2/106.05 Terrorism Liaison Officer (TLO) Program Flashcards
What is the departments policy when handling incidents involving matters of domestic/international terrorism and related criminal activities?
To handle with care and expertise, ensuring that every citizen’s civil rights, civil liberties and privacy are honored, that actions taken are in compliance with 28 CFR Part 23, and that existing laws, policies and procedures are followed.
What type of officers will be utilized in the TLO Program?
Whenever possible, Officers with specialized skills and training will conduct proactive activities to detect, disrupt or prevent terrorism precursors and related criminal activity.
What is the LVMPD Terrorism Liaison Officer Program (TLO)?
It is a multi-jurisdictional information sharing program between law enforcement and first responder agencies in Southern Nevada, managed through the Southern Nevada Counter Terrorism Center (SNCTC, commonly referred to as a “Fusion Center”) under the authority of the LVMPD Intelligence Led Policing Bureau (ILPB) as part of the Homeland Security Division.
Who make up LVMPD Terrorism Liaison Officers?
Commissioned and non-commissioned employees of the LVMPD, with access to law enforcement sensitive information, who have specialized skills and training to proactively develop, collect and retrieve information in a lawful manner; identify and report terrorists or suspects engaged in criminal activities; continually develop aggressive and innovative techniques designed to identify and ultimately neutralize subjects and enterprises; serve as a liaison between his or her bureau and the SNCTC/”Fusion Center” for appropriate information exchange.
What are the duties of a TLO?
One of the duties of a TLO is to keep their area command, bureau or unit of assignment current on events happening around the world and nationally and how they can affect Las Vegas (i.e. giving briefings and doing station level training).
Who are FLOs?
They are anyone in the state of Nevada working closely with public safety/homeland security community, who has been selected, trained and properly certified by the appropriate Nevada Fusion Center.
What must be considered in becoming a TLO?
It is mandatory for the officer to log onto www.SNCTC.org and complete the 10 module TLO basic on-line course.
Will POST credit be granted for the 10 module TLO basic on-line course?
Yes, five hours of POST credit will be granted once the course is successfully passed and the certificate is sent to LVMPD Advanced Training.
The TLO will receive training to:
- Recognize and report suspicious/potential terrorism and related criminal activities.
- Develop situational recognition, information analysis and information dissemination, threat vulnerabilities, domestic and international terrorism, and 28 CFR Part 23 compliance.
- Assist with contacting and developing relationships with the community they operate in, to educate and get them to involved in the various local, state and Federal initiatives.
- Teach businesses (such as storage facilities, beauty supply stores, etc.) about the seven signs of terrorism, how to file suspicious activity reports, and give ten a contact to reach out to when they see something they feel is suspicious and believe it could have a link to something greater.
- Fully utilize the resources/services available through the SNCTC, Advanced TLO/Station Coordinator, and the TLO program “Management Team”.
What is needed before being considered a FLO?
It is mandatory for the individual to log onto www.SNCTC.org and complete the 12 module FLO Basic Course.
The FLO will receive training on among others things:
Nevada FLO Program; An introduction and definition of Terrorism; 7 Signs of Terrorism; Fusion Center Overview; Information Classification & Operational Security; as well as Privacy & Legal Considerations.
What is the minimum OPSEC level for TLO officer, information or related program?
Law Enforcement Sensitive
Terrorism and Terrorist Related Crimes
Defined under LVMPD policy 5/213.04 “Terrorism Investigations, Intelligence Information and Related Situations.”
Terrorism Liaison Officer Program Section
the LVMPD TLO Program Section derives authority under the Intelligence Led Policing Bureau (ILPB) as part of the Homeland Security Division.
TLO Program Management Team
A team comprised of a Sergeant and commissioned officers who are trained and responsible for the over-all direction, implementation and administration of the TLO Program for LVMPD and the SNCTC participating local, state and federal agencies.
Terrorism Liaison Officer Program Manager
A LVMPD Sergeant trained to provide the TLO/FLO’s guidance and training developed in conjunction with SNCTC. The TLO-PM ensures the accurate and timely processing of Suspicious Activity Reports and information passed through various reporting mechanisms to the SNCTC and ensures operations are in compliance with 28 CFR Part 23. The TLO-PM attends weekly SNCTC meetings to convey pertinent information. The PM disseminates various local, star and federal initiative tasks, and provides feedback from the SNCTC to the TLO, TLO Sergeants and designated agency representatives.
Terrorism Liaison Officer-Sergeant (TLO-Sgt)
A law enforcement officer from the LVMPD or SNCTC partner law enforcement agencies trained as a TLO Sergeant and is selected by the SNCTC Terrorism Liaison Officer Program Manager to oversee the development and management of TLOs and/or FLOs assigned to their squad, unit, division department or agency. TLO Sergeants must complete the SNCTC.org TLO Basic on-line course, the Federal on-line 28 CFR Part 23 training, as well as attend related subject matter training as directed by the TLO PM.
Terrorism Liaison Officer-Advanced (TLO-Advanced)
A trained and certified TLO-Basic/TLO-Intermediate who is selected by the SNCTC Liaison Officer Program Manager to work in an overt capacity, to perform community awareness, information collection and sharing functions as well as developing resources in the community. Officer must complete the SNCTC.org TLO Basic on-line course, the Federal on-line 28 CFR Part 23 training, as well as attend related subject matter training as directed by the TLO PM.
Terrorism Liaison Officer-Intermediate (TLO-Intermediate)
A trained and certified TLO-Basic who is selected by the SNCTC or the LVMPD TLO Program Manager to perform community awareness, information collection and sharing functions. Officer must complete a letter of interest, accompanied by a letter of recommendation from their supervisor, and have an interview with the TLO Program Management Team. They will also have completed the SNCTC.org Basic on-line course, the Federal on-line 28 CFR Part 23 training, as well as attend related subject matter training as directed by the TLO PM.
Terrorism Liaison Officer-Basic (TLO-Basic)
Any law enforcement officer, firefighter, state or local investigator, Federal agent, military police/investigator, r other individual selected, trained and certified by a Nevada Fusion Center to recognize and report suspicious behavior or activities, working within the public safety/homeland security community.
Fusion Liaison Officer (FLO)
Anyone in the state of Nevada working closely with public safety/homeland security community, who has been selected, trained and properly certified by the appropriate Nevada Fusion Center.
28 CFR Part 23
28 CFR Part 23 is the Code of Federal Regulation which has the purpose of assuring that all criminal intelligence systems are utilized in conformance with the privacy and constitutional rights of individuals. 28 CFR Part 23 also states that the collection and maintaining of criminal intelligence information on an individual shall only exist when Reasonable Suspicion or Criminal Predicate has been established.
Civil Rights
This term is used to imply that the state has a role in ensuring all citizens have equal protection under the law and equal opportunity to exercise the privilege of citizenship regardless of race, religion, sex, or other characteristics unrelated to the worth of the individual. Civil rights are, therefore, obligations imposed upon the government to promote equality. More specifically, they are the rights to personal liberty guaranteed to all United States Citizens by the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments and by acts of Congress. Generally, the term civil rights involve positive (or affirmative) government action.
Civil Liberties
The term refers to fundamental individual rights such as freedom of speech, press or religion; due process of law; and other limitation on the power of the government to restrain or dictate the actions of individuals. They are the freedoms that are guaranteed by the Bill of Rights-the first ten amendments-to the constitution of the United States. Civil Liberties offer protection to an individual from improper government action and arbitrary government interference.
The term refers to the individual’s interests in preventing the inappropriate collection, use and release of personally identifiable information. Privacy interests include privacy of personal behavior, privacy of personal communication, and privacy of personal data. The U.S. Constitution does not explicitly use the word privacy, but several of its provisions protect different aspects of this fundamental right. Although there does not exist an explicit federal constitutional right to an individual’s privacy, privacy rights have been articulated in limited contexts by the U.S. Supreme Court. Privacy protections are numerous and include protection from unnecessary or unauthorized collection of personal information (e.g., eavesdropping), public disclosure of private facts, and shame or humiliation caused by release of personal information.
What is the primary duty of FLO’s and TLO’s?
To maintain situational awareness regarding homeland security trends and activities, as well as to actively use the suspicious Activity Report submission form to report suspicious activity encountered.