2/15 Flashcards
Inferior orbital wall frx associated with
Paralysis of vertical gaze
Infraorbital anesthesia
S wave has a little chair on EKG called and cause
Epsilon wave
Sudden death
Iron deficiency anemia lab test results should be
Generally low
Transferrin, RDW, and TIBC is high
Achilles rupture manage
Splint ankle in slight plantarflexion
Bupivacaine toxicity tx
Chest pain and SOB after working in farm silo dx
Nitrogen dioxide pneumonitis
ST depressions in anterior leads dx
STEMI posteriorly
Hypotensive bradycardia on Dig tx
Dig antibody
Transcutaneous icing and atropine don’t work for dig
Positive fast on unstable Pt next step
When to stop T1DM insulin pump
Assume it isn’t working and start insulin drip
Basal ganglia hypodensities ass with
CO poisoning
Nurse aids reduction movement
Elbow at 90 the. Supinate and flex
Or pronate at 90 degrees
Common perineal nerve supplies skin
Anterior shin
Top of foot
Radiation exposure good predictor of prognosis
Absolute lymphocyte count
Lower worse
Draining thoracentesis location
Two interapaces below full precussion
DIC labs
high INR
Low hgb and plt and fibrinogen
High ddimer
Cipro, augmentin, trim-sulfa
Gray pseudo membrane on gums dx
Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
Anaphylaxis epinephrine conc and peds dose
Depression medication adjusted presents with hypertension, tachycardia, fever, muscle rigidity dx and tx
Serotonin syndrome
Benzos and cypriheotadine
Hydration, cooling
Migraine meds increased now facial droop, miotic pupil, ST depressions, slurred speech, and burning sensation drug
Pulm wedge pressure only elevated in pulmonary edema from
Factor viii replacement in setting of bleeding dose
1U/kg increase circulating factor viii by 2%
Life threatening bleed need 100 % =50U/kg
Electroshock with normal EKG and negative UA next step
UA negative for myoglobin rules out rhabdo - only get CK If positive
Main risk factor for endometriosis after birth
Guillian -barre vs transverse myelitis
Transverse myelitis has a distinct cut off level of symptoms
Sepsis with headache and AMS
Leg bruising, low plt, elevated INR, schistocytes
Waterhouse-Friderichsen define
Complication of meningitis
Hemorrhages of adrenal glands causing adrenal failure
SBT if WBC is above
Pediatrics cervical spine location most common
PID tx
One time cefteiaxone and
Doxy 100ng bid for 14D
Azithro 1g one a week for two weeks
Verapamil is contraindicated one age and why
12mo or younger
Profound hypotension, cardiovascular collapse
Fever, tachycardia, HTN, extreme rigidity overdose on and dx
Antiemetic (metoclopramide and promethazine)
CNS stimulants
Neoroleptic malignant syndrome
Child knee pain and refusing to walk after trampoline next step
Tibial frx
Dental injury to Denton and enamel next step
Cover with calcium hydroxide paste
Preg mom in MCV ok initial exam next step
Cardiotoco monitor
Cellulitis with hx dialysis and recent admission abx
Amoxicillin and doxycycline Bc concern for MRSA Also could pick Amox and minocycline Trim-sulfa Clinda
Wilderness bite
Elapidae species is
Coral snake
System symptoms
Crotalidae species
Pit viper, local symptoms
Centruroides species
Swallows lye at intubation next step
Hx COPD presents with wheezing, leg swelling, third heart sound, a fib, Hypotensive Gave fluids and worsen BP and arrested Cause? See on US prior to fluids
Pulmonary hypertension
D sign
Vaginal discharge 9 year old
Staph, strep,
Most common presentation of adult ASD
Peritoneal dialysis infection
Not systemic
Intraperitineal abx
Chest tube without respiratory fluctuations or decrease drainage problem
Blocked up
Elevated INR with bleeding that has resolved tx
Oral vit K, and hold next dose
Concern for cavernous sinus thrombosis how to test
When fetus most prone to CNS issue with radiation.
Weeks 2-8
Intussecption imaging
Epistaxis after packing management
Follow up in 48hrs to remove
Dextromethorphan can cause
Serotonin syndrome
BMS vs serotonin syndrome
Serotonin syndrome has tremors and increased reflexes
LLQ abd, vomiting constipation, UA leuks but nothing else, white count and a lactate dx
Can irritate bladder
Toxic alcohol electrolyte abnl
D10 to what age group
Low sodium + seizure
Receive 3% saline
Next step
0.9% saline infusion
Intracranial brain bleed management
Head of bed 30
Neurosurge consult not really helpful
Stroke symptoms after diving tx
Arterial has embolism
Hyperbaric chamber
1 is in it 2 above 3 below 4 through it 5 erasure of growth plate
Peds ingestion
Confused, vomiting, transaminitis
Mandated reporting of in most states
Child and elderly abuse
Not epilepsy
Asa toxicity metabolic status
Respiratory alkalosis and metabolic acidosis
Paracentesis in obeses
Spinal needle
Asthma in pregnancy
Meds are safe
Most common atypical presentation of ACS in old ppl
Need to increase adensosine if Pt on
Painfual rash with oral lesions
Dx and exam finding
Hx of cold sore
Positive Nikolsky sign
Infectious causes are herpes and mycoplasma pneumonia
Facial swelling with frontal bone hole
Hole from abscess osteomyelitis
Toddler with no displace frx tibia next step
Ankle boot
Better than splint with less side effects
Toxic ingestion with episodes of coma/reap depression and agitation is
Iron ingestion best predictors of severity
Serum iron concentration
Meth and cocaine managmenet if tachycardia
Wide complex treat with sodium bicarbonate
Most specific exam find of acute otitis media
Bulging disc
X-ray position for retropharyngeal abscess
On inspiration with neck extension
Kid with prior sinusitis now with AMS and sepsis dx and test
Brain abscess
Ring enhancing lesion CT
Hodgkin lymphoma presentation
Painless cervical lymphadenopathy
As well as b symptoms
Drunk colleague with concern for Pt harm next step
Report to states physician health program