2 Flashcards
epidermis is
the outer most and thinnest layer of skin this layer is also called cuticle
destroys all microbial life
communicable or contagious
disease that spreads from one person to another
99% alcohol is used for
to remove stickiness , not designed to be used as a antiseptic on skin
high level disinfectant
kills most , close to hospital grade
what is bacteria
micro organisms that are found nearly everywhere and are knows as germs or microbes
what to do during a exposure incident
- stop the service put gloves on
- adress the fluid by double bagging in a sealable and marking it
- put on new gloves and continue the service
skin is composed of 2 main divisions
epidermis and dermis
tools and implements
disposable and non disposable items used in a service
hospital disinfectants
exclusive for cleaning blood and bodily fluids
SDS ( safety data sheet )
•product content
• hazards
• combustion levels
• storage requirements
procedure for decontamination
• clean items
• place into container of low level or high level for proper time amount
• remove from container and dry items after rinsing
chemical germicides for the skin only
parasites :
organisms that live on/in another living organism
skin is :
the largest and one of the most important organs of the body