1ZM11 authors and papers Flashcards
Gupta & Zeithaml (2004)
Customer matrices and their impact on financial performance
Terho, et al. (2017)
Selling value in business markets: individual and organizational factors for turning the idea into action
Rust, Lemon & Zeithaml (2004)
Return on marketing: using customer equity to focus marketing strategy
Sinapueles, Wang & Bohlmann (2014)
The interplay of innovation, brand and marketing mix variables in line extensions
de Wulf, et al (2001)
Investments in customer relationships: a cross-country and cross-industry exploration
Lee & O’Connor (2003)
New product launch strategy for network effects products
Schuhmacher, Kuester & Hultink (2017)
Appetizer or main course: early vs majority market go-to-market strategies for radical innovations (customer innovativeness)
Coviello & Joseph (2012)
Creating major innovations with customers: insights from small and young technology firms
Cui & Wu (2016)
The impact of customer involvement on new product development (CIS & CIC)
Arts, Frambach & Bijmolt (2011)
Generalization on consumer innovation adoption: a meta-analysis on drivers of intention and behavior
Rosa & Spanjol (2005)
Micro-level product-market dynamics: shared knowledge and its relationship to market development
Tripsas & Gavetti (2000)
Capabilities cognition, and inertia evidence from digital imaging
Luca & Kwaku (2007)
Market knowledge dimensions and cross-functional collaboration: examining the different routes to product innovation performance
Ernst et al. (2010)
Sales, marketing, and R&D cooperation across NPD stages: implications for success
Homburg, Theel & Hohenberg (2020)
Marketing excellence: nature, measurement and investor valuations