body through water supply?
heavy metals
many food-borne pathogens contaminate food mostly due to what?
poor hygiene
health related concerns are directly related to what? 2
sugar and kinds of food consumed in the west which are high in fat content
food standards and certifications are what?
standards for organic agriculture have been…
on-going for 20 years
rules and regulations slightly differ from what?
US and EU
food rules and regulations slightly differ and apply to what percent of global market for _____ food
90 percent
crop rotation includes what?
nitrogen-fixing plants
gmo and ionization radiation is _____
nitrogen-fixing plants include
peas, clover, broad beans
selected for sustainability to given environmental conditions and farming practices
plant and animals species
what isn’t allowed in livestock farming?