2-22 - Conj. Inflammation Flashcards
Describe lymphatic drainage of conj.
Lymph vessels at superficial and deep plexus of substantia propria.
Two groups of lymphatics:
- Lateral lymphatics – Drains to pre-auricular/parotide lymph nodes (in front of ear)
- Medial lymphatics – Drains to Submandibular lymph nodes (under jaw bone)
Follicles vs Papillae
- Subepithelial foci of hyperplastic lymphoid tissue in conj. Stroma.
- Made of central germinal cells surrounded by mature lymphocytes
- Multi discrete, slightly elevated, yellow-white nodules (like small rice grains)
- Avascular, w/ accessory vascularization (BVs run around it)
- Conjunctival epithelium hyperplasia
- Excessive growth causes folds/projections
- Vascular core w/ diffuse stromal infiltrate of variable inflammatory cells
- Appears red velvety, fine mosaic-like pattern of elevated red dots surrounded by paler channels
- Less specific diagnoses as can also be from different types of mechanical damage…
- Horner-trantas dots are gelantinous appearance at limbus
- Can coalesce into giant papillae if severe
- Excreted inflammatory exudates from conj. or microbe at conj.
True membranes: - Infiltrate superficial layers of conjunctival epithelium
- Very integrated w/ tissue so removal leads to tearing + bleed
Pseudomembranes: - Coagulated exudate adherent to inflamed conjunctival epithelium
- Peeling away will leave underlying epithelium intact
Bacteria conjunctivitis
- Common, self-limiting, topical antibiotic can be given
- Lots of different species can cause it
- Characteristic muco/purulent discharge = Eyes often glued together when waking. Px often rubs off in morning so we often don’t see this gunk and have to rely on their description of symptom.
- Characteristic Papillae
- Pseudomembrane if severe
- Injection also present
- Gritty sensation + mild irritation
- Unilateral, but can become bilateral due to hygiene
Viral conjunctivitis
(include time course, treatment)
Adenoviral keratoconjunctivitis
- Due to adenovirus most of the time
- Common + contagious
- Unilateral, often self-inoculate to bilateral
- Pharyngoconjunctival fever (PCF) seortypes 3, 4, 7 or Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis (EKC) serotypes 8, 19, 37
- Often systemic systems first before eye
- Watery discharge + follicles + lymphadenopathy
- Gritty sensation + mild irritation
- Often lead to keratitis (hence the name), which can affect vision
Desribe histology/layers of conj.
- 2-7 cells thick
- Has goblet cells
- Cuboidal/columnar at bottom but more squamous at surface
- Melanocytes at basal layer
Substantia propria = 2 parts.
- Adenoidal layer = lymphoid tissue
- Fibrous layer = Nerves, BVs, glands of Krause and Wolfring.
List non-specific signs and symptoms of conjuncitivitis
- Conjunctival reaction
- Discharge
- Chemosis (swelling of conj.)
- Follicles and papillae
- Membranes (+ pseudomembranes).
Can lead to cornea involvement, but conjunctivitis by itself doesn’t affect vision usually.
- Discomfort
- Lacrimation
Describe conj. reaction
Describe discharge
Both are more diffuse as oppose to focal, helps differentiate from other conditions.
- More redness due to BVs more red
- BVs vasodilate
- More red going away from limbus (as oppose to ciliary injection)
Exudate filtering through dilated BVs of conjunctival epithelium
- Variable quantity and quality.
- Watery (serous)
- Mucoid (stringy, ropy)
- Muco-purulent
- Moderate/severe purulent
Describe chemosis
Small but noticeable severe conjunctival swelling (oedema)
- Due to BVs leaking protein-rich fluid
- Appears as translucent blister or fluid-filled “sac”
- Folds may form in fornices
- Can protrude closed eyes if severe.