2-1: Do Not Want to Miss List 1 Flashcards
Don’t want to miss list
- Major depression
- Suicide risk
- Femoral head and neck fractures
- Cauda equina syndrome
- Cervical myelopathy
- Abdominal aortic aneurysm
- Deep venous thrombosis
- Pulmonary embolism
- Atypical myocardial infarction
Rates of depression for men and women
10-25% (women)
5-12% (men)
Clinical manifestations of depression 1
Patient responds “yes” to one or either of the following:
- Over the past 2 weeks have you felt: (1) down, depressed or hopeless, (2) little interest or pleasure in doing things?
Follow with #2
Clinical manifestations of depression 2
Noting 3-4 of the following:
- Significant weight change
- Insomnia or hypersomnia
- Psychomotor agitation, retardation
- Fatigue
- Feelings of worthlessness, guilt
- Difficulty concentrating, thinking
- Recurrent thoughts of suicide
Common Risk Factors associated w/ suicide risk
- Gender
- Widowed, divorced, living along
- Hx of psychiatric illness
- Previous attempt
- Hx of chronic progressive illnesses
- Recent significant loss
- Unemployed
- Sense of hopelessness
- Family hx of suicide completion or attempts
Gender and suicide
- Males –> higher rate of completion
- Females –> high rate of attempts
Psychiatric illness and suicide
Primarily major depression and/or alcohol abuse
Diagnostic use of pt expressing thoughts of death
- 100% sensitive
- 81% specificity
- 5-9% positive predictive value
Diagnostic use of pt wishing they were dead
- 92% sensitivity
- 93% specificity
- 14% positive predictive value
Management of suicidal patients
- Find out if they have a plan in place
- Are resources related to patient readily available (i.e. gun or meds)
- Who should be contacted?
Clinical manifestations of femoral head/neck fracture
- Pain and local tenderness
- Deformity
- Edema
- Ecchymosis
- Loss of general function and mobility
a discoloration of the skin resulting from bleeding underneath, typically caused by bruising
What percentage of those suffering a hip fracture die w/in a year?
Mechanisms of injury potentially causing a fracture
- Trama
- Slip vs fall
- Sneeze
- Lifting a gallon jug
- Opening a stuck window
Disorders associated w/ compromised bone density
- Chronic renal failure
- GI malabsorption syndrome
- RA
- Ankylosing sponylitits
- Hyperparathryroidism
- Hyperthyroidism
- Hypogonadism
- Type II diabetes
- Multiple sclerosis
- Chronic alcohol dependency
- Cushing’s syndrome
Medications or substances associated w/ compromised bone density
- Aluminum
- Anticonvulsants
- Corticosteroids
- Cytotoxic drugs
- Excessive thyroxine
- Heparin, warfarin
- Methotrexate
- Caffeine (>3 cups of coffee worth)
- Tobacco
- Soft drinks
Risk factors for fatigue fractures
- Female
- Hormonal mentrual irregularities
- Involved in running, jumping, marching activities
- Change in training program or routine (new, increased activity, footwear, surface, etc)
- Nutrition deficiencies
- Leg length discrepancy
- Diminished strength
Clinical exam for fracture
- Patellar-pubuc percussion test
- Fulcrum
Clinical manifestations of cauda equina syndrome
- Saddle anesthesia
- Bowel incontinence
- Reduced anal tone
- Leg pain
- Back pain
Are urinary symptoms used for CES?
What are considered good screenings for CES according to Gooding et al? More specific or sensitive?
- Bilateral LE weakness/sensory change
- Abnormal reflexes
- Specific
Clinical manifestations for cervical myelopathy (history)
- Impaired hand dexterity
- Gait, balance difficulties (legs are weak, stiff)
- Numbness, paresthesia (upper and possibly lower ex)
- Neck stiffness
- Urinary dysfunction (retention, possibly urgency and frequency)
Clinical manifestations for cervical myelopathy (physical exam)
- Hand intrinsic atrophy
- Muscle weakness, often of triceps or hand intrinsic
- Muscle weakness of LE (proximal muscles)
- UMN signs (hyperactive DTR, clonus, + Babinski and Hoffman)
Risk factors for cervical myelopahy
- C-spine spondylotic changes
- Mid 50s-60s and beyond
- Hx of neck trauma (MVA, sports injury)
- RA