2 Flashcards
- Body is C - shape
One Lunar
Heart chambers formed, heart begins to beat as early as 14th day.
One Lunar
Arm and leg buds present.
One Lunar
Primary lung buds appear.
One Lunar
Well- marked midbrain flexure.
One Lunar
Length is 4-5mm, weight is .4gm.
One Lunar
Genital ridges appear at 5 weeks.
One Lunar
Half size of a pea
One Lunar
Head is large compare to trunk
Two Lunar
Fingers and toes are present
Two Lunar
Testes and ovaries distinct
Two lunar
Amniotic Fluid sorrounds embryo
Two Lunar
Assumes a human form
Two Lunar
Gestational sac visible by ultrasound
Two Lunar
Capable of some movements but too faint to be felt by mother
Two Lunar
Heart with valves and septum
Two Lunar
• Differentiation of cerebral cortex, meninges, ventricular foramens, cerebrospinal fluid circulation, spinal cord extends to entire length of spine.
Two Lunar
Occipication of occiput, mandible, and humerus
Two Lunar
Length is 25 cm., weight is 2 gram
Two Lunar
All body organs have begun forming.
Two Lunar
Ossification is spreading to other bones
Fingers and toes have nails.
If born at this time, may make spontaneous movement if still inside the amniotic sac or immersed in warm saline.
Crown rump length is 6 to 7 cm, weight is 19 gm.
Placenta fully developed and functioning.
Arm and leg ratio is proportional.
Blood is forming in the bone marrow.
Lungs have definite shape and vocal cords present.
Kidney begin to secrete urine.
Sucking reflex is present.
By 12 weeks, fetus moves body parts, swallows, practices inhaling and exhaling
FHT audible by doptone
Palate fuses, facial feature forming
Crown rump length is 12 cm, weight is 110 gm.