2:4: Tengo/Tiene/TENÍA Flashcards
past tense of tengo and tiene.
your schedule
su horario
I had problems with your work yesterday… Is it possible to see me here Tuesday at 1:00, because I want to speak with you.
Yo TENÍA problemas con su trabajo ayer… ¿Es posible verme aquí el martes a la una, porque yo quiero hablar con usted.
By the way, did you have your schedule with you yesterday?
A propósito, TENÍA usted su horario con usted ayer?
Did you have your schedule?
¿TENÍA su horario?
I had a reservation here.
TENÍA una reservación aquí.
She had the schedule yesterday.
TENÍA el horario ayer.
I had problems with him.
TENÍA problemas con él.
The guy had your pen.
El tipo TENÍA su pluma.
…to be in a hurry
tengo/tiene prisa
to be right
tengo/tiene razón …
…to be hungry
tengo/tiene hambre
…to be thirsty
tengo/tiene sed
…to be hot
tengo/tiene calor