2/10 Hypothal Pit Pharm - Pilch Flashcards
hypothalamic-pituitary endocrine system
hypothalamic factors → regulate release of anterior pituitary hormones
anterior pit hormones (except prolactin) → stim hormonal production in endocrine gland, liver, bone, tissues
post pit hormones → act directely on target tissues

req during childhood, adolescence for attainment of normal adult size
growth-promoting effect mediated mainly by IGF1
- bone growth → linear height
- anabolic effects in muscle → incr muscle mass
- catabolic effects in lipid cells → decr adiposity
- induces insulin resistance
tx: recombinanty human GH/rhGH (Somatropin, Somatotropin)

growth hormone deficiency
children: short stature
adults: generalized obesity, reduced muscle mass, asthenia, reduced cardiac output
tx with rhGH → reversal of manifestations
- can also be used to treat conds assoc with short stature that are NOT caused by GH def
- tox_children: psudotumor cerebri, progression of scoliosis, edema, hyperglycemia
- check for def in other ant pit hormones requiring tx
- tox_adults: periph edema, myalgias, arthralgias (hands/wrists) remit with dose reduction
- carpal tunnel
rh IGF1
good for severe IGF1 deficiency
tox: hypoglycemia (poss due to potnetiation of action of insulin via activation of insulin receptor)
GH antagonists
what conds?
two types and examples
GH producing cells in ant pit can form GH-secreting adenomas → acromegaly
somatostatin analogs
- n/v, abd cramps, flatulence, gallstones, sinus bradycardia, conduction issues
GH receptor antagonist
complementary fx in reproductive process
- used in states of infertility to stimulate spermatogenesis induce ovulation
- most common use: controlled ovarian hyperstim (COH) in assisted repro procedures like IVF
FSH (follicle stim hormone)
- three purified forms available
- urofollitropin (uFSH) : from urine of postmenopausal women
- follitropin alpha, follitropin beta : recombo FSH (rFSH) w short halflife
LH (luteinizing hormone)
- lutropin alpha : recombo LH (rLH) approved for use only in combo with follitropin alpha → stim follicular devpt in infertile women with LH def
hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin)
- produced by placenta, excreted into urine
- two forms available:
- extracted/purified from urine
- chriogonadotropin alpha : recombo hCG (rHCG)
women tx with gonadotropins, hCG
two serious complications:
- ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS)
- ovarian enlargement, ascites, hydrothorax, hypovolemia → shock
- multiple pregnancies
GnRH agonists
usage x4
- pulsatile secretion of GnRH from hypothal stimulates production and release of ant pit gonadotropins (FSH, LH)
- sustained NON-pulsatile admin of GnRH or GnRH agonists inhibits pit release of FSH, LH
gonadorelin (acetate salt of human GnRH)
goserelin, histrelin, leuprolide, nafarelin, triptorelin (synthetic GnRH agonists)
clinical application
endometriosis: cyclical abd pain in premenopausal women due to estrogen-sensitive endometrium-like tissue outside uterus
- reduced by abolishing exposure to cyclical changes in estrogen/progesterone that occur during menses
- tx with continuous GnRH agonist → reduced estrogen/progesterone levels, prevents cyclical changes
- leuprolide, goerelin, nararelin
uterine leiomyomata (fibroids): benign, estrogen-sensitive, fibrous growths in uterus → menorrhagia, anemia, pelvic pain
- tx 3-6mo with continuous GnRH agonist → reduce fibroid size + (combo with Fe) improve anemia
- leuprolide, goserelin, nafarelin
- prostate cancer
- combo tx with continuous GnRH agonist and androgen receptor antagonist (flutamide, bicalutamide) → reduces serum testosterone levels/effects
- knocks down both pit/testes testosterone AND adrenal androgens
- leuprolide, goserelin, histrelin, triptorelin
- combo tx with continuous GnRH agonist and androgen receptor antagonist (flutamide, bicalutamide) → reduces serum testosterone levels/effects
central precocious puberty: onset of secondary sex chars before 7-8yo girls, 9yo boys
- tx: cont GnRH agonist for tx of GnRH-dep CPP if:
- child’s final height would be signif compromised
- child in signif emotional distress due to devpt of pubertal secondary sex chars
- leuprolide, annual implant of histrellin (until 11 in females, 12 in males)
- tx: cont GnRH agonist for tx of GnRH-dep CPP if:
GnRH agonist toxicities
continuous tx?
- hot flashes, sweats, headaches
- depression, diminished libido, generalized pain, vag dryness, breast atrophy
- ovarian cysts within 2mo, usually resolve after 6wk
- osteoporosis with prolonged use
- need to monitor bone density
- hot flashes, edema, gynecomastia, decr libido, decr hematocrit, reduced bone density, asthenia
GnRH receptor antagonists
mech: inhibit secretion of FSH and LH in dose-dep and more complete manner than GnRH agonists
- ganirelix, cetorelix : controlled ovarian hyperstim procedures (lower risk of OHSS)
degarelix : symptomatic adv prostate cancer
- → signs and sx of androgen deprivation (hot flashes, edema)
dopamine agonists
standard pharm tx for hyperprolactinemia: elevated serum PRL commonly caused by presence of PRL-secreting adenoma
- women: amenorrhea, galactorrhea
- men: loss of libido, fertility
tx: bromocriptine, cabergoline (ergot deriv w high affinity for D2 receptors)
- shrink pituitary PRL tumors, lower circulating PRL levels, restore ovulation in 70%_F_microadenoma, 30%_F_macroadenoma
tox: nausea, headache, light-headedness, orthostatic hypoTN, fatigue, possible psych manifestations
- cabergoline has fewer side effects than bronocriptine BUT assoc with cardiac valvulopathy
oxytocin is a post pit hormone imp for labor/delivery (incr freq and force of uterine contractions), milk ejection in lactation
synthetic oxytocin
- induction of labor for early vag delivery (uncontroled mat diabetes, worsening preeclampsia, intrauterine inf)
- postpartum: controlling uterine hemorrhage due to uterine atony
- excessive stim of uterine contractions → fetal distress, placental abruption, uterine rupture
- inadvertent activation of ADH receptors → fluid retention, water intox → hyponatremia, heart failure, seizures
contraindications: fetal distress, abnormal fetal presentation, cephalopelvic disproportion, predisp for uterine rupture